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The Universe Always Was Existing


Well-Known Member
Source(s) please.

You make the same claim numerous times, even poke fun at those who do not share belief in your claim, but have not preented anything to support your claim.

please support your claim.

Explaining why always just leads to a frustrating debate. Again, how could I tell someone why square circles can't exist? All I can say it is they are logically impossible by definition. Same goes for an infinite regression of cause and effect.
Then simply quote a reliable source saying infinite regression of cause and effect is logically impossible by definition.


Admiral Obvious
do you need an authority to tell you circles can't be square?

Wrestling ring....

I take it you have nothing to show in support of your claim?

You could save loads of time, effort and aggravation if you were to just flat out state as such.


Admiral Obvious
Then simply quote a reliable source saying infinite regression of cause and effect is logically impossible by definition.

To be fair and honest....
The first quote of mine you had there was to Pegg, not Nazz...

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
The same way I know square circles or married bachelors can't exist.

Its not obvious. Nor are there conflicting terms being used. To say "time began" is more contradictory than to say infinite regression. There are reasons to believe against it but I'm wondering why you feel it is "obviously" impossible. So far you nor anyone else has shown this to be true. In fact I can show you a way where it IS possible for there to be infinite regression. We don't know if this is the way the universe exists however.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Go for it. I am always open to changing my mind.

I am more interested in your reasons as to "why" it is impossible other than simply your opinion.

A simple way to figure the universe as infinite is a circular universe where the "last effect" is the "first cause" or would be more specifically correct to say that there is no first or last cause or effect. Any number of non-linear models of the universe can exist in infinity with no problems. If they are true or not is yet to be seen but it certainly is beyond our current knowledge to claim that they are "obviously incorrect".


Doubting Thomas
I am more interested in your reasons as to "why" it is impossible other than simply your opinion.

A simple way to figure the universe as infinite is a circular universe where the "last effect" is the "first cause" or would be more specifically correct to say that there is no first or last cause or effect. Any number of non-linear models of the universe can exist in infinity with no problems. If they are true or not is yet to be seen but it certainly is beyond our current knowledge to claim that they are "obviously incorrect".

I already considered that. That still does not work. But nice try.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I already considered that. That still does not work. But nice try.

I already considered your theory. Your wrong therefore I win. Good day.

This is more or less what you stated. Why is it "obvious" infinite regression is impossible. What function or system or law in our universe requires it to be false?

And I am giddy with anticipation as to why you think a legitimate physics theory is dismiss-able without so much as an argument otherwise.


Doubting Thomas
I already considered your theory. Your wrong therefore I win. Good day.

This is more or less what you stated. Why is it "obvious" infinite regression is impossible. What function or system or law in our universe requires it to be false?

And I am giddy with anticipation as to why you think a legitimate physics theory is dismiss-able without so much as an argument otherwise.

I thought you might have something new for me to consider. That's the sort of thing I'd be interested in.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I've already explained why I don't want to debate this. Sorry.

Then I can't consider your point valid and there is no reason to continue if you refuse to support your points. I shall look forward to debating you elsewhere.


Premium Member
Why is it "obvious" infinite regression is impossible. What function or system or law in our universe requires it to be false?
Time is an issue. Time would go infinitely to the past meaning no beginning and no way to reach the present, cause an infinite regressed past wouldnt allow it.


Time is an issue. Time would go infinitely to the past meaning no beginning and no way to reach the present, cause an infinite regressed past wouldnt allow it.

Space, time, matter, etc. nothing at all existing at any "past time" is equally as incomprehensible as eternity...yet here we are :D

Our thought and language constructs are obviously too limited and restricted for any option to be completely, truly grasped and made sense of. We sense and understand a tiny portion.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Time is an issue. Time would go infinitely to the past meaning no beginning and no way to reach the present, cause an infinite regressed past wouldnt allow it.

Having a "begining" to time is even more problematic if we apply the same logic. Neither is "obviously" wrong or correct due to our depth of ignorance on the subject. We have a hard time accurately defining time within the context of different scenarios and we know that time is not a steady constant as we would like to believe. Several things can change "time" ect.

For example it seems ludicrous to say that two objects have existed for the same amount of "time" but have different ages.

Perspective is key and fundamental when ever addressing time. There is no privileged perspective that we can talk from that would avoid us giving a very specific point of view. The argument that some have made about "if there is an infinite number of moments before now we would never have reached now" are trying to talk from two different perspectives. All we can talk about is "now". Nothing along the line of logic states that we cannot have an infinite amount of time before and behind us. We are not on a "track" of time. Anyone who thinks that we are must have groundbreaking evidence or are misguided in their understanding of what "time" is.