The whole Bible is not from God. Some people who wrote parts of the Bible were wrong about God. God has never asked us humans to kill each other.
Yes many parts of the Bible is from God, but some parts of the Bible is not from God
How to know what is from God in the Bible? That is simple. God is love and just. What is against love and justice is not from God. God is against killing innocent people.
Any thoughts? Do you agree og disagree?
My opinion is, Satan was in charge of humans after the fall from paradise, through the Old and most of the New Testament. Satan was condoned in Heaven up to Revelations, at which time he is thrown from heaven. The Old and New Testament is mostly about when Satan was part of Heaven. Satan use his power to tempt Adam and Eve and he also tempted Jesus in the desert and even offers him the wealth and power of the world since he had that authority on earth.
God specifically told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil; or they shall surely die. Death would be the result of the short term human evaluations of reality, based on good and evil that would defy the longer term perceptions of God; natural instinct, The tree of life would have been a better choice since this tree did not involve Satan, who can thrown monkey wrenches into perception.
Eve then Adam were tempted by Satan.Satan told them that the tree of knowledge of good and evil would make them like gods, knowing good and evil. Satan had a connection to that forbidden tree; serpent in the tree. The concept of original sin was then applied to all humans, which meant that the fall from paradise would cause a fatal attraction to Satan, over God, such as we see in Atheism, who think they are little gods and there is none above them as Satan taught them.
After the fall, Satan was put in charge of humans, as the Lord of the Earth. God saw the human attraction to Satan and Law and he gave humans what they chose; look at the world as good and evil, which God never condoned, but which only Satan condoned.
This all changed with the arrival of Jesus, who was seen by some people of his time as good, but also as evil by others. The evil value judgment was stronger, so Jesus is killed. The tree of knowledge would cause split brain within each person, and between each other.
Knowledge of good and evil is often subjective. This is sold as relative morality. This makes it prone to con artists and those seeking power, leading to human suffering. Abortion terminates life yet this is called good by some and evil by others. Both think they are right. This is the pitfall of knowledge of good and evil, in that it brings division and suffering, since it does not appear to apply to all; not a practical compass.
The result was the Bible, itself, became subject to original sin, since humans were in charge of its compilation and its continued rewrites as times changed. How can split brain humans who see the world as polarized, created unified order in the Bible? This is not to say the Bible is evil, but rather it takes study to separate the wheat from the chaff. Atheists may actually be helpful here, since they tend to fixate on the Satan aspects, since they do not recognize God, since they are gods in their own mind as promise by Satan.
The analogy would be similar to me writing an objective book that presents the best ideas of both polarized political parties, so we have a compilation of the greatest hits. Those who are one sided, either way, will gravitate to their pet bias, and be repelled by the ideas from the other side, since their brain polarizes reality along certain subjective lines. This can be used as a filter. if we stay open minded.