Orthodox said:
Where are your analogies and logic to prove that an all-powerful being can do anything?
Here it is, again, this time please read it carefully:
all, adj: Being or representing the entire or total number
powerful, adj: Having or capable of exerting power
power, n: A specific capacity, faculty, or aptitude
Lying is a verb. When you lie, you are doing something. When you do something, you have the capacity to do it. To have the capacity to do something is to have the power to do it. To be powerful is to be able to exert powers (like lying). If something is all powerful there is no power it cannot exert--it has the "entire or total number" of powers. You have argued that God does not have the entire number of powers--God does not have the power to lie. I don't think this is too difficult.
I have made this definition clear throughout the thread. Have I ever said that God must be all powerful, by this definition? No.
If God cannot possibly be all powerful in your mind by this definition, then good for you--you agree with the trinity.
I think that you, in fact, have proven the trinity false. It stands on faulty premises. (IE that all-powerful is what being able to do anything means).
Alas, that is how the english language works. Words have certain meanings, and that is indeed what all + powerful means (see above). Because I was afraid there would be some confusion, I said many many times earlier exactly what the definition of "all powerful" was, so people could know what was actually meant by it (the ability to do anything). From what I gather, you do not agree that God can do anything, so you agree God is not all powerful. EDIT Keep in mind that some theists would disagree with you, and say that God is all powerful and literally does have the power to do anything.
I know it sounds heretical to say "I think God is not all powerful".....maybe you should write to the dictionary company and have them change the meaning of the word "all" to mean "most".
This is your making it incorrect from the start. Prove to me that your trinity is valid outside of your imagination. I mean, if you can't show, via logic and example, how an all-powerful (by your definition) thing can be un-powerful and still remain all-powerful, then your just making up rubbish. You haven't yet demonstrated anything. All you have said is "but an all-powerful God should be able to... ect ect". Prove it is true. Being an Atheist you should, presumably, rely upon data and evidence not presumtion. It sounds like you have an awfull lot of faith for a atheist.
I am not really sure what you are saying here. Could you please clarify? I never argued that God must be all powerful, I only argued that the three statements in the trinity cannot all be true. You seem to have misunderstood.
By the way, about "giving atheism a chance". Epicuras was an atheist and he lived before Christ. Hummanism has been around for 400 years and in that time Christianity had absorbed the Roman Empire. The greatest Atheististic power has been Communism and that is disappearing fast after less than a hundred years in practice.
I'm not really into 'my worldview vs. your worldview in history' arguments (although good call on the Epicuras I did not know what time period he was around in). What I meant by "give atheism more time" is that atheism needs longer than 2,000 years to spread (lol no I'm j/k--I didn't have my dates straight). At any rate, communism is going fast, and the Christian theocracies of the Middle Ages have gone. I think we can agree we are glad to see both governments go.
Now on to Flamethrower...