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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Miss Independent
What kind of a God that needs to rely on such pitiful performance?

I'm pitiful no doubt...and that is why my god had to take pity on me. Fortunately the salvation of the world, is not based on my performance. The illuminating of darkness isnt something I perform...its something I am.... But i cannot even if I tried be something other than a light. I am just being me. The darkness does not like the light, because it exposes the things that the darkness tries to hide. So the two will never be best friends, nor will they get along.

You are being what you are as well...and your giving a smashing performance, this no one can deny.

My god chose me, i did not choose him. If i was chosen by a pitiful god, i cannot complain, because he has been truly the best thing that has ever happened to me. Call him pitiful, call me pitiful...but would that ever seperate me from my love for him, or his for me? No.

My god relies on me to love him...not to perform for him...and definitely not to perform for you.

Your god it seems relies on you to act like a little monkey. Im not sure why you settled for less...but alas i can not be you, and you cannot be me.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a God, don't need it, don't want it. And I prefer to be a little monkey than a delusionally misguided believer in love with a nonentity.

I guess the atheists back in the days before microscropes thought that atoms and bacteria was nonentities too. I guess the world is flat too.
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Well-Known Member
I guess when the atheists back in the days before microscropes thought that atoms and bacteria was nonentities too. I guess the world is flat too.
I forgot to add this:banghead3:banghead3:banghead3:banghead3:banghead3:fight:
I guess the atheists back in the days before microscropes thought that atoms and bacteria was nonentities too. I guess the world is flat too.

I don't know if you know what you are talking about. Are you joking?

Atoms and bacteria can't be seen by the naked eye, but there is overwhelming evidence for their existence. Where is the evidence for god, except that some will say that they personally experience God, which is NOT evidence at all?


Miss Independent
I don't know if you know what you are talking about. Are you joking?

Atoms and bacteria can't be seen by the naked eye, but there is overwhelming evidence for their existence. Where is the evidence for god, except that some will say that they personally experience God, which is NOT evidence at all?

God is energy.. cannot be created and cannot be destroyed, and has absolutely no matter(though he could)...but still...the evidence that energy exists is overwhelming.

So you know that god exists. And no i'm not joking.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if you know what you are talking about. Are you joking?

Atoms and bacteria can't be seen by the naked eye, but there is overwhelming evidence for their existence. Where is the evidence for god, except that some will say that they personally experience God, which is NOT evidence at all?

Can you read? (in all due respect) IN THOSE DAYS BEFORE MICROSCOPES atheists probably believed that atoms and bacteria didnt exist because they couldnt see them, If they could have time travelled to our current era and then see atoms and bacteria, how foolish would they look? :thud::slap:

Exactly---so it will be with you atheists.

Evidence is every you look. Even your finger tips touching on that keyboard is evidence.

You know it takes a bigger leap of faith to believe everything in this universe just came from nothing than to believe that it has a Creator.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't be better said. That's just extremism for you. Religion is politics.

The God that watches the cosmos has some other end.

I agree, religion is a type of politics, and I do think God has some other end. He is the beginning of all things, and the end of things he wants to end. As I consider him, his ways and means, his obvious hideing of himself, he is quite unique. He is unbossed, cannot be figured out, has no orgin, possess all Power; Man, we are just pawns in his great hands. I believe he knows exactly what he is doing, we just don't know. And we are afraid to admit that we don't know.

We feel sightly insulted that he made us, ordained our future, and couldcareless what " We think about it." So we try to factor ourselves into his equation, try to take over, as if he needs our imput. Then some of us try to be so righteous, that we think we leave him no choice but to enlighten and reward us for being so righteous, and these go a step further, and start believing in their righteousness so much, that they now can condemn others for not being as righteous as them.

And from this mindset, the doctrine of eternal hell suffering was created by these righteous men.

I don't have a God, don't need it, don't want it. And I prefer to be a little monkey than a delusionally misguided believer in love with a nonentity.

What I believe is what kind of human are you is what matters. Do you live simple so that the 1/2of the people on the planet who make under 5$ a day might have a little more food. I dont care if my neighbour is a Hindu,Muslim,Christian or Atheist. All I want is a good neighbour. If you are an Atheist like Bertram Russell thats great, If you are a Christian like John Woolman it would make me very happy to get to know you. If someone is selfish and untrustworthy all their "philosophizing" is just intellectual masterbation.


