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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Active Member
Well, the scriptures say a lot of things, and sometimes it can contradict itself. But I just wanted to join in because it's quite fun to debate these sort of things.

By the way, hello there, I don't think I've ever spoken to you.



Miss Independent
Well, the scriptures say a lot of things, and sometimes it can contradict itself. But I just wanted to join in because it's quite fun to debate these sort of things.

By the way, hello there, I don't think I've ever spoken to you.


Hes spoken to me, and in all honesty i havent been the same since......:run::foot:


Miss Independent
Lol, he can't be that bad. I think he's actually a very good debater. He's probably good at other things too...


oh NO,i dont think he is THAT bad. :cover:

What other things do you think he is good at? (apart from spotting the blind and deaf, that is?:D)

LOL...dont worry, we will find out sooner rather than later. At least he thinks everyone is going to heaven...thats rather sweet of him.:angel2: He's not believing any of this 'eternal hell suffering' stuff. I dont believe it either. I believe earth is hell.

Now enough gossiping....he's not here to defend himself...but alas...like arnolds friend said...'HE WILL BE BACK'

PS: Interesting quick sermons you posted. Keep em coming.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Heaven and hell are not literal places or states. Neither is the afterlife. All refer to states of the spirit on the road to down to darkness or up to enlightenment. Any god who would torture his creatures for eternity is not good and therefore not God, but an impostor created by human beings.
A completely unscriptural position.


Well-Known Member
I thought my ears were burning.:D

Hes spoken to me, and in all honesty i havent been the same since......:run::foot:

I hope is a good thing.

Lol, he can't be that bad. I think he's actually a very good debater. He's probably good at other things too...


?????? I hope i dont have to do this LOL>>>> :run:

oh NO,i dont think he is THAT bad. :cover:

What other things do you think he is good at? (apart from spotting the blind and deaf, that is?:D)

LOL...dont worry, we will find out sooner rather than later. At least he thinks everyone is going to heaven...thats rather sweet of him.:angel2: He's not believing any of this 'eternal hell suffering' stuff. I dont believe it either. I believe earth is hell.

Now enough gossiping....he's not here to defend himself...but alas...like arnolds friend said...'HE WILL BE BACK'

PS: Interesting quick sermons you posted. Keep em coming.

LOL you guys are silly


Well-Known Member
There is much to say about God, much Good and positive things. God is great in his Love for us all, and plans on giving us all great gifts. He will give us the greatest gift, eternal living absolutely free! I don't care how much certain believers in God keep condeming much of sinful unbelieving humanity, God has so much room in his heart, so much room in his talents, so much room in his created universe, he NEEDS TO CRETAE MORE HUMANS, and bring more people into this blessed reality of his.

And here we are bickering over what those of us here now will and willnot get from him.



Well-Known Member
Well, the scriptures say a lot of things, and sometimes it can contradict itself. But I just wanted to join in because it's quite fun to debate these sort of things.

By the way, hello there, I don't think I've ever spoken to you.


Now back to business. :)

If anything, like some of these doctrines out there, contradicts the whole context of the Word of God, which is Love, then something is wrong with that doctrine because..

1Jo 4:8 - The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love. 1Co 14:33 - For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Tit 1:9 - holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.

Lu 21:15 -For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.
If one verse (that is in any bible translation) that has been translated is contrary to the context of the Word ( who is Jesus, who is Love) then its most likely a bad translation or a misinterpretted verse.


Well-Known Member
Salvation is not in the hands of men, what we understand is meaningless to God. Our interpitations, are just that, interpitations, which usually condemn others with our own egotistic impunity. Men cannot describe salvation, because they cannot see it. Its just too wonderful for them, far too beyond them.

We are too blinded by religion to see God, too blinded by self edification and the outward condemning of others to see God, too blinded by our own lust to see others burn to see God, too influenced by the demonic world to see God.

God is odorless, you cannot touch him, cannot hear him, cannot manipulate him, you can only manipulate yourself or others about God.

God is your Father, and NOTHING, nothing will keep you from him. Even our own ignorance cannot seperate us from the Love of God.



Well-Known Member
Salvation is not in the hands of men, what we understand is meaningless to God. Our interpitations, are just that, interpitations, which usually condemn others with our own egotistic impunity. Men cannot describe salvation, because they cannot see it. Its just too wonderful for them, far too beyond them.

We are too blinded by religion to see God, too blinded by self edification and the outward condemning of others to see God, too blinded by our own lust to see others burn to see God, too influenced by the demonic world to see God.

God is odorless, you cannot touch him, cannot hear him, cannot manipulate him, you can only manipulate yourself or others about God.

God is your Father, and NOTHING, nothing will keep you from him. Even our own ignorance cannot seperate us from the Love of God.

I agree with everything you said except that we cannot describe salvation. No we cant to a tee, but its right there written in His Word what salvation is. Really it is too wonderful for us to see or understand it, but it is there for us to "try" to describe it. We can only describe what He has revealed to us. Besides....

1Co 2:9 However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"--

Am 3:7 - Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.

