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The Universe Always Was Existing


Well-Known Member
No thanks. One either gets it or they don't and no amount of debating changes anyone's mind.
You said and I quote: "You don't realize it but your very statement above proves the impossibility of an infinite regression of time." How?


Premium Member
You said and I quote: "You don't realize it but your very statement above proves the impossibility of an infinite regression of time." How?
He highlighted the word "start" I think as an attempt to highlight a paradox for something that's supposed to be an infinite. With infinite time there is nowhere to start at zero to count backwards. Ok quit with trying to explode our heads, just mind boggling to think counting backwards forever, with no "beginning", if it didn't start, what the......:thud:


Doubting Thomas
He highlighted the word "start" I think as an attempt to highlight a paradox for something that's supposed to be an infinite. With infinite time there is nowhere to start at zero to count backwards. Ok quit with trying to explode our heads, just mind boggling to think counting backwards forever, with no "beginning", if it didn't start, what the......:thud:

There you go. You got it. If time infinitely regressed you could never get to where we are now because there is no starting point.


Well-Known Member
There you go. You got it. If time infinitely regressed you could never get to where we are now because there is no starting point.
Time doesn't "start" or "travel" or "reach" or "gets to" anywhere of course. What would time "travel" along to "get to where we are now"? Itself? :) Please read those links I supplied you with. Just like we can start now counting zero, -1, -2 and you'll never find a "starting number" we can start now counting zero, -1 minute, -2 minutes and never find a "starting minute" simply because there isn't one.


Well-Known Member
But are you both not saying the same thing. Where is the debate. You two seem to agree. :)
I said:
... we can start now counting zero, -1 minute, -2 minutes and never find a "starting minute" simply because there isn't one."

He appears to say that if there wasn't a -1 umptillionth starting minute in the past, we could never reach a now where we could say that now is the zero minute and count back -1 minutes and -2 minutes. I would like Nazz to explain why if I count back -1 minute, -2 minutes, -3 minutes from this minute, why at some point I would have to reach some -umptillionth "first" minute and why there couldn't be a -1 umptillonth and one minute.
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Doubting Thomas
I said:
... we can start now counting zero, -1 minute, -2 minutes and never find a "starting minute" simply because there isn't one."

He appears to say that if there wasn't a -1 umptillionth starting minute in the past, we could never reach a now where we could say that now is the zero minute and count back -1 minutes and -2 minutes. I would like Nazz to explain why if I count back -1 minute, -2 minutes, -3 minutes from this minute, why at some point I would have to reach some -umptillionth "first" minute and why there couldn't be a -1 umptillonth and one minute.

You don't get it even though you keep using the word "start" over and over again. Just try counting to -1 umptillion but don't START with zero or anywhere else in the series of numbers. Let's see how far you get. That's why I don't debate this, it is too frustrating. Arguing for an infinite regression of time is like arguing for square circles.


Premium Member
You don't get it even though you keep using the word "start" over and over again. Just try counting to -1 umptillion but don't START with zero or anywhere else in the series of numbers. Let's see how far you get. That's why I don't debate this, it is too frustrating. Arguing for an infinite regression of time is like arguing for square circles.
Yes infinite loops are also frustrating but at least they sound more feasible.

I cant see being able to count backwards forever, with no start we would never get to today.


Well-Known Member
You don't get it even though you keep using the word "start" over and over again. Just try counting to -1 umptillion but don't START with zero or anywhere else in the series of numbers. Let's see how far you get.
Let's try a different approach. You say that time requires a starting point to reach "now"? What does your "time" travel through to reach "now"?


Doubting Thomas
Let's try a different approach. You say that time requires a starting point to reach "now"? What does your "time" travel through to reach "now"?

Time does not literally travel anywhere. It's a measurement of change. Forget about time. An infinite regression of cause and effect is impossible. Plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
Time does not literally travel anywhere. It's a measurement of change. Forget about time. An infinite regression of cause and effect is impossible. Plain and simple.
So what you are saying is that an effect was preceded by a cause which was preceded by an effect which was preceded by a cause which was preceded by an effect which was preceded by a cause etc. but at some point there must be an effect that wasn't preceded by a cause or a cause that wasn't preceded by an effect because you can't keep saying "an effect was preceded by a cause which was preceded by an effect which was preceded by a cause" forever? Why can't you?
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Doubting Thomas
So what you are saying is that an effect was preceded by a cause which was preceded by an effect which was preceded by a cause which was preceded by an effect which was preceded by a cause etc. but at some point there must be an effect that wasn't preceded by a cause or a cause that wasn't preceded by an effect because you can't keep saying "an effect was preceded by a cause which was preceded by an effect which was preceded by a cause" forever? Why can't you?

Just keep thinking about it. Maybe one day the light bulb will come on. I said I would not debate this again so I'm done. Can you imagine how frustrating it would be to argue with someone who believes square circles can exist? What could one possibly say to change their minds?


Admiral Obvious
um, it is incorrect to say that.

The universe has not always existed and science has well and truly established that fact.

an eternal universe is like believing in a flat earth... its factually wrong to believe either

it just surprised me that some still believe the universe is eternal.

Yet Im sure those same people balk at those who believe the earth is flat. mind boggling on both accounts. '

an eternal universe was debunked by science 50 years ago.

And that scientific evidence has ruffled feathers because they dont like the implication. So they have gone back to the original eternal theories which were believed by the ancients thousands of years ago.


Source(s) please.

You make the same claim numerous times, even poke fun at those who do not share belief in your claim, but have not preented anything to support your claim.

please support your claim.


Well-Known Member
Just keep thinking about it. Maybe one day the light bulb will come on. I said I would not debate this again so I'm done. Can you imagine how frustrating it would be to argue with someone who believes square circles can exist? What could one possibly say to change their minds?
You could tell Mestemia and Monk Of Reason and me why "an infinite regression of cause and effect is impossible"? You don't have to "debate" anything. Just tell us why.


Doubting Thomas
You could tell Mestemia and Monk Of Reason and me why "an infinite regression of cause and effect is impossible"? You don't have to "debate" anything. Just tell us why.

Explaining why always just leads to a frustrating debate. Again, how could I tell someone why square circles can't exist? All I can say it is they are logically impossible by definition. Same goes for an infinite regression of cause and effect. It really should be obvious. You just have to think it all the way through.