My question for you all is: How much do you think before you speak and act? - How do you trust your
intuition? (this word I learned recently from another user has been sticking
I've recently apologized to my crush over facebook, I explained that I didn't mean to bother her by asking her out and that I did like her as a friend. I said that she didn't have to forgive me or even respond to this message, but she did. And we talked a little today, she struck up a little conversation with me in fact. but I'm still awkwarded out, I'm afraid of pushing too far again, I don't want to get "too comfortable" or "too talky" after we were just avoiding each other for almost a month and then just the other day I apologized. I wasn't completely avoidant, I responded when she talked, but I resisted eye contact a lot and I didn't really
start conversations with her - I did talk work-talk though when needed.
I think this is normal and it will get better? I feel like I need to let
her start the conversations with me for a while until I'm certain she's comfortable around me (even though she said she is doesn't mean she wants to automatically reconnect like old friends - i think)
I really like her as a friend too and I'm afraid of ruining this. I won't get crushy anymore, I know better than that, but I fear of ruining our friendship by being too avoidant? I don't see that happening either though, it's not like I'm ignoring her.
I guess I have to trust my intuition and hope she understands.