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The true religion invites comparison


If I understood it correctly, yes. The alternative would be, well, obscene.

Surely there is something better for a true god to do than play mighty mafia capo and expect to be respected for it.

You did understand it correctly. I think the same thing too. An all powerful being should have no reason to care about being worshiped.


Veteran Member
Any god that offers hell, eternal punishment or anything akin to that, because of lack of beflief in that diety or based off of finite actions won't have to throw me into hell; I'll gladly jump in.

The one true God offers heaven; if one does not struggle for heaven; one gets abode in hell of one's own choice.


رسول الآلهة
The one true God offers heaven; if one does not struggle for heaven; one gets abode in hell of one's own choice.

How is it "their choice"?
Has it not occurred to you some just find Islam false? This is the ego of a man speaking not a god. If god gave the inert desire and purpose of man to be a Muslim we would all be Muslim but Islam cannot thrive in a society of reason. How can we have the inert desire to worship our creator if he only accept Arabic?
This deity also cannot provide a messenger who was more well received. How can you blame a person for not accepting a religion which to most looks increasingly volatile.
Only the ego of a man would declare the rejection of his religion is hell. Only the ego of a human being would say only his religion is correct. Why should god have ego? An infallible perfect being with an ego. This is just very bizarre and it is relatively new in religious history. Religious absolution has been a way for religions to claim superiority when cultures collide.


Well-Known Member
There is no true religion. Again I say it. There is no true religion. How could you pick one and say it's true and a fact. It seem's pretty far fetched in all honesty. I am not religious.


Veteran Member
There is no true religion. Again I say it. There is no true religion. How could you pick one and say it's true and a fact. It seem's pretty far fetched in all honesty. I am not religious.

I don't agree with you.

Every revealed religion in its original form is the same; and in that sense every religion is truthful and the person on whom it was revealed was truthful.


Veteran Member
Well that's good lol. I have no interest in hell or heaven when I die I'd just like to remain dead.

When one dies; then one cannot control one's likes or dislikes; it is in the hands of the one who has bestowed life to everyone of us.

I can only wish good luck to one.


When one dies; then one cannot control one's likes or dislikes; it is in the hands of the one who has bestowed life to everyone of us.

I can only wish good luck to one.

Thanks for the luck I guess, but there's no evidence anything does happen after death.


I believe that the one true religion will embrace the spirit of freedom of religion and freedom to choose, confident that it will win out. Those of a false religion will tend to erect laws forbidding the free exchange of literature and freedom to practice it- thus indicating their falsity. Now look at the countries of particular concern and decide for yourself which religion(s) is subconsciously proclaiming itself false while claiming that it's true and will take over the world.)(

Ummm! Brings to mind "ALL" of the religions of Abraham, and most of the offshoots.


Veteran Member
I think for comparison of revealed religion; the believers of revealed scriptures should strictly mention their claims and reason from the scriptures they believe in; if they cannot do that then it is understood that they don't believe their scriptures in their present form to be complete or that they have lost the original light they once had.

Of course others could differ with me with brilliant arguments.