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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Where in the bible does it state that a certain group of people will burn forever in hell as punishment for there sins on earth? What sins are considered justifiable to receive this punishment?

Revelation 20 -15

If anyones's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

It does not say a "certain group of people". There is no sin too small or too great.

All men are sinners. We all fall short. What everyone misses is, it is not about sin, it is about forgiveness. It is about belief. It is about grace. Most of all it is about having your name written in the lamb's book of life. If your name is not there, you suffer the consequences.


Worshipper of Athe.
Have you ever wondered WHY you dont have the ability to believe that god exists but others do?

I do have the ability to believe in god. I did believe in god for many years.

Now, do you have any actual responses to any of my points?

Reverend Rick said:
It does not say a "certain group of people". There is no sin too small or too great.

All men are sinners. We all fall short. What everyone misses is, it is not about sin, it is about forgiveness. It is about belief. It is about grace. Most of all it is about having your name written in the lamb's book of life. If your name is not there, you suffer the consequences.

Does it occur to you that this god of yours is evil, by your own description? If this is how god is, then we are morally obligated to fight against him. Luckily, he doesn't exist.


Miss Independent
I do have the ability to believe in god. I did believe in god for many years.

Now, do you have any actual responses to any of my points?

Does it occur to you that this god of yours is evil, by your own description? If this is how god is, then we are morally obligated to fight against him. Luckily, he doesn't exist.

You say that you have the ability to believe in god and did for many years, but then you turned atheist? Why? Was it easier to make god dissapear? I know that you think that you are lucky that god does not exist. But i consider myself lucky that he does. I guess you have to lump in your support somewhere.

And this is my ACTUAL response..if god couldnt please you, i doubt i can. I dont even think you are sure about being an atheist. To be offended by god is no news to us...many people are...but to love him transcends all offense.

Why could you not love him when you did believe he existed?

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I do have the ability to believe in god. I did believe in god for many years.

Now, do you have any actual responses to any of my points?

Does it occur to you that this god of yours is evil, by your own description? If this is how god is, then we are morally obligated to fight against him. Luckily, he doesn't exist.

My God is all things. We where made in his image. He can be kind and forgiving and be jealous and vengeful as well.

I know this is off topic, but if you have studied anything metaphysical or magickal, the most powerful energy is balanced energy. You have to have both good and bad in perfect balance. Perhaps, just perhaps that is why God is all powerful. He is the best and the worst in perfect balance, Alpha and Omega.


Well-Known Member
And then you presented what you believed to be the meaning. That's translating.

Oh brother. I will let you just think on that.

But this begs the question; why do you trust the out-of-context translations of the dictionary over the teams of translators who worked on the NIV or the NRSV?

Actually i rely on the bible to show the meaning of things/symbols--- the human dictionaries are just a back up. I compare spiritual with spiritual.

1Co 2:13 - Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
Isa 28:10 - For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
These two verses ARE WAY OVER YOUR HEAD for understanding so you will have no idea what it means

Please stop making statements without any evidence.

Like i said before, one of the many proofs that there is a God is the fufilled prophecies...Even the fall of the Twin Towers is in there. I could direct you to a paper where it proves that these two towers are the only towers that the Word of God could be talking about!

No, I simply can tell the difference between things that require specialization and things that don't. It doesn't take years of research to discover that the Catholic church added and omitted things. It doesn't take years of study to understand most political issues. It DOES take years of study to understand the subtle differences between two meanings of a word in different contexts.

Right and you would also be able see the biasedness in many of the interpretations of most theologians who wanted to protect a doctrine that they believe in. It doesnt take a specialist to notice some one errors. Come on now.

Did you read my post about context or did you just choose to ignore it? Or, are you claiming that you have enough expertise to tell from the context the subtle difference between the meanings?

The context of the Word of God is Love. Why is it so hard for you to accept that anyone can notice things that are not correct with something and they dont have to be a specialists in whatever to be able to see this. Im not an engineer but i write planning and other stuff from govt blueprints and i SHOW ENGINEERS WHERE THEY ARE WRONG ON SOMETHING. Specialists are not perfect. Why cant you see this?

You look up a few words and think that you're more qualified to translate than teams of translators who have devoted their lives to understanding a language. That's not homework; it's tantamount to a first grader learning addition and subtraction, then disagreeing with a professor on the Rhiemann hypothesis.

