bible reader
well here is my reply:I believe God never dies, but that does not mean He is in a body forever. What has been will always be but in the past not the future.
I don't believe in Modalism the way that Sabellius described it. I believe someone who says something is obvious can't prove it but since it isn't obvious to me you will have to try to explain it.
I believe it says that Jesus existed in the form of the Father,
I believe this is a false assumption. There is no proof that this is the case. It is more logical that the glory is God's as Jesus identifies Himself as God.
I believe in the omnipresence of God.
John 1:1 in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was a god ( I believe "a god" is what the Greek language expresses)
- First of all this tells us the word existed with God in the beginning. To be with someone you have to be separate persons. We can get into the definite article if you wish, and putting "a god" in the passage makes more sense then god. but again I believe that John was expressing "a God'. If Jesus was the father or god it would read like this En arche en ho logos kai ho logos en pros ton theon kai ton theon en ho logos ( in the beginning was the word, and the word was with the god and the god was the word.
so from this passage it is evident Jesus existed apart from the only true god.
John 17:5 So now father glorify me at your side with the glory "I had before the world was"
So the son is speaking here and he is telling the father to glorify him(the son) with the glory I(the son) had before the world was.
they are separate beings. So what glory did the son have before the world was?
Philippians 2:6 for although he(Paul is talking about the son Jesus) was existing in gods form (defining what gods form means is a discussion in itself) did not consider equality with god a thing to be grasped. But this action Jesus takes, takes place before he became a man, he made a decision to empty himself before he came into the world.
we can expand more on these, just let me know. BTW here are some scriptures that at least to me prove they are separate persons.
1 Corinthians 15:24-28
Revelation 3:12
Revelation 1:1
And I forgot this important one.
Colossians 1:15,16 he (jesus) is the image of the invisible god, the firstborn of all creation, because by means of him (Jesus the son is being talked about) all things were created etc...
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