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The Walking Dead


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Two thoughts come to mind right off the bat...

One, it is not the saliva per-say that contains the activating particle but a skin cell perhaps...
Skin cells would be awfully ubiquitous though. In any close struggle, skin cells would be shed.

Two, I have not seen or heard of anyone who turned from a mere scratch.
That's true. But they are always asking, "Were you bit? Were you scratched?" So I figured that scratching was bad news too.


Admiral Obvious
Skin cells would be awfully ubiquitous though. In any close struggle, skin cells would be shed.
It could be any fluid from the zombie...

That's true. But they are always asking, "Were you bit? Were you scratched?" So I figured that scratching was bad news too.
If any walker fluid will activate, then it is possible that with all the blood that flies when killing them gets into a scratch...

Which would make sense if the walkers fluids have to come into contact with humans blood...
That would mean that perhaps the activator carried by the walkers needs to get into the blood stream before it activates the dormant stuffs.
Now if the stomach acids destroy the activator particle before it can get into the blood stream, that would explain why getting a bit of walker blood, sweat, saliva in their mouths would not turn them.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Just starting to watch the new episode......

I thought I recognized him...Chad Coleman from The Wire.
That fella gets some good work.
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Random thoughts about the new episode.

The newcomers into the prison found a hole and Rick should have them patch it up ASAP.

Looks like Rick is hullicinating.

Could these newcomers be part of the group that called Rick on the phone? Just a thought.

Merle proved to be a problem now that he tried killing three (Glen, Maggie, Michonne) from Rick's group. It will be interesting to see if and how they let him back into the fold.

I hope they let the newcomers be part of the group.


Random thoughts about the new episode.

The newcomers into the prison found a hole and Rick should have them patch it up ASAP.

Looks like Rick is hullicinating.

Could these newcomers be part of the group that called Rick on the phone? Just a thought.

Merle proved to be a problem now that he tried killing three (Glen, Maggie, Michonne) from Rick's group. It will be interesting to see if and how they let him back into the fold.

I hope they let the newcomers be part of the group.

They aren't part of the group on the phone, because that never existed. It was all a hallucination.

Also, I'm sure they will become a part of the group since they're kind of lacking in members right now.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Random thoughts about the new episode.

The newcomers into the prison found a hole and Rick should have them patch it up ASAP.

Looks like Rick is hullicinating.

Could these newcomers be part of the group that called Rick on the phone? Just a thought.

Merle proved to be a problem now that he tried killing three (Glen, Maggie, Michonne) from Rick's group. It will be interesting to see if and how they let him back into the fold.

I hope they let the newcomers be part of the group.

Loved the new episode! Rick's grip on reality is getting worse, and I'm betting it will continue to get worse until he begins to open up to the group and rely on them, instead of having to feel constant pressure as their leader, caretaker, protector, etc.

Tyrese is a major character in the books, and I remember really really really really liking him. From what I've seen, they've captured his character from the books spot on. I hope the two groups join together too.

Darryl....why does he always feel like he MUST BE "little brother"? Grrrr!!! :computer:

Looking forward to seeing how the rest of Season Three plays out.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Random thoughts about the new episode.

The newcomers into the prison found a hole and Rick should have them patch it up ASAP.

Yeah, but Rick's not thinking too straight atm. :p

Looks like Rick is hullicinating.
Could these newcomers be part of the group that called Rick on the phone? Just a thought.

I don't think so, but I've still got that hunch that we haven't heard the last about the phone group yet.

Merle proved to be a problem now that he tried killing three (Glen, Maggie, Michonne) from Rick's group. It will be interesting to see if and how they let him back into the fold.

If it were me, I would have taken him back right there and then. I really don't think the possible hazards of letting Merle back in outweighed the advantages of keeping Daryl.

At this point, Merle would pretty much have to fight for Rick's group just for his own sake, and that would be a big plus too: whatever else Merle is he's handy in a fight, and he knows the Governor and his tactics better than anyone, which would also come in handy.