Its there, but we (mankind) just cant see it all yet. We see some or maybe just a little but its all there.

And do I have to pull up the many verses that says what salvation is? For you i know i shouldnt. But anyway its there. (this an argument taking you literally).


Well-Known Member
I agree with everything you said except that we cannot describe salvation. No we cant to a tee, but its right there written in His Word what salvation is. Really it is too wonderful for us to see or understand it, but it is there for us to "try" to describe it. We can only describe what He has revealed to us. Besides....

1Co 2:9 However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"--

Am 3:7 - Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.

Its there, but we (mankind) just cant see it all yet. We see some or maybe just a little but its all there.

And do I have to pull up the many verses that says what salvation is? For you i know i shouldnt. But anyway its there. (this an argument taking you literally).

Either way one decides to take it, the truth of the matter is still that we just do not know, nor can even conceive what God has PREpared for humanity. All of humanity are NOT Prophets of God, and he promised to reveal these things to HIS Prophets, not the imitators of religion. Common humanity has NOT seen, nor heard ( From God) nor even correctly imagined the Salvation of God. These verses are speaking about GODS salvation, not human interpitation of it! Eye or mind hasNOT seen or even heard from God on this, but some of us would like to think that we have heard of it, and can imagine it, but the word says no we cannot get to that phase.

It says NO mind has seen, but we bypass that " No", and try to include our own mind into the equation.

No mind has seen it. Absolutely no mind, even his Prophets can have it revealed to them, but that in NO means can be understood as even the Prophets as understanding God. They don't, whoever they are, understand God either.

Either way one decides to take it, the truth of the matter is still that we just do not know, nor can even conceive what God has PREpared for humanity.

Since God is a human invention, you can think of whatever God has prepared for humanity. Imagination is cheap.


Well-Known Member
Since God is a human invention, you can think of whatever God has prepared for humanity. Imagination is cheap.

Anyone who believes that all of this reality that we know, all this realness that we have experienced, has come from nothing, has nothing of value to offer me. Atheist believe that all this something in this Life, has evolved from nothing. An incredible stance of belief, it simply dumfounds me, and yet is absolute proof to me that God has not communicated his Spirit yet to humanity.

We are lost and unbelieving, because thats how we are now supposed to be. Confused, because God has bred the confusion. Mixed up, because God planted the tree of the mixed knowledge of good and evil, in the earths environment, belief and unbelief was bred by him at that moment.

As was the total rehabilitation of all of humanity was bred, but we just fail to believe that.

But that is not based on our belief. That is based and was placed on Jesus shoulders, and he died to assure our destiny.

Since God is a human invention, you can think of whatever God has prepared for humanity. Imagination is cheap.

It all depends how you define God.

As Richard Dawkins writes:" Pantheists don't believe in a supernatural God at all, but use the word God as a nonsupernatural synonym for Nature, or for the Universe, or for the lawfulness that governs its workings." If you define God the way Einstein looks at God. Its kind of hard to say there is no God.

"I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings."


It all depends how you define God.

As Richard Dawkins writes:" Pantheists don't believe in a supernatural God at all, but use the word God as a nonsupernatural synonym for Nature, or for the Universe, or for the lawfulness that governs its workings." If you define God the way Einstein looks at God. Its kind of hard to say there is no God.

"I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings."


You believe what you want, and numbers don't garantee that you are on the right side. Just because theists form 95% of the world, it doesn't mean that they are right. Not even Einstein...
You believe what you want, and numbers don't garantee that you are on the right side. Just because theists form 95% of the world, it doesn't mean that they are right. Not even Einstein...

I dont think i was clear in my comment. :sorry1:

I am not telling you what to believe.

Einstein was not a theist He was a pantheist.

Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: pantheism

Doctrine that the universe is God and, conversely, that there is no god apart from the substance, forces, and laws manifested in the universe. Pantheism characterizes many Buddhist and Hindu doctrines and can be seen in such Hindu works as the Vedas and the Bhagavadgita. Numerous Greek philosophers contributed to the foundations of Western pantheism. In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the tradition was continued in Neoplatonism and Judeo-Christian mysticism. In the 17th century Benedict de Spinoza formulated the most thoroughly pantheistic philosophical system, arguing that God and Nature are merely two names for one reality.

I do not agree with the Hindu Buddhist part of this definition but it gives a good idea of what pantheism means.

If someone defines God as the total matter and force of the cosmos. It makes it very hard to say God is not real.


Well-Known Member
We are lost and unbelieving, because thats how we are now supposed to be. Confused, because God has bred the confusion. Mixed up, because God planted the tree of the mixed knowledge of good and evil, in the earths environment, belief and unbelief was bred by him at that moment.


God infused confusion into this earth, one of the ways he did this, is through the many diverse religions and beliefs that we see on earth. Just look at the diversity, even on this website, all kinds of beliefs and views, and people really believe in them. Its the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, a deadly mixture that has spawned religion and confusion.

And from this was born the belief in eternal suffering, the belief in elitetism, the pride of religions, the attraction to knowledge.

A perfect trap laid by a perfect being, and we all have surcomed to it.
