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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
You look to this guy for information?

1. The prophecies say nothing about becoming the richest, only that god controls the mechanism by which work becomes wealth.
2. These prophecies were spoken to the Israelites, not to the Americans, so if anything, American riches prove the prophecies to be false.
3. If Christianity equals wealth, then why was Mother Theresa so poor? And why is Kevin Federline wealthy? Furthermore, why did Jesus say "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to squeeze through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into the kingdom of God."

This is only true if you discount Hispanics. But sure, it's okay to ignore a few million people (let my sarcasm be noted).

Ah, yes, according to this prophecy a lot of really alive people (including myself) should be dead.

So these buildings were tall. But at the time, they weren't even the second tallest in the world: the Petronas Towers, in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, were the tallest.

Isaiah is considered the greatest of all Hebrew writers?

Who is he quoting when he says "a truly poetic soul" and "the Evangelist of the Old Testament"?

In what was was Isaiah a statesman?

Wait, what? Why does the fact that they are racially mixed matter? This is just plain racism.

This verse actually disproves his point. Note that even though there are dead bodies in the streets, Jerusalem is still referred to as "the great city".

Do I need to continue?

What this article amounts to is an attempt to biblically justify American imperialism which entirely fails due to the fact that the very verses that the author quotes don't even support his points. Even if you take the bible seriously, L. Ray Smith is wrong. If you don't take the bible seriously (as I do not) this article is flat-out ridiculous.

Just by your silly statements i can tell you didnt even read it. You skimmed over it.

What this article amounts to is an attempt to biblically justify American imperialism which entirely fails due to the fact that the very verses that the author quotes don't even support his points. Even if you take the bible seriously, L. Ray Smith is wrong. If you don't take the bible seriously (as I do not) this article is flat-out ridiculou

Lets see how silly you sound. He quotes scriptures to try to prove his points but the scriptures he quotes dont even support his points.

Your sentence is just like saying this--- He has pictures to prove that his cat is yellow with four very unique PURPLE spots but those pictures dont support or prove it is his cat.

Ridiculous absolutely ridiculous:slap::thud:


God's Warrior
I really am looking to understand God, but not this God that humans teach, but the real God of Love , Joy and Peace. Not this God of eternal hell punishing, but the God of Patience, forgiveness and Mercy. You know, the real God, not this insane lunatic that many are trying to pass God off as being. You know, this lunatic that will place humans in this eternal Pain amphlipier and punish them for billions upon trillions of untold time and on into infinity. I just can't imagine how out of control this hell fire belief has gotten. And how much these bloodthirsty christians who teach it have ruined Gods reputation.

The eternal punishing of anything, muchless a human, is a sick concept, yet many believers have swallowed it into their belief, hook, line and sinker. And THAT is evidence of just how much foolishness we will absorb.

The attributes of an Almighty God are resident. They never change. God is Graceful and Loving and Merciful. But He is also Fair and Just and Sovereign. God does not send people to hell, they send themselves. They choose to reject God all of their life, not wanting or seeking an active relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ. In essence, God gives some people exactly what they want.........eternal separation from Him.


Worshipper of Athe.
Just by your silly statements i can tell you didnt even read it. You skimmed over it.

I did read it, but that's irrelevant; whether or not I read it thoroughly I have presented clear evidence that L. Ray Smith is wrong. Unless you can provide evidence disproving my points, your original point based on Smith's article is also wrong.

AK4 said:
Lets see how silly you sound. He quotes scriptures to try to prove his points but the scriptures he quotes dont even support his points.

Your sentence is just like saying this--- He has pictures to prove that his cat is yellow with four very unique PURPLE spots but those pictures dont support or prove it is his cat.

No, I'm saying that he claims to have pictures to prove that his cat is yellow with four very unique purple spots, but then he presents a picture of an ordinary tabby. The point is that his evidence doesn't support his conclusions. You really need to work on your reading comprehension; your comparison wasn't even close to what I said.

Instead of trying to prove how silly I sound, why don't you try to prove that I'm incorrect? Accusing me of sounding silly only distracts from the discussion and does not make you any less wrong.


Worshipper of Athe.
The Great I Am did not make hell for man it was made for Lucifer and his fallen angels (Demons).
He is Love, Joy, Peace, Patient, Kind, Good, Faithful, and Gentle. Yet He is Just also and His Justice demands a payment for sin.
He condemns no one to hell.

That's not what the bible says.


Worshipper of Athe.
The attributes of an Almighty God are resident. They never change. God is Graceful and Loving and Merciful. But He is also Fair and Just and Sovereign. God does not send people to hell, they send themselves. They choose to reject God all of their life, not wanting or seeking an active relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ. In essence, God gives some people exactly what they want.........eternal separation from Him.

People don't send themselves to hell, the Christian god sends them there. Clearly nobody chooses to be tortured forever. They choose to take actions which god doesn't like, but GOD is the one who puts them in hell.

The difference between eternal separation and hell is obvious: hell is eternal separation AND eternal suffering. If people want separation from god, that doesn't mean they want to burn forever. So excusing god's sadistic cruelty by saying that he's only giving them what they want is bogus; he's giving them what they want AND torturing them forever.

Rick Cares

New Member
My Friends,
In Matthew 25:41Jesus Himself states, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels."
God sent Jesus to save all mankind, yet those who refuse to believe this simple but glorious truth condemn themselves to an eternity of everlasting torment because the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Worshipper of Athe.
Rick Cares said:
God sent Jesus to save all mankind, yet those who refuse to believe this simple but glorious truth condemn themselves to an eternity of everlasting torment because the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

If god really wanted to save all mankind, he would just do it. There's no reason for an all-powerful god to send someone to suffer and die just so that he can save a fraction of the world's population.

Furthermore, it would be even more ridiculous for god to create hell in the first place; why create hell if you're just going to have to save people from it?

If there is a god, and that god created hell, then that god is playing a sadistic game with all of humanity as pawns. The god of the bible is not a loving god, even though he says he is. No, he's a horrible monster watching us suffer.


Miss Independent
Imagine for a minute ...jesus does return and takes his people back home...you are left on this planet after a dazzling display of the powers of the heavens being shaken and so forth and so forth....

You see the almighty god coming in all his glory....and then you realise .........damn i should have listened to them brainwashed christians.

And then....a few days after jesus left...your on earth wondering 'but why am i not burning yet?'

Your idea of hell is wrong. This is hell....do you like it here? Is god then that terrible and frighful monster you make him out to be? Who is making this world 'suck' ....GOD or us?

We are already seperated from god...how much more seperated do you think we can become?

Every person asks themselves the crucial question:

Why am i here, but few go so far as asking themselves....

How do i get away from here?

Its not by dying....its by being rescued/saved.

Now...herein lies the problem.

Some like it here. Now if jesus comes back and your telling him...hang on i have to burry my father, or hang on i need to get my stock up, or hang on i was going to get married....then you are going to stay.

Then there is the comment made about god creating hell, and then the rediculous notion that he had to come and save us out of it....well, i guess what he should have done with you instead...was kill you instead of banishing you to earth. And then he really should have left you imprisoned here for ever and ever, but instead he came to save you out of it.

If you were in heaven all this time, and all of a sudden you are dropped on this earth...you will feel like you are in hell....but if you are born on this planet...you slowly but surely get use to it here...and eventually you dont even feel the 'heat'.

Why are you here ? What made you end up on earth?



Imagine for a minute ...jesus does return and takes his people back home...you are left on this planet after a dazzling display of the powers of the heavens being shaken and so forth and so forth....

You see the almighty god coming in all his glory....and then you realise .........damn i should have listened to them brainwashed christians.

And then....a few days after jesus left...your on earth wondering 'but why am i not burning yet?'

Your idea of hell is wrong. This is hell....do you like it here? Is god then that terrible and frighful monster you make him out to be? Who is making this world 'suck' ....GOD or us?

We are already seperated from god...how much more seperated do you think we can become?

Every person asks themselves the crucial question:

Why am i here, but few go so far as asking themselves....

How do i get away from here?

Its not by dying....its by being rescued/saved.

Now...herein lies the problem.

Some like it here. Now if jesus comes back and your telling him...hang on i have to burry my father, or hang on i need to get my stock up, or hang on i was going to get married....then you are going to stay.

Then there is the comment made about god creating hell, and then the rediculous notion that he had to come and save us out of it....well, i guess what he should have done with you instead...was kill you instead of banishing you to earth. And then he really should have left you imprisoned here for ever and ever, but instead he came to save you out of it.

If you were in heaven all this time, and all of a sudden you are dropped on this earth...you will feel like you are in hell....but if you are born on this planet...you slowly but surely get use to it here...and eventually you dont even feel the 'heat'.

Why are you here ? What made you end up on earth?


Ok Hen....

Now let's just imagine that "this world" is hell as you say.
(and actually... I am not arguing the point)

Now what if the standard chrisitan interpretation of jesus is all wrong,
and he is not "coming back" as you imagine...
to save you from your "hell".

What if we ourselves are to move mountains,
in active faith of our own divinity...
our own birthright as (co)creators in reality.

