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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
Isn't death a reality?

Why do people die or what causes people to die?

We die through illness, or because our body wears out due to old age. All part of the evolutionary process. If no one died the world would soon become overpopulated. I hope oblivion awaits me when I die, heaven and hell seem very unpleasant concepts!


Rogue Theologian
Isn't death a reality?

Why do people die or what causes people to die?

You were never intended to live forever...physically.

You will die for one of two causes....accident or disease.

Life is a learning experience.
What you learn, you take to the spiritual life.


Rogue Theologian
We die through illness, or because our body wears out due to old age. All part of the evolutionary process. If no one died the world would soon become overpopulated. I hope oblivion awaits me when I die, heaven and hell seem very unpleasant concepts!

As many times as you have responded to this thread...and each time with denial.....

It seems the hereafter is more a worry to you than anything else.


Well-Known Member
As many times as you have responded to this thread...and each time with denial.....

It seems the hereafter is more a worry to you than anything else.

No it isn't. It was when I was a child but at the age of 60 I realise that we have no idea if the consciousness survive death and if it does how that will play out. The heaven and hell idea is the product of human imagination.


Jesus in me
No. It's too late to recant at that point. Turning to God slightly before death is more timely. Turning to God after you're dead is like deciding to go over Niagara Falls in a barrell and having second thoughts about it just as you go over the edge.

I am reading the book "Miracles Can Be Yours" by pat Robertson. In it he tells the story of a woman who died but her church prayed her back to life again. She states that she could hear the people around her talking (the doctors said she was brain dead). She also says that she prayed the sinners prayer and asked Jesus to send her back to care for her children.

IMO, if you aren't in hell yet, there is still time to repent dead or not.


Jesus in me
We die through illness, or because our body wears out due to old age. All part of the evolutionary process. If no one died the world would soon become overpopulated. I hope oblivion awaits me when I die, heaven and hell seem very unpleasant concepts!

You can hope but the witnesses say otherwise. For those not going to Heaven, there usually is reincarnation, however the end-time may come in your lifetime which means that Hell is a very real possibility for you. There is still time to repent and be gathered into the Kingdom of God and ascend into the New Jerusalem but a failure to be gathered means that you will be here when the fire comes.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
No it isn't. It was when I was a child but at the age of 60 I realise that we have no idea if the consciousness survive death and if it does how that will play out. The heaven and hell idea is the product of human imagination.

If we have no idea if the consciousness survives death, how can you be so certain that heaven and hell are not real?


Jesus in me
I agree, it is unfair. I believe salvation is a gift that you can choose to accept or reject.

I'm not hung up on "right choice", "wrong choice". I believe there are many choices.

To quote the music group Rush, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice".

This does not take into account the question of "real evidence." I do not have to go far to realize that I have had lust and anger in my life or to realize that I have been greedy for food and money. The real evidence of sin lies within a person. Of course there is always the sin of pride which says there is no sin. A person has to make a choice whether to obey those sinful impulses or bind them and for those who do not have strength to bind their impulses Jesus has promised to provide that strength.

However those who love sin usually justify it by saying there is no reason to consider it sin. However the Apostle Paul made it abundantly clear that sin can be recognized by its fruit (wages) which is death.

There are consequences to actions. A person who drinks too much can encounter many, one is vehicular homicide by getting behind the wheel of a car drunk, with jail time as a result. There can be a rude awakening in a strange womans bed and the possiblity of a disease as a result. There is liver failure, smothering to death in ones own vomit. The list goes on but the ideas are real evidence and some of them I have heard from witnesses who have been through it.


Well-Known Member
You can hope but the witnesses say otherwise. For those not going to Heaven, there usually is reincarnation, however the end-time may come in your lifetime which means that Hell is a very real possibility for you. There is still time to repent and be gathered into the Kingdom of God and ascend into the New Jerusalem but a failure to be gathered means that you will be here when the fire comes.

No one has come back from the dead, anyone who claims people have done so is lying, imo!