A first grader who reads a note from their teacher and see that his or her teacher spelled a word wrong is equivalent to me seeing where a professor on the Rhiemann hypothesis did not use a word correctly. Oh boy.

The difference is that atheists investigate further and (in the case of atoms and bacteria) produce evidence, while theists often just assume it is god and stop investigating. If presented with evidence, they often ignore it in favor of their previously held, unbased beliefs about god.
I will agree in some of that and you are guilty of it too going by some of the stuff you posted (See your replies in this post). You and most people dont investigate further and just accept that the bible translation they are reading is correct because it was done by specialists "who wouldnt have any biased opinion" when translating. As for you, you just accept any specialists in whatever to be the authority. Its naive to do such.

Obviously, god is not energy. I believe in energy; I do not believe in god.

Well since you put it that way.....oh brother!

What your argument is, essentially, is "I have seen the future and you will be wrong", which you haven't. Therefore your argument again lacks basis.

If you believe that then since you say God is not energy because you believe in energy, i guess i can say i can see the future and you will be wrong. Give me a break

Ah, great argument. "Your fingers are touching a keyboard. Therefore, God exists."

lets me say it again because its fun..."God is not energy because i believe in energy".

Ah great argument!

No, it takes two leaps of faith to believe that the universe has a creator: 1) Everything in this universe came from a creator, and 2) The creator just came out of nothing.

Ah you made me laugh really with this one. Its pretty funny.

Leaps for atheists to believe in no Creator: 1) Energy just came out of nowhere or without start 2) This energy has an order to it without any randomness that is somehow with out a Creator. 3) This order somehow has been maintained for billions of years and the evolution of things just happen to turn out right.

Do i need to keep going?

Ah, so you're saying "It's sad if god doesn't exist. Therefore, god exists."

What exactly gives you less hope just because god doesn't exist? Furthermore, what's so good about false hopes?

I would rather enjoy my life and make a difference in the world than waste large chunks of it doing the work of a figment of somebody's imagination

Out of billions years that has already passed to now and then eternity in to the future you only get to live but a vapor for that time, is there any hope there? You hope to make the world a better place then die forever never to know if even what you did even had an impact. Yes thats the same level of hope that people who believe thier is a god of theirs that will bring them back to life forever (eonian).:no:

I would rather believe in a false god who says they will give me life again than believe that this is the only life we have and thats all we have to look forward to
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Miss Independent
You mean that "those who have that ability to believe that god exists" are gullible.:biglaugh:

No actually my god does not decieve me. He requires my co-operation by willingly cooperating with him.

Your god on the other hand, is leading you by the nose..he doesnt even ask your permission. He doesnt ask you to believe in him.

Id say you are the one that is gullible. Just because you deny my god exists, doesnt mean that your god doesnt! And he is having a field day with your mind. :biglaugh:
No actually my god does not decieve me. He requires my co-operation by willingly cooperating with him.

Your god on the other hand, is leading you by the nose..he doesnt even ask your permission. He doesnt ask you to believe in him.

Id say you are the one that is gullible. Just because you deny my god exists, doesnt mean that your god doesnt! And he is having a field day with your mind.

See, you don't understand anything. I don't have a god, so no one is leading me by the nose. I know this is hard for you to understand, but that's not my problem.

In your case, you've been brainwashed since you were little to believe in these fantastic, imaginary entities, and now you still believe in some magical, invisible friend. That is your problem.


Miss Independent
See, you don't understand anything. I don't have a god, so no one is leading me by the nose. I know this is hard for you to understand, but that's not my problem.

In your case, you've been brainwashed since you were little to believe in these fantastic, imaginary entities, and now you still believe in some magical, invisible friend. That is your problem.

Sorry to inform you monkey...but you have tried so hard to make god go away...that another god thought it was ok to move in.

You should have kept your wisdom and understanding to protect yourself. By your extrodinary efforts to liberate yourself from the god in the 'sky', it has invited the god of this earth to taken up residence. Have you noticed how snakes crawl into a sleeping bag when you are asleep?

That wasnt smart, was it?

Look around you? Is there anything here that doesnt have a head? Food chainds...food webs...there is always something at the top. You thought you were going to be the king of your own castle! LOL. Well at least your god makes you think you are. I think you should at least give him credit for his brilliant disguise. But while you were ranting and raving about there not being any proof of god...he didnt think to ask you permission to move in...you dont need proof that you are 'infected' do you?

PS: I wouldnt try and turn against your master..he isnt really fond of an insurrection.;)

Sorry to inform you monkey...but you have tried so hard to make god go away...that another god thought it was ok to move in.

You should have kept your wisdom and understanding to protect yourself. By your extrodinary efforts to liberate yourself from the god in the 'sky', it has invited the god of this earth to taken up residence. Have you noticed how snakes crawl into a sleeping bag when you are asleep?

That wasnt smart, was it?

Look around you? Is there anything here that doesnt have a head? Food chainds...food webs...there is always something at the top. You thought you were going to be the king of your own castle! LOL. Well at least your god makes you think you are. I think you should at least give him credit for his brilliant disguise. But while you were ranting and raving about there not being any proof of god...he didnt think to ask you permission to move in...you dont need proof that you are 'infected' do you?

PS: I wouldnt try and turn against your master..he isnt really fond of an insurrection.;)


The way you describe god, and that you see it obsessively everywhere, it's more like a disease, a disease that is infecting your mind. Consult a doctor before it's too late, or you'll lose your mind completely.


Miss Independent
The way you describe god, and that you see it obsessively everywhere, it's more like a disease, a disease that is infecting your mind. Consult a doctor before it's too late, or you'll lose your mind completely.

People all over the world are evolving..spiritually. By cutting yourself off from this evolution, you are the weaker specie..and what do you think your fate will be? Does natural selection ring a bell? Isnt spiritual selection that which the bible talks about all the time? Why dont you rather get with the program. You and your kind...be they smart...are not smart spiritually.

You do the science.



Miss Independent
Little monkey.....

LISTEN to your heart...TAKE the road less travelled....remember what it was like when you were a boy. Full of wonder, adventure and excitement. If you can tap into that wonder again...you will find god right there, smiling at you.

Now come on...stop this silliness and for your own sake ...EVOLVE! :yes:


LISTEN to your heart...

Toomp toomp.....toomp toomp.....toomp toomp.....

Heneni, you are asking someone to let God back in, to someone who does not believe in God.
You are asking someone to listen to his heart, while he takes stuff literally.
You are asking someone to think like a boy again, while he thinks that is the "imaginations" that messes things up...

This won't work ofcourse..


Miss Independent
Toomp toomp.....toomp toomp.....toomp toomp.....

Heneni, you are asking someone to let God back in, to someone who does not believe in God.
You are asking someone to listen to his heart, while he takes stuff literally.
You are asking someone to think like a boy again, while he thinks that is the "imaginations" that messes things up...

This won't work ofcourse..

Maybe monkey...when he was a kid...someone scorned his imagination. It happens when kids dream, and adults wake them up too soon. God requires us to believe in mystery and wonder and adventure...this is what he is.

You know...when you have a dad, that barely looks up at you from his newspaper, and barely notices you...youll be tempted to think that you need to perform to please god, do something awesome to grab his attention.

And when our imagninations are scorned.....we promise ourselves to never let ourselves get into that place of vulnerability again, lest we feel the shame again.

And then there are some of us, who find our niche in life. We are brilliant thinkers, scientist, doctors, philosophers...and we have learned to make people smile at us for being 'brilliant' at something...and if we dont continue that brilliance we are scared to be left outside in the cold. We vow to never be in a possition where we appear 'weak'.

If you want to have proof of god...you need to become like a child again.

But there you go...you win some, you loose thousands!



Well-Known Member
Wow Hen,

Little monkey first self deified,recognised himself,then his/our universe.He is exploring our universe(multiverse?) & has a better handle on it than yourself & any forces which act with us or seem to act against us.

To say LM lacks imagination is maybe the weirdest thing I have ever read on here,he is in actual fact very with it,having great answers leading to better questions and very much evolving/evolved.

It could be construed that you are asking him to Zombiefy himself unilaterally,so as to be a Politically Correct zombie,not neccessarily Christian,Xtian,muslim,my own beloved Voidian or whatever type zombie you reckon he is.

I say your argument is completely superficial with no strengh or depth & completely out of character.
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Well-Known Member
One needs no god to have imagination and wonder, many times imagination and wonder lead to one becoming an atheist.
People all over the world are evolving..spiritually. By cutting yourself off from this evolution, you are the weaker specie..and what do you think your fate will be? Does natural selection ring a bell? Isnt spiritual selection that which the bible talks about all the time? Why dont you rather get with the program. You and your kind...be they smart...are not smart spiritually.


You mean join the crazy club, right?