If I were Rick I would hold off on dealing with Merle until the threat from the Governor and his group was dealt with.

I hope they let the newcomers be part of the group.

I have a feeling they will (I don't see how they could afford not to).


Well-Known Member
I really want to see Darryl come back... That's lame. :(

Yeah me too, and without Merle. After Rick's meltdown, I was hoping Darryl would take charge of the group, but oh well.

Random thoughts about the new episode.

The newcomers into the prison found a hole and Rick should have them patch it up ASAP.

Looks like Rick is hullicinating.

Could these newcomers be part of the group that called Rick on the phone? Just a thought.

Merle proved to be a problem now that he tried killing three (Glen, Maggie, Michonne) from Rick's group. It will be interesting to see if and how they let him back into the fold.

I hope they let the newcomers be part of the group.

The phone calls were hallucinations. Seriously, the books say it, the shows producers say it, the actors say it, and it is painfully obvious in the show. He is having a mental breakdown.


They aren't part of the group on the phone, because that never existed. It was all a hallucination.

Also, I'm sure they will become a part of the group since they're kind of lacking in members right now.

I'm not completely sold on it all being a hallucination (even if the book says it so). I do think Rick is hallucinating but what better way to give a twist to the story but to sprinkle some reality in with hallucinations? Now that's good TV. :) I haven't read the book but when is the last time a movie or series follows everything to the tee? I've heard they've done a great job with The Walking Dead and that is great but there is no reason to think they can't change it on us. I think that would be awesome. :D Give all the book nerds a twist.


If it were me, I would have taken him back right there and then. I really don't think the possible hazards of letting Merle back in outweighed the advantages of keeping Daryl.

At this point, Merle would pretty much have to fight for Rick's group just for his own sake, and that would be a big plus too: whatever else Merle is he's handy in a fight, and he knows the Governor and his tactics better than anyone, which would also come in handy.

If I were Rick I would hold off on dealing with Merle until the threat from the Governor and his group was dealt with.

I'd take him in as well, but it would be a slow transition. I'd literally seperate him and Daryl in a section of the jail. His presence is too much too soon; he disrupts the group and makes them feel more unsafe and unstable. Just imagine someone being inches from killing you and then is invited to your home with a smile........you have to do something to make the group continue to feel safe and that you have their best interested in mind.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Yeah me too, and without Merle. After Rick's meltdown, I was hoping Darryl would take charge of the group, but oh well.

The phone calls were hallucinations. Seriously, the books say it, the shows producers say it, the actors say it, and it is painfully obvious in the show. He is having a mental breakdown.

The show deviates from the books pretty radically in several places. Seems clear to me that the producers and writers like to surprise the audience, adding new twists, unexpected deaths (unexpected to anyone who's read the books) and allegiances, expanding the lifespan of some characters, shortening that of some others.

This way, even if you've read the books you really don't know what's going to happen next, which ups the level of suspense and improves the show overall IMO.

In fact, there are several places where someone who is familiar with the books is going to be even more surprised/shocked than the people who haven't: if the plot comes to a fork in the road and you're expecting it to turn left, you're going to be even more surprised then someone who doesn't know what to expect when it turns right.

I think the phone-group situation is exactly the kind of thing the writers would want to exploit in order to provide a new and unexpected twist: anyone who's read the books (and ignores the clues) is almost certain to write the phone-people off as an hallucination.
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The show deviates from the books pretty radically in several places. Seems clear to me that the producers and writers like to surprise the audience, adding new twists, unexpected deaths (unexpected to anyone who's read the books) and allegiances, expanding the lifespan of some characters, shortening that of some others.

This way, even if you've read the books you really don't know what's going to happen next, which ups the level of suspense and improves the show overall IMO.

In fact, there are several places where someone who is familiar with the books is going to be even more surprised/shocked than the people who haven't: if the plot comes to a fork in the road and you're expecting it to turn left, you're going to be even more surprised then someone who doesn't know what to expect when it turns right.