What if it is incumbent on us in the Now moment
(whenenver and wherever that may be)
to REALize the glory/magic of heaven/the heavens
within our own Selves.

and What if our whole outer REALity then shifts...
raises in frequency... almost imperceptably...
but sends out ripples to others...
who are more attuned to higher frequencies.

What if (your) Heaven is right where you stand Heneni?
But left unrealized... unREALized...
as your stance remains one of waiting.
Waiting for someone else to come back...
to give you what is already yours ... unused.

And what if jesus does come back...
and says Hen... Love...
why didn't you have enough faith to use your inheratence?

What were you waiting for?
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Well-Known Member
Sooner or later, according to the evolutionionary tendencies of our species, you would adapt to the conditions of hell, correct? Or after so many years you would just accept the fire and burning and make a good time of it? It is the idea of heaven that gives us our vision of hell. If we didn't imagine how great and beautiful heaven was, we wouldn't imagine hell to be as ugly and humid as some suggest.

Also, why do Christians long for heaven with such vigor? Wouldn't you be of more use in hell? Shouldn't your passion be for helping people whether on earth or in hell? And if you believe so passionately in heaven, why are not more believers killing themselves because they are so certain in where they are going?


Sooner or later, according to the evolutionionary tendencies of our species, you would adapt to the conditions of hell, correct? Or after so many years you would just accept the fire and burning and make a good time of it? It is the idea of heaven that gives us our vision of hell. If we didn't imagine how great and beautiful heaven was, we wouldn't imagine hell to be as ugly and humid as some suggest.

Also, why do Christians long for heaven with such vigor? Wouldn't you be of more use in hell? Shouldn't your passion be for helping people whether on earth or in hell? And if you believe so passionately in heaven, why are not more believers killing themselves because they are so certain in where they are going?

Well, because that would get them sent to hell...erm... right back here.
That would be the karma of it I suppose.


Miss Independent
Ok Hen....

Now let's just imagine that "this world" is hell as you say.
(and actually... I am not arguing the point)

Now what if the standard chrisitan interpretation of jesus is all wrong,
and he is not "coming back" as you imagine...
to save you from your "hell".

What if we ourselves are to move mountains,
in active faith of our own divinity...
our own birthright as (co)creators in reality.

What if it is incumbent on us in the Now moment
(whenenver and wherever that may be)
to REALize the glory/magic of heaven/the heavens
within our own Selves.

and What if our whole outer REALity then shifts...
raises in frequency... almost imperceptably...
but sends out ripples to others...
who are more attuned to higher frequencies.

What if (your) Heaven is right where you stand Heneni?
But left unrealized... unREALized...
as your stance remains one of waiting.
Waiting for someone else to come back...
to give you what is already yours ... unused.

And what if jesus does come back...
and says Hen... Love...
why didn't you have enough faith to use your inheratence?

What were you waiting for?

Hello UV!

Thanks for your response.

I believe that this is hell. But i also believe that god living in me is a shadow of things to come.

The fact that im not in his manifest presence everyday, means im not in heaven yet. The fact that he is in me, around me, and for me means i have made a connection to him, in a way that will ensure my return to him. I am completely blessed while at the same time a nomad on earth.

I dont know if you are very familiar with the bible, but there is the account of moses and pharoah and the plagues that god sent on them.

At one point an angel comes and marks all the dwelling places of the isrealites so that when death passes over, they are not harmed. In the same way...i have been marked...and the spirit of god that lives in me is my seal/mark/sign of being a citizen of heaven. This place is not my home. I am a foreigner in a foreign land. I was sent into exile here.

I believe that just as hell is a real place...this earth...so i believe heaven is a real place.

In the same way i believe satan is a real entity and so is god.

I also believe that satan has a real throne and that god has a real throne

I also believe that satan can set up his throne in someones heart and in the same way god can reign in the hearts of a man.

There are various levels of understanding. Just like there is a first, second and third heaven, in the same way...my first heaven is knowing about god, my second heaven is god moving into my being...my third heaven is returning to god. While im already in my second heaven...the third heaven is still to come.



Yes, I have read a majority of the Bible Heneni.

I missed a bit at the end of the old testament,
when I finally lost my steam,
and have read probably %90 of the new testament straight thru.

For me, the bible is little more than a massively overrated book.
But I am getting way off track here...

You do wrong Hen, to assume that only "christians" can be sealed as "citizens" of heaven.
You do wrong to assume that only "christians" find themselves living in a "foreign" land.
Do you think only christians can see through the illusory card castle world system
that runs and controls how most everything is done here?
Do you think only christians lead lives that override this pervasive system in mysterious ways?
Do you think only christians disdain the money/power system?

