Which reptile became a bird and how many changes did it take? Can we name all the different animals from bird to reptile and show their skeletons? Like Darwin said there should be millions of transitional fossiles out there to show all this evolution.
OK, let's walk through the problem with your argument by an analogy. Imagine that there was a murder, and the police had found footprints, fingerprints and DNA all showing that the butler did it.
Now, just as the jury is ready to convict based on the evidence, someone notices that there was a hidden camera in the butler's room. So, they run the tape, and find that just a few minutes before the murder, the butler went into his room, got a gun out of his drawer, loaded it, and left the room. Is that not even more evidence than they had before? Yes, it is.
But, the clever defense lawyer jumps up and says "the tape doesn't actually show my client murdering the victim, it only shows that he had a gun a few minutes before the murder, and we can't see on the tape where he went or what he did with the gun, therefore, there is reasonable doubt against my client's alleged guilt."
Would you consider that damning to the prosecuter's case? Of course not. The tape actually supports the prosecuter.
That's what the fossil record is. It's an extra piece of incomplete evidence that only supports what is already evident.
Furthermore, there should NOT be more fossils than there are. Given that mineral based biomass such as bones and carapaces are somewhat recent, we wouldn't expect to find fossils for every speicies that ever existed.
Furthermore, for every transitional fossil found (which is every fossil that exists) a new "gap" is created because now creationists say "ok, fine, so we had fossile a, e, and f, which left us with one gap between a -e. Now we have fossil c, which means we now have TWO gaps, one between a-b and one between c-f. That's foolish. The reality is the gap is filling in, not increasing.
If you want to use fossils to blow evolution out of the water, go find a rabbit or a human in the pre-cambrian layer. Then I will personally tell you that you were right all along.