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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
. I was going to pray for Saddam Hussein but God told me not to.[/B]

See this, on public display, is how the christian mentality is being developed within their local churchs. This person is saying that God talks to them, even tells them who not to pray for. God told me this and God told me that
Listen, these people have infiltrated this world and are claiming to speak for God. And they are teaching some of the greatest evil I have ever seen.

So now certain sinners are not worth praying for, and God is endorseing this ignorance.

Please, these people don't know God.



Jesus in me
See this, on public display, is how the christian mentality is being developed within their local churchs. This person is saying that God talks to them, even tells them who not to pray for. God told me this and God told me that
Listen, these people have infiltrated this world and are claiming to speak for God. And they are teaching some of the greatest evil I have ever seen.

So now certain sinners are not worth praying for, and God is endorseing this ignorance.

Please, these people don't know God.


As though you wre God's judge, lol. When you can say that God speaks to you and told you something different, I would bother to pay attention. Until then you are speaking through your worldly mind which has that human tendency to pervert the view.


Well-Known Member
As though you wre God's judge, lol. When you can say that God speaks to you and told you something different, I would bother to pay attention. Until then you are speaking through your worldly mind which has that human tendency to pervert the view.

You think that you saying that God speaks to you, increases your value and worth. You believe that saying in public that God speaks to you, gives you more " Spiritual credibility", you think that saying God speaks to you, makes us in the public believe that you can see the emperors robe, thus you are more Spiritual than those who cannot.

You are transparent, I see through you. I see through your religion, which planted this obtuse pride in you.

I know and understand that I am worldly and soaked in my sin. I have confessed in public many many times that I do not know God and that he does not speak to me. But there is one thing I KNOW that God knows about me; I will NEVER tell these " Spiritual Lies" in public just to try and get people to view me as being something I am really not. I know I am without God in my life, and there is no pride in me that can prevent me from telling the truth.



Neither God nor Jesus says that people get into Heaven based on how they act.
Ever read Matthew 25?

I believe in having compassion on monsters. I was going to pray for Saddam Hussein but God told me not to.
This is the same god that Jesus prayed to when he said, "Forgive them for they know not what they do"? The same god that Jesus represented and who admonished people to pray for their enemies and to bless those that curse you? The same god that the apostles served and went patiently to their deaths under the hands of people that they admonished others to obey no matter how bad they were? Ever read Ignatius? Get real.


See this, on public display, is how the christian mentality is being developed within their local churches. This person is saying that God talks to them, even tells them who not to pray for...
...in direct contradiction to the very essence of the teachings of Christ. Nice.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I don't believe mainstream religions are like this. I have seen this sort of perverted churches in my day, but I never went back to them. Most of these people are very uneducated and ignorant.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe mainstream religions are like this. I have seen this sort of perverted churches in my day, but I never went back to them. Most of these people are very uneducated and ignorant.

Mainstream religion is very much in the sway of the Darkness, and the inability of people to see this, confirms that they are in the Darkness. God is not behind mainstream religion, he is not leading it, has not endorsed it, has not backed it with his Power. THATS how we can KNOW when God is behind something, we see his Power unleashed, we see his Spirit of Unity, we see his Direction and his Blessing.

Anyone who sees these things in mainstream religion, is just blind.



Miss Independent
Evil is dead unless there is some power to execute it. Power is the battery that evil needs to execute itself. Else it will lie dormant.

I suspect there will be many angry citizens in the lake of fire. Having anger and hate and malice and a murdering spirit with no power to give expression to these...well the result will be weaping and grinding of teeth. Pure frustration. Absolute torment.

In the lake of fire people will still have their evil hearts, but no power to satisfy their evil desires.

However i am the optimist. If for an extended period of time someone does not have the power to execute their evil, perhaps they will loose their taste for it?



Well-Known Member
Evil is not dead, as long as the devil and human flesh lives, evil will live.

And there will be no citizenship in the Lake of Fire. God didnot create humans to live forever in Pain.



Miss Independent
Evil is not dead, as long as the devil and human flesh lives, evil will live.

And there will be no citizenship in the Lake of Fire. God didnot create humans to live forever in Pain.


There will be a lake of fire and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. But for reasons other than god is a monster and he wants you to suffer.

It is better to suffer for good than it is to suffer for evil.

God is fair. If the wages of sin is death, then it means that your reward for sinning is death. The punishment for sin is not death, the punishment for sin is banishment. The wages, the reward, the payment for sinning is death. God would be unjust to not give you death if you worked for it! Its your wages, your reward, what you worked for. If the wages of sin is death, why work for it? THATS what i dont understand.

There is another way. To stop working for the wages of sin, and start trusting in god who justifies the wicked and considers it just to forgive sins. If that version of justice does not suit you, then the other version of justice is to give you what you worked for. And if you sinned, your reward is death, and it is JUST to give it.



New Member
Hi wow - i bet u got an A in some atheistic prof's Religion 101 class. My friend, if one is really seeking God he will be reading Gods Word - the book of John is a good place to start. I cant speak 4 u but some just like endless debate - finding the answer would end their game.
God gives peace, friend :)


Active Member
There will be a lake of fire and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. But for reasons other than god is a monster and he wants you to suffer. It is better to suffer for good than it is to suffer for evil.
How do you know this? Isn't it God that sends people, or at least condemns them (which is basically the same thing), to hell? And what about Purgatory? Where does that fit in?
God is fair.
God is not fair. He is selfish, ignorant, violent and has a short temper. And he certainly has no sense of ethics. Consider how temporal trespassing could possibly justify ETERNAL SUFFERING!? And eternity is a very long time.:sarcastic
If the wages of sin is death, then it means that your reward for sinning is death. The punishment for sin is not death, the punishment for sin is banishment. The wages, the reward, the payment for sinning is death. God would be unjust to not give you death if you worked for it! Its your wages, your reward, what you worked for. If the wages of sin is death, why work for it? THATS what i dont understand.
And this is just you turning a negative into a positive. It doesn't work that way. If you sin, according to God, the response to that action is hell (or "death" as you call it). Since God invented and controls this entire world, he also controls this system of judgement. Either call it punishment or reward, it is still a reaction to an action, sanctioned by God.
:bow: Praise him, for rewarding us all with disease, deformation, collapsing solar systems, natural disasters, war, criminality, retardation and stupidity. Thank you SO MUCH, GOD.
There is another way. To stop working for the wages of sin, and start trusting in god who justifies the wicked and considers it just to forgive sins. If that version of justice does not suit you, then the other version of justice is to give you what you worked for. And if you sinned, your reward is death, and it is JUST to give it.
If you rid yourself from the delusion that is this "God" you keep talking about, your punishment will be freedom. (See how this works?)
You can "trust" all you want, in Flying Teapots that justify stupidity and think it is righteous to spit at the statue of Liberty; but it won't do you much good. Certainly not as much good as not trusting in Flying Teapots would. And if you stop trusting the Teapot, your punishment is freedom, and it is JUST to give it. :areyoucra
Really, that good ol' Jesus, meek and mild, invented Hell is bad enough for Christianity; but that some Christians even find the guts to defend it, blows my mind.


Active Member
Hi wow - i bet u got an A in some atheistic prof's Religion 101 class. My friend, if one is really seeking God he will be reading Gods Word - the book of John is a good place to start. I cant speak 4 u but some just like endless debate - finding the answer would end their game.
God gives peace, friend :)
Gee, where did I hear that before...:sarcastic Presbyterian by any chance?


Miss Independent
Really, that good ol' Jesus, meek and mild, invented Hell is bad enough for Christianity; but that some Christians even find the guts to defend it, blows my mind.

What blows my mind is that people believe that god will drag people kicking and screaming into heaven. There really are people who are disgusted with god and dont want to be anywhere near him.

Now if you think about it, if heaven is filled with people who dont like god, nor do they think his ways are best, do you suppose it will take one minute or two minutes before there is another rebellion in heaven?

Would that put us two steps forward or thousands of years back? If the goverment of the new world is on the shoulders of jesus, do you think all will submit to his goverment? They dont do now, how will they do then?

Banishment is not the end of the world, it wasnt for adam and eve, god made a plan. And the lake of fire is banishment too. Will god make a plan? Perhaps, but how long will it take for people to have a change in heart?

Perhaps when the power to do evil is taken away and people suffer for having no way of giving expression to it because that is all they are use to, in time they will loose their taste for it. I do consider that eventually, all return to god, but not this time around.



Well-Known Member
It is better to suffer for good than it is to suffer for evil.

God would be unjust to not give you death if you worked for it! Its your wages, your reward, what you worked for.


These concepts are really sick, unhealthy and unbiblical. But its how we have been trained. We think God is returning to make humanity suffer. No, no, he is causing the suffering now, so that there will be none later. This is what Rev. 21:4 means, " There shall be no more death, no more mourning, no more crying, no more pain, all these things SHALL PASS AWAY!" Now if there were to be some eternal hell suffering, then this verse must be removed from the bible. But this is what John saw after the Kingdom of God has begun on earth. So God is putting an end to ALL these things, there will be no eternity given to pain, crying, mourning or death.

BUT, certain believers in God WANT these things to last, NEED these things to Last, DESIRE for the suffering to be eternal, because they are sick. They don't realize they are embracing sick concepts, which is why I keep ramming this hope down these airways. Because the doomsayers are ramming their desired doom all over the place.

