So you witnessed exactly one fire and brimstone sermon and now conflate that experience to 2000 years of sermons. Very scientific.
My maternal grandmother began to brainwash me about 1940 when I was six years old. If I did something wrong or was "naughty" she told me old scratch would get me. Grammar schools in west TN during those years opened each morning with the pledge of allegiance and the lord's prayer. Each student was assigned a bible verse on Mondays to memorize and recite back to the class on Thursdays and Fridays.
I was baptized before a congregation of nearly 1000 on a Sunday morning in March 1957. I taught Sunday school, was a member of the Brotherhood, the building committee, worked with the RA boys, visited the sick on Tuesday evenings, made testimonials at small churches in nearby communities etc. I had most of the new testament memorized chapter and verse before I was thirty years old. I tithed my gross earnings.
I would sit in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings and look around at faces of the others and try to see if I saw the same kind of doubt which I always had and the kind which brought me to a decision about my 60th b'day which made me feel like I had been released from jail. I never believed that bunch of crap....not for a minute. I tried for most of my life and it didn't work for me. I couldn't continue to live a lie.
Most people who claim to believe the bible know very little if anything about what's actually in it. They put on their finest, drive their new cars, drop in something when they pass the plate and return home feeling good about themselves for another week. The money they donate goes for new buildings, building maintenance, stained glass, oak or mahagony pews, steeples, the preacher's salary and expenses, youth programs, religious retreats, missionaries, expensive musical instruments and sound systems, etc., etc., THE POOR BE DAMNED!
Anyone who makes such a ridiculous assertion as there is no fire and brimstone in the bible doesn't even have a clue about what's in the new testament and should keep their mouthes shut because when they open it the ignorance boils out for everyone to see and hear.
Religion and the Christian church in particular has been responsible for more evil acts than any other entity in the world. Granted often the government and church were entwined in authoritarian efforts but no group has ever withstood the trials of time better than those with the power. The crusades wiped out hundreds of thousands for simply differing beliefs.
For more than a thousand years the church required infant baptism. When ordinary folks began to doubt that kind of requirement and their attendance/donations began to falter the church made it optional. The scripture is still there but is never mentioned in that way.
For many thousands of years the church conducted witch hunts and tortured and put to death a conservative estimate of 100,000 innocent young women because they had been accused of witchcraft. When the general population caught on to the fact that there is no such thing as a witch the church backed away and shut up. The scripture is still there.
For thousands of years the church supported slavery, often accommodated it. When ordinary folks realized slavery is a practice for which there is no justification...guess what? The church backed away and never mentions the numerous scriptures in the bible which lend support to the practice.
Now the thing is hell itself. After millions of preachers preaching hundreds of millions of hell fire and brimstone sermons and the very concept of eternal torture and misery for non believing individuals making mistakes while living their lives has become extremely distasteful to the common man they are adamant in their insistence that it's all been errors in translation and are now preaching that hell is merely the eternal separation of man from god. All the scripture is still there but once again they have changed their position.
The church owns more real property in this world than any other entity except the governments. The Vatican City has a building which covers blocks and is loaded with rare treasures and art works which conservatively are worth hundreds of billions of dollars. All this while more than 900,000,000 humans are starving to death or suffering from the effects of malnutrition. By default the starving are mostly children.
I'm very glad I'm no longer a part of that fake bunch and when I look back I can't believe I stayed in it as long as I did.