Well-Known Member
Hell is an unfortunate consequence, like giving yourself esophageal cancer after many years of heavy alcohol and tobacco consumption. Or morbid obesity after years of binge-eating.

There is NO evidence hell exists, unlike compelling evidence that you can give yourself cancer by abusing your body!


Well-Known Member
If we have no idea if the consciousness survives death, how can you be so certain that heaven and hell are not real?

I can't, but they seem to be very human creations and pretty unlikely scenarios, especially the more extremist views of those places!


Searching Low & High
Hell is an unfortunate consequence, like giving yourself esophageal cancer after many years of heavy alcohol and tobacco consumption. Or morbid obesity after years of binge-eating.

It only applies if you buy into the whole heaven/hell enchilada. And while you might live your life fearing Hell in the afterlife if you are a bad boy, that is no guarantee it's really there. ;)


>>Thief> As many times as you have responded to this thread...and each time with denial..

It seems the hereafter is more a worry to you than anything else.

Very True. Its widely noted that those who actually fear God, indeed know it deep inside that He exists and So do Heaven and hell. Its only fear of this possibility to be true and the denial of retribution and fear of going through a fair trial, that scares the hell out of them literally and they don't want to believe in it. Thats a pity, because they Also deny themselves Heaven, and that's really pessimistic.

>>mickeil >> I really am looking to understand God, but not this God that humans teach, but the real God of Love , Joy and Peace. Not this God of eternal hell punishing, but the God of Patience, forgiveness and Mercy. You know, the real God, not this insane lunatic that many are trying to pass God off as being. You know, this lunatic that will place humans in this eternal Pain amphlipier and punish them for billions upon trillions of untold time and on into infinity. I just can't imagine how out of control this hell fire belief has gotten. And how much these bloodthirsty christians who teach it have ruined Gods reputation.

Well, don't you think its unfair to want to believe in God as it suits us rather than what He is all about actually? For someone who wants to believe that there is no Hell, actually knows quite precisely that it is real, otherwise he wouldn't worry. Denying something doesnt make reality go away.. Its as if the concept of hell was ingrained by God himself, otherwise there's no justice on earth.
>>mickiel >>The eternal punishing of anything, muchless a human, is a sick concept, yet many believers have swallowed it into their belief, hook, line and sinker. And THAT is evidence of just how much foolishness we will absorb.
That said, the truth is that

The concept of 'No Hell' would be more sickening actually. To even suggest that a few privileged people believe that life is fair on earth and everybody has had it fair with them, is pure cruel insensitivity. Just have a look on the poor African countires and justify their below the human line survival desperation, its just downright brutal and pitiless to consider all this a fair trial.

Please keep in mind the innocent and the needy while pushing to justify a greed driven, grief stricken, Man driven world. It is Man solely who is to be blamed for all the injustice, not God.

Do your research carefully about the richest families of the world and how they live and compare it with the survival efforts of the unfortunate & deprived, The truth is screaming at our faces about who's to blame for the extreme poverty of large amounts of unfortunate people. And to deny that truth is the biggest Injustice.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
It only applies if you buy into the whole heaven/hell enchilada. And while you might live your life fearing Hell in the afterlife if you are a bad boy, that is no guarantee it's really there. ;)

Unfortunately, there's only one way to find out if hell is real or not. But the Gospel of Jesus is not a message of fear. It's not a message of doom or hopelessness. It is the Good News. (The word gospel literally means "good news.") I don't know you from Adam, NeoSeeker, but I am sincere when I urge you to come to Christ for the right reason. Fear of hell is the wrong reason.

Jesus Christ does not work though fear.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
The 'you must be saved' dogma is of course one of fear!

It is an appeal to fear, I agree. But sometimes appeals to fear are more expedient than appeals to love. In my opinion, it's more expedient to the cause of evangelization to tell someone about the love of Jesus than the horror of eternal damnation. More flies with honey and all that. :)