God is not sick, man is.



Well-Known Member
Hi wow - i bet u got an A in some atheistic prof's Religion 101 class. My friend, if one is really seeking God he will be reading Gods Word - the book of John is a good place to start. I cant speak 4 u but some just like endless debate - finding the answer would end their game.
God gives peace, friend :)

And some christians just like putting out their doomed concept of unbelieving humanity having no chance with God. The day a christian could help a sinner find God, I would forver remain silent. You are doomsayers, all of you. You have lost your first love, remember, that first desire for all to be saved. That true love a believer should have, where they would never give up on any unbeliever.

Oh no, you would rather heard them like cattle into this hell of yours, and keep salvation an exclusive club.

I am so glad that none of you control the destiny of sinners.



Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
If, there is a hell, that hell comprises of never being "aware"- of permanent death.

God loved his children - us - so much that he allowed his true son to sacrifice his own life to give us all the best chance to get bto go to heaven - well, I guess the choice is yours.............


Well-Known Member
If, there is a hell, that hell comprises of never being "aware"- of permanent death.

God loved his children - us - so much that he allowed his true son to sacrifice his own life to give us all the best chance to get bto go to heaven - well, I guess the choice is yours.............

Eternal Life is not a choice, thats a christian fantasy, eternal life is a gift. christians use this " choice factor, this free will", as a pacifier to pat themselves on the back and announce;" Look at what I have done. Look at MY choice, I have decided to have eternal Life, it was all based on what I did, not what Christ has done.

christians think heaven is a choice or a chance, they factor themselves so much into the equation that Christ sacrifice is pushed to the secondary stage. An eire egotism, they think God is so stupid that he would leave something as important as salvation, up to a human.

christian thought is just gone man. Its way out the window of truth, soaked with so much tradition, they don't see the sheer power of Jesus death and what it accomplished.



Active Member
What blows my mind is that people believe that god will drag people kicking and screaming into heaven. There really are people who are disgusted with god and dont want to be anywhere near him.
I hear you.
Now if you think about it, if heaven is filled with people who dont like god, nor do they think his ways are best, do you suppose it will take one minute or two minutes before there is another rebellion in heaven?
The rebellion in heaven was God's plan. But apart from that, you say people will not want to go to heaven, at least that's what I take from what you've put down here. I can see why not, many people that, supposedly, would go to heaven are not my friend, I would actually put it so that I dislike some of those people. And then there is God, the one guy whom I've been looking to evaluate a couple of things with, but who never answers my calls. I don't think our first meet-up hind the gates of heaven would be an entirely peaceful one.
But there is the alternative we keep in mind. I'd certainly choose heaven over hell, because an eternity of punishment would seem rather unpleasant. Even though the people in hell will be far more interesting, I think I'd rather not spend eternity rotting away down there, wherever that may be. So more or less, I think everyone is extorted into heaven - not so much dragged into it. It's really all there is to it: on one hand there is absolute bliss in paradise if you're nice, and then there is absolute torment on the other, would you not please the grand master. Oh, yeah; it's all definitive and for eternity, another fun fact.
It's like training dogs, with punishment and reward. And that's one of the things I find so offensive about it, it's downright degrading of humanity.
Would that put us two steps forward or thousands of years back? If the goverment of the new world is on the shoulders of jesus, do you think all will submit to his goverment? They dont do now, how will they do then?
You tickle my imagination with that first question. I think it would be great. If there was another rebellion in heaven, God might get the point that there is something inherently wrong in his totalitarian mindset and perhaps - with all the luck in the world - try to fix his errors. The best way to do that would be retirement, I guess; since no one would notice him missing anyway, and any large changes (miracles) would only upset a large portion of the world - me included. We've already made peace with extinction, the realistic part of our race at least, so let's just have a ball while we're here and get it over with.
Banishment is not the end of the world, it wasnt for adam and eve, god made a plan. And the lake of fire is banishment too. Will god make a plan? Perhaps, but how long will it take for people to have a change in heart?
I thought the story of Adam and Eve was generally considered a metaphor? Regardless, I think it is most insane to think that torturing people to make them love you is a good plan. Or even a considerable plan! It sounds like a sick man who's locked away someone in a dark and filthy basement, intensely desiring their love but mentally unable to wield proper methods in achieving it.
Perhaps when the power to do evil is taken away and people suffer for having no way of giving expression to it because that is all they are use to, in time they will loose their taste for it. I do consider that eventually, all return to god, but not this time around.
So what you're suggesting, is that through punishment, people will somehow magically see what a nice guy God really is and start to love him? Either through an epiphany in the depths of hell or through reincarnation?
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