The first gulf war was based upon the invasion of Kuwait. Saddam could have avoided it by withdrawal, he did not.
The Second gulf war was based upon saddams first nuclear weapon research facility.
There was no peace treaty in place between Iraq and the allies from the first war. There was a truce in the fighting.
This truce was based upon specific terms that Iraq agreed to follow. The war was not over, it was paused based upon Iraq´s compliance with the terms imposed upon it.
The terms related to this facility were that it be covered inside by monitored CCTV cameraś , a variety of sensing devices, and be subject to immediate spot inspection by UN inspectors.
Saddam arbitrarily decided to stop complying with the terms of the cease fire. He removed all of the cameras and other devices, and refused to allow the required UN inspections.
22 resolutions were passed by the UN for the required inspections, saddam ignored every one. He was repeatedly warned as to what would happen with his continued refusal, he still refused.
We now know the whole thing was a calculated bluff because saddam was terrified of an invasion by Iran, as he had invaded them.
He felt that if he acted like he had an active nuclear program, Iran would be deterred.
He was given a final ultimatum. He could have prevented the invasion by simply doing what he had agreed to do, he did not.
One of the Pentagons primary tasks is to develop war plans. These exist, and are continuously revised, for any country that has a significant population or military.
Those countries that are hostile have plans that are constantly reviewed.
So, all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about conspiracies because this planning occurred before the war is nonsense, the Pentagon was simply doing it´s job.
In those days I was a Conservative who believed that having the opportunity to vote and choose their own leadership was a goal worth the pain for Iraq and us. I believed freedom and liberty were desired by all people, and all people would naturally choose them.
After Iraq my thinking is totally changed. People get the government they deserve. It is none of our business. As I have said, Iraq is not worth the death of one American soldier.
Our country began by the people forcefully ejecting a government of tyranny.
The People of Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, any of the nations in the area can do the same.
Only when OUR national interest requires it, should there be intervention of any kind.
I believe that Islamic societies are by nature hostile to liberty and freedom. They require all power to be held by by one person. As the saying goes, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Turkey under Mustafa Kemal had a secular military and government that was fairly representative of the people.
That is gone now. The military has been purged, now it is a loyal islamist group completely under the thumb of the president. Kemals reforms are just a memory, and the president is grabbing more and more power, on his way to becoming a dictator.
The islamic model asserts itself once again.
I mourn the total waste of American lives and treasure expended in trying to give Iraq what they didn´t want, did not understand, and had no interest in anything but the tribal system.
Liberty and freedom is not what the Islamic people in Islamic countries want.
We should leave them to their apparent choice.