I think the phone-group situation is exactly the kind of thing the writers would want to exploit in order to provide a new and unexpected twist: anyone who's read the books (and ignores the clues) is almost certain to write the phone-people off as an hallucination.

Completely agree. :)


Well-Known Member
The show deviates from the books pretty radically in several places. Seems clear to me that the producers and writers like to surprise the audience, adding new twists, unexpected deaths (unexpected to anyone who's read the books) and allegiances, expanding the lifespan of some characters, shortening that of some others.

This way, even if you've read the books you really don't know what's going to happen next, which ups the level of suspense and improves the show overall IMO.

In fact, there are several places where someone who is familiar with the books is going to be even more surprised/shocked than the people who haven't: if the plot comes to a fork in the road and you're expecting it to turn left, you're going to be even more surprised then someone who doesn't know what to expect when it turns right.

I think the phone-group situation is exactly the kind of thing the writers would want to exploit in order to provide a new and unexpected twist: anyone who's read the books (and ignores the clues) is almost certain to write the phone-people off as an hallucination.

It would be too absurd for it not to be a hallucination.

We are expected to believe a group of people got power to whatever building they need to direct phone calls and then started randomly dialing numbers and managed to reach the one guy who was sitting next to a phone in a prison basement and coincidentally was suffering from a major nervous breakdown? The odds of that are ridiculous even for TV. And if it's not a hallucination, why haven't they called back after Rick realized he was hallucinating? If only one or two of the callers were hallucinations, why haven't the others tried to call back?

You are correct about the books, they have strayed pretty far at times, but they have also stayed followed some things almost exactly as they happened in the books. The phone calls happened pretty much how they did in the books.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
It would be too absurd for it not to be a hallucination.

We are expected to believe a group of people got power to whatever building they need to direct phone calls and then started randomly dialing numbers and managed to reach the one guy who was sitting next to a phone in a prison basement and coincidentally was suffering from a major nervous breakdown? The odds of that are ridiculous even for TV.

The fact that it's so unlikely would make it even more tempting for the writers to try and use it to trick the audience: all of what you say above is reasonable grounds for skepticism about the reality of the phone group. Because of all that, if the writers manage to find some feasible way around all those obstacles (and IMO the writers are cleaver enough to pull it off) it'll be a that much better of a plot twist.

To take a shot at it myself:

1. I have no idea about the mechanics behind phone connections, but I do know that sometimes phones on land lines---especially the old manual-dial phones---stay operational during a power outage. (not sure what kind of phone Rick was using in that episode, but I know it was on a land line and I have a hunch it was a manual dial type. I'll check when I get a chance).

2. Depending on how many people the phone group has, if they had enough people spending enough time randomly dialing numbers all day the idea that they would connect with Rick when and where they did isn't stretching the audiences credibility too much. Also, for all we know the people in charge of the phone search are purposely pin-pointing places where survivors would be most likely to hold up, and a prison would be high on the list.

3. IMO, the fact that Rick was having a melt-down at the time doesn't effect the odds one way or the other. I would guess that neurasthenia would be a fairly common condition among survivors of a zombie apocalypse. :D

And if it's not a hallucination, why haven't they called back after Rick realized he was hallucinating?

If only one or two of the callers were hallucinations, why haven't the others tried to call back?

Has anybody been near the phone since then? I know Rick has been off rescuing people for the most part.

You are correct about the books, they have strayed pretty far at times, but they have also stayed followed some things almost exactly as they happened in the books. The phone calls happened pretty much how they did in the books.

So far. :yes:


Nothing in the first caller's phone conversation indicated that the call was random. She even said that they had been calling "since it all got started". She never even bothered to ask where she was calling to. Most folks would want to know that, don't you think? I mean, if it's random and all. There is a good chance they called the jail for a reason.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Nothing in the first caller's phone conversation indicated that the call was random. She even said that they had been calling "since it all got started". She never even bothered to ask where she was calling to. Most folks would want to know that, don't you think? I mean, if it's random and all. There is a good chance they called the jail for a reason.

Good points. :yes: