Yes, that is the most recent definition of a woman in popular usage. The interesting thing for me here is why anybody objects to this. What is it they are resisting and why? It's more than how a word is used. Likewise with this use of the word lie here. What motivates that? These are visceral reactions that suggest that the objector feels threatened or is offended. Is there any other reasonable explanation for why people behave like this? They don't seem to be language purists.
Another word that makes many bristle is transphobia, which leads to analogous semantic quibbling and etymological fallacies about what the suffix -phobia is allowed to mean. But that's what this is - an aversion to transexuals that goes beyond not dating one to a refusal to be kind or polite.
I don't think anybody minds if you never use the word woman to refer to a M-to-F transexual. It's enough to understand that others do so that you understand what they mean when they use the word that way.
Straw man. Nