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the truth behind hip hop ex ministries


Veteran Member
i know what i'm talking about. the ex ministries are not just talking about hip-hop but also rock, hip-hop gospel, r&b gospel any many other types of genres of music that christians should not support.

Zulu(the tribe) religion includes belief in a creator God (Nkulunkulu), who is above interacting in day-to-day human affairs. It is possible to appeal to the spirit world only by invoking the ancestors (amaDlozi) through divination processes. As such, the diviner, who is almost always a woman, plays an important part in the daily lives of the Zulu people. It is believed that all bad things, including death, are the result of evil sorcery or offended spirits. No misfortune is ever seen as the result of natural causes. Another important aspect of Zulu religion is cleanliness. Separate utensils and plates were used for different foods, and bathing often occurred up to three times a day. Going barefoot has always been a traditional sign of Zulu spirituality and strength. this was brought over by Afrika Bambaataa(search at wikipedia) he brought this and changed his name to Afrika Bambaataa Aasim following shaka zulu.

What it is? Da 3:10

Hip-hop is not rap! Rapping is style of conveying a message, like singing, humming, whistling, etc. Hip-hop is a culture, or way of living and governing your life. There is also a style of music that is a part of the hip-hop culture, but it’s not just represented by rap.
The founders and original pioneers of this culture teach that it is a religion. They teach that it is a tool to point people to the their god. Not the God of the Holy Bible. KRS-ONE teaches that the bible is irrelevant to the knowledge of his god. Hip-hop is a very effective tool for the degradation of our nations youth. KRS-ONE and the Temple of Hip Hop teaches that this culture was designed to give knowledge to self, or to show the Black man himself as god! He also teaches that we should accept Hip Hop as an organized religion and accept Hip Hop's drug of choice, marijuana!

What is its purpose? 2Ti 3:1

To set the stage for the coming of the antichrist and teach his doctrine of self-worship and knowledge of self.
To blur the existence and reality of the true and living God of the Holy Bible.
To lead youth into rebellion against the righteousness of God’s word.
To steal the true “meaning” or “purpose” of existence from our youth and lead them to early
death before they can fulfill their God given destiny.

Where did it come from? Da 11:38

The true origin of Hip Hop can be traced back as far as Africa. The Zulu Nation, a group of rebels under the leadership of Afrika Bambaata, started the music and religious aspects of hip hop in the late 70’s.

What does it produce? Ga 5:19

Youth with no fear. Youth with no purpose. Youth with no respect for authority. Youth with no parental guidance. Youth with no regards for their bodies, appearance, self-respect or futures. Hip Hop drives every aspect of our youths lives in most cases. They live it, breathe it, wear it and die for it. Hip-hop has done what no other tool of the devil has been able to do at this level. It has influenced all races, all ages, and all low-income areas in America. Hip-hop itself is a very weak demon, but has gone unattested for so long, that it has a major following.

How do you know when youth are under the influence of Hip Hop? Isa 5:20

1. The music – This is the number one source of influence. This is the evangelical tool for spreading the spirit of hip-hop abroad. You can easily tell when youth are into gangsta rap and explicit lyrical content. They show it in the behavior and the choices they make in life.
2. The clothing – Sagging jeans, tight fitted tops and bottoms, gang related outfits, prison attire. These are the clothes that hip hop influences our teens to wear freely. What was once considered appropriate only for prostitutes and hardened criminals is now acceptable attire for our youth!

3. The markings – Tattoos, piercing, strange hairstyles, gold teeth, vicious jewelry (dragons, dogs, snakes, etc) and the crucifix are all products of the hip hop culture. The devil wants our children marked like Cain, to show their pledge of allegiance to rebellion and self-gratification. These marking follow our youth and make it very hard to convert them back to their original identity.
4. The mentality – Hip-hop causes youth to be rebellious. To use foul language in public. To commit very strong sexual acts with other youth. To feel they have nothing to lose. To give up on their “good” values and take on the negativity of the hip hop culture.

In hip hop –
a. Prison is a good place. To be arrested and beat the rap makes you a hero.
b. Teen pregnancy is accepted as the norm.
c. Sex is good. Getting VD is not even frowned upon. Having multiple partners okay.
d. Homosexuality and Bi Sexuality is normal and accepted.
e. Serving God and sin together is the norm.
f. God forgives sin, so it’s okay.
g. Foul language and physical abuse is accepted.
h. Bad grades in school are okay.
i. Using drugs and drinking is accepted.
j. Murder is good thing, if you deserve it.
k. Choosing a god other than Jesus Christ is okay.
l. Love is just a word.
m. Being a thug is cool. Looking like you just robbed a bank is the norm.
n. The white man is not fair and holds the black man down.
o. Church, the bible, preachers, etc. are not needed. We can learn on our own.
p. XXX behavior is accepted and preached lyrically in the music.
q. Anything goes, as long as you are feeling it.

How do we stop it? Ro 12:2

We as believers must fight against it. Not embrace it. It must start in the church. We must raise the standard of our churches and form anti Hip Hop youth groups. We cannot promote this culture in our churches. Many churches try to use secular music, hip-hop attitudes and customs to try to reach out to the youth. But we must not be conformed to the world. We must pray for the transformation. The renewing of the mind by the power of God. It can be done, but it must be done through us. We must educate, research, and warn parents, teachers, counselors and youth about the dangers of this culture and the consequences of sin.

this is an article and half of this stuff came from wikipedia. even though the zulu nation was trying to do good they went about it in a way christians cnnot support, embrace or even mingle with. the ex miniistries website has an article with a list of arguments about their works and how they answered it. look at the article.

Plagiarized from this site

Much of this actually came from the website I've provided.
Its not about what " type" of music it is. its what the lyrics are saying.

God Bless Christian Hip Hop!!!!

it's not what the lyrics are saying it's the whole thing in general. christian hip-hop , christian rock and all these other christian mixtures should not be supported by christians.


Well-Known Member

When you cut and paste great gobs of stuff and do not note where it came from, that is plagiarism. Theft.

i did at the bottom this website wont let me post the actual websites unless i make 15 threads so i had to acknowledge where i got it from on the bottom and i had given people the exministries website so i though you all knew where i was coming from.


Brother Rock
it's not what the lyrics are saying it's the whole thing in general. christian hip-hop , christian rock and all these other christian mixtures should not be supported by christians.

strip clubs, gangs, drugs........ shouldn't you be out fighting the devil instead of fighting christians and the music they sing?

by the way..... i am a christian rapper.:D

what should christians do? go to a cave and hide? no! we make music too.

but let me also say, i don't listen to ALL christian rap and rock. Just as anything else , there is good and bad out there, but don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
christians do have a type of music it's called gospel music. mixing it up with another type of music is not gospel music your promoting hip-hop. i know you must be very talented but why hip-hop gospel and not just plain gospel.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
christians do have a type of music it's called gospel music. mixing it up with another type of music is not gospel music your promoting hip-hop. i know you must be very talented but why hip-hop gospel and not just plain gospel.
It's called "creativity."

Gospel is a musical style, no more. It caters to a specific aesthetic appreciation, just like ever other musical style. It's not morally superior to other styles, and guess what? Your specific taste in music is not morally superior to anyone else's taste.

Saying that Christians should only listen to Gospel makes about as much sense as "Christians should only wear the color blue." It's judgemental to the point of inanity.

You want to rob yourself of the sublime beauty of Beethoven, the glorious precision of Bach, the serenity of Iron & Wine, the spiritual strength and compassion of Great Big Sea, the righteous passion (and Christian themes) of Savatage/ Trans-Siberian Orchestra...? Go ahead. But get off your soapbox, because all you're doing is depriving yourself. You're not taking a stand against the devil. You're not acting as a bastion of morality. You're just defending - and spewing - racist crap.


Well-Known Member
i did at the bottom this website wont let me post the actual websites unless i make 15 threads so i had to acknowledge where i got it from on the bottom and i had given people the exministries website so i though you all knew where i was coming from.

Just copy and paste the address from the browser bar, it's not difficult and it lets the reader check it out for him/herself.

What I find annoying is that you swallow ONE line of thought hook, line and sinker without any intenal critic involved. Such thinking might end up in a line of people drinking lethal Koo-Aid from paper cups.

gospel music is the inspiration or techings through the word of god in song. thats what gospel music is. but the bible tells us to seperate yourselfs from them and have you no works with them. so gospel rap, hip-hop, r&b should not be accepted among christians.

i can only say what's can be backed up by scripture. what other christians that dont support me is ok.


Obstructor of justice
I noticed that this is the only thread you've posted in. Are you here to participate, or are you just here to advertise this person's anti-music material?
i want to participate in this website but so far this is the only thread i did. but i answered and got involved in many events here. i didn't want to advertise it but to see if others have seen it and theirs views on the 4 part movie.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
i know what i'm talking about. the ex ministries are not just talking about hip-hop but also rock, hip-hop gospel, r&b gospel any many other types of genres of music that christians should not support.
Can I get a link or two about the rock?

2. The clothing – Sagging jeans, tight fitted tops and bottoms, gang related outfits, prison attire. These are the clothes that hip hop influences our teens to wear freely. What was once considered appropriate only for prostitutes and hardened criminals is now acceptable attire for our youth!

3. The markings – Tattoos, piercing, strange hairstyles, gold teeth, vicious jewelry (dragons, dogs, snakes, etc) and the crucifix are all products of the hip hop culture. The devil wants our children marked like Cain, to show their pledge of allegiance to rebellion and self-gratification. These marking follow our youth and make it very hard to convert them back to their original identity.
4. The mentality – Hip-hop causes youth to be rebellious. To use foul language in public. To commit very strong sexual acts with other youth. To feel they have nothing to lose. To give up on their “good” values and take on the negativity of the hip hop culture.
2. Gang clothing???? Too be very frank, there is no such thing as gang "clothing." It is all about symbols and colors. They may seem to be dressed the same, but a closer look will show the similarities are certain symbols (which once in awhile is reflected by a certain brand of clothing), and mainly colors. To some even the color of your lighter matters. And, what do hardened criminals wear? And just how many "hardened" criminals have you known to verify this? Also, not too many people go around wearing white and black stripped clothing or bright orange jumpsuits. And how do you define strange hairstyles? Most often hip hop artist have short hair that seems normal. Last time I saw Shadows Fall (A death/thrash metal band) live, Brian Fair, the vocalist, had one of the wildest hair styles I have seen, with what could be described as a messy dreadlocks going down to his knees.

3. Tattoos and Piercings out date hip hop by centuries. Many primitive tribes used tattoos and piercings for everything from slave branding, clan identifications, social status, religious purposes, symbols of wealth, and lots of other things. As for me, my identity is placed in my tattoos as much as anything else, as they reflect my personality.

4. I am a metal head myself, which means I do not listen to hip hop or rap. I am also very rebellious, use alot of foul language, enjoy sexually experimenting, and depending on who you are, will be labeled as a bad person by some and good by others. And, music, like other forms of media, do not shape or force people to become something else. If it does, they have some serious mental issues.

mixing it up with another type of music is not gospel music your promoting hip-hop. i know you must be very talented but why hip-hop gospel and not just plain gospel.
Have you ever heard of Demon Hunter or Under Oath? Both are Christian groups, and definitely are not hip hop or gospel. Rather, both are metal Christian groups. The group Lordi is not even a hip hop group, but rather a hard rock group that sounds reminiscent of KISS.


Liebe ist für alle da
People it's a losing battle, this person can't even think for them self. All she's doing is posting some ones else thoughts with out an of her own. And she can't even give us a link to the dite and it's been asked for. And don't give us the "I need 15 post to give a link" bull again you have 52, where's the link.
i need 15 threads to give a link and i've PM people who wanted the link. the rock thing is in the same website as the hip-hop thing there are a few clips on you tube though. i will PM eveyone the website to check it out themselves.


Obstructor of justice
You only need 15 posts to include a link in your post. You have more than enough. Do not PM people with a link.


Well-Known Member
Okay, your link takes me to a place where I can spend $20 bucks to get this guys DVD.

Frankly, I have better things to do with $20.00.
