The Watchtower says that Proverbs 8 is speaking about Jesus being created as a master worker, but that is not what the Biblical scriptures taken in context are saying.
Proverbs chapter 8 is about wisdom personified and is not referring to Christ as a created being at all.
Since chapters 1-9 are speaking about God’s wisdom personified and how important it is to get, acquire, or possess, wisdom, I believe chapter 8 is also speaking of this same wisdom. I do not see any indication that chapter 8 should be taken to have a different meaning (as referring to the Person of Christ) than chapters 1-7 and 9.
I have noticed that the Greek word “qanah” used in verse 22 is not the same Greek word (bara) used in Genesis 1:1, 1:21,1:27, 2:3, 2:4, 5:1,5:2, 6:7 or in Isaiah 43:1, 43:7,45:12, 45:18, 48:7.where the text is speaking of God creating the heavens and the earth and individuals.
The word “qanah” is used elsewhere in Genesis, but not to show the creation of something or someone. Instead, it is translated as “possessor” or “bought” to show ownership. (Gen.14:19, 14:22, 33:19, 47:20, 47:23, 49:30)
The Hebrew word “asah”, translated- to do, work, make, produce, is not used in Proverbs 8:22
This indicates that verses 22-31 are speaking metaphorically of God’s attribute of wisdom (His possession as a part of His divine nature), which He has had eternally (verse 23), and which was brought forth (verse 24) to be used in the creation of the universe.
This is an entirely different meaning of wisdom which is consistent with the surrounding chapters than the Watchtower twist of Proverbs 8.