Well-Known Member
What I believe is what kind of human are you is what matters. Do you live simple so that the 1/2of the people on the planet who make under 5$ a day might have a little more food. I dont care if my neighbour is a Hindu,Muslim,Christian or Atheist. All I want is a good neighbour. If you are an Atheist like Bertram Russell thats great, If you are a Christian like John Woolman it would make me very happy to get to know you. If someone is selfish and untrustworthy all their "philosophizing" is just intellectual masterbation.

Here in is what I have stated, we try to equate our righteousness, as being the equalibruim of our existence. We think OUR goodness is what matters. So we look to weigh our existence, by what we are ourselves. Be good, be the best, and we think that is what defines our future.

No. no, the future is not based on how good we can be, it is based on how Good GOD is! Intellectual masterbation cannot manipulate God, as no religion can. No hindu religion, no atheist rebellion, nothing can manipulate God.

The thinking of men can seep all out of the woodwork, and no matter what they say, its what Gods says that is important.

Here in is what I have stated, we try to equate our righteousness, as being the equalibruim of our existence. We think OUR goodness is what matters. So we look to weigh our existence, by what we are ourselves. Be good, be the best, and we think that is what defines our future.

No. no, the future is not based on how good we can be, it is based on how Good GOD is! Intellectual masterbation cannot manipulate God, as no religion can. No hindu religion, no atheist rebellion, nothing can manipulate God.

The thinking of men can seep all out of the woodwork, and no matter what they say, its what Gods says that is important.


A man once told Gandhi that that He was an Atheist and asked if He could could become a member of his ashram. Gandhi asked him if he believed in truth. When he said yes Gandhi commented that let Truth be your God.I believe if a man makes an real try to find the TRUTH. Gives his all to his fellow man. God will show it to him.

I think that you are a Christian.( I could be wrong.) In the book of James it says that "Faith with out works is dead."

The early Christians gave there all to Christ.

In Acts 4 it says.

32All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. 33With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. 34There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales 35and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need.

This is because they really believed what the Lord Jesus said about wealth.

Matthew 19:21-23 (New International Version) 21Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
22When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.
23Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

When I was a baptist pastor I found many folks wanted to convert others but had very little interest in following the teachings of Christ themselves.

Christianity in the first few 100 years was a very powerful belief system. It makes me sad that most of todays Christians seem to not want to follow it. In fact they have almost no desire to follow the early church.

The funny thing is that I know many Buddhists and Hindus who want to live the way Christ wants us all to live. I keep trying and all my failures are a blessing from God. Its walking the path we should concern our selfs with not the end result.
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Well-Known Member
God is energy.. cannot be created and cannot be destroyed, and has absolutely no matter(though he could)...but still...the evidence that energy exists is overwhelming.

So you know that god exists. And no i'm not joking.

Matter is pure energy too,just resonating differently........You are an emotional body attached to a carbon based lifeform,attuned to the universe & resonating freely & brightly if you can perform to your dna potential with no blockages.

This is not proof of god,define god anyway?what are you on about?

All is love.



Well-Known Member
Taste and see that the lord is good.

Psalm 34:8Taste and see that the LORD is good;
blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.

If im tasty it must be cause the lord made me tasty.

Whats that about the sick concept of eternal hell suffering? :rolleyes:

I am a great believer in the *suck it and see* approach.....So the Lord is like breastmilk?or udder milk if you are a calf etc etc?

I've been reading some of the psalms,many are rooted in Void & Set.

Don't let anyone steal your light,and the whole of shadow > light & dark.

Fair thee well Hen!
Can you read? (in all due respect) IN THOSE DAYS BEFORE MICROSCOPES atheists probably believed that atoms and bacteria didnt exist because they couldnt see them, If they could have time travelled to our current era and then see atoms and bacteria, how foolish would they look? :thud::slap:

Exactly---so it will be with you atheists.

Evidence is every you look. Even your finger tips touching on that keyboard is evidence.

You know it takes a bigger leap of faith to believe everything in this universe just came from nothing than to believe that it has a Creator.

You seem to equate evidence = what can be seen.
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No its people like you who needs physical evidence to believe that there is a God even though the evidence is all around you.

Explain to me how you got to the conclusion that:

IN THOSE DAYS BEFORE MICROSCOPES atheists probably believed that atoms and bacteria didnt exist.

Since you include microscopes in your assertion, you are saying that atheists only believe if they can see something.

I've never seen an electron or a quark, yet I believe in them. Therefore your assertion is a blatant lie, a complete distortion, an intellectual fraud.

BTW that the universe exists is no proof that God exists. That road has been explored since Plato.