Why-ever it is you believe that only belief in Jesus as Super God
will "save" you from all the crap around you...
will bring you heaven, and things greater than what the world offers...
I do not know.

But I tell you,
It is not true.

You over "import" christianity Sweetheart.


Miss Independent
You over "import" christianity Sweetheart.

I dont think that christianity is the only way to god. There are many roads leading to him. For christians the road is through jesus. It is no coincidence that i was born in my country, my home, my family, my environment. If I was born in another country, in another home, in another family, there would be a road to god even then.

Since i believe in re-incarnation the possibility that i have been exposed to other religions is not something i would dismiss. And it is probably why i dont just shun their point of view.

Maybe if i die and im re-incarnated again..i might become a buddist.

I have thought about this, and i have come to the conclusion, that that which my god promises me, is true, and if he says there is a heaven for me then there is. If someone else had a different religion..then they could believe that there is no heaven and that heaven is right here and now...and that is also true...for them.

So i would be going to heaven...and others would be having heaven right here....

It is quite possible that the second coming of christ happens in a way that only the christians experience it. In the same way...you could be experiening heaven now in a way that i cant experience it.

Here is another example. Some dont believe in the rapture...some do. So it could be that at some point in the future...many people die at the same time, (as they already do) their bodies left here...we dont notice it was the rapture because it all seems like natural deaths. The rapture took place, but only for those who believed in it, and the others didnt even notice it, or would even classify it as the rapture.

So im going to heaven. Your heaven is right here. I dont notice your heaven, you dont think my heaven is still coming. We could both be right.



I dont think that christianity is the only way to god. There are many roads leading to him. For christians the road is through jesus. It is no coincidence that i was born in my country, my home, my family, my environment. If I was born in another country, in another home, in another family, there would be a road to god even then.

Since i believe in re-incarnation the possibility that i have been exposed to other religions is not something i would dismiss. And it is probably why i dont just shun their point of view.

Maybe if i die and im re-incarnated again..i might become a buddist.

I have thought about this, and i have come to the conclusion, that that which my god promises me, is true, and if he says there is a heaven for me then there is. If someone else had a different religion..then they could believe that there is no heaven and that heaven is right here and now...and that is also true...for them.

So i would be going to heaven...and others would be having heaven right here....

It is quite possible that the second coming of christ happens in a way that only the christians experience it. In the same way...you could be experiening heaven now in a way that i cant experience it.

Here is another example. Some dont believe in the rapture...some do. So it could be that at some point in the future...many people die at the same time, (as they already do) their bodies left here...we dont notice it was the rapture because it all seems like natural deaths. The rapture took place, but only for those who believed in it, and the others didnt even notice it, or would even classify it as the rapture.

So im going to heaven. Your heaven is right here. I dont notice your heaven, you dont think my heaven is still coming. We could both be right.




Its only a Label
Frienf heneni,
At one point an angel comes and marks all the dwelling places of the isrealites so that when death passes over, they are not harmed. In the same way...i have been marked...and the spirit of god that lives in me is my seal/mark/sign of being a citizen of heaven. This place is not my home. I am a foreigner in a foreign land. I was sent into exile here.

I believe that just as hell is a real place...this earth...so i believe heaven is a real place.

In the same way i believe satan is a real entity and so is god.

I also believe that satan has a real throne and that god has a real throne

I also believe that satan can set up his throne in someones heart and in the same way god can reign in the hearts of a man.

You are quite right to an extent. But finally on merging the dualities of both God/Satan will go. An understanding of that is a must because both represent the same energy. Like as had given the example of a magnet where how much you cut a magnet you cannot get rid of ONE of the poles. They still remain the two poles even in the smallest piece of a magnet.
Love & rgds


Well-Known Member
The technical term for this is *quantum collapse* in the universal sense Zenzero,or fusion which can lead to density of a black hole/darkmatter.

mmmmmmmmm(thinks about building nuclear powered magnetic polar disc shaped spaceship(again))


Miss Independent
The technical term for this is *quantum collapse* in the universal sense Zenzero,or fusion which can lead to density of a black hole/darkmatter.

mmmmmmmmm(thinks about building nuclear powered magnetic polar disc shaped spaceship(again))

I think blackholes are proof that things can return to 'nothingness'.

But nothing can come out of a black hole.

Alternatively, that which goes into a black hole emerges on the other side in another dimension.



Well-Known Member

A spoonful of matter from a black whole wieghs heavier(has more mass) than our entire galaxy,our galaxy being held in place by quantum energy as roughly described by Zenzero.

Each of them holds different universes.......Void runs right through them too........

ahhhh,you cheer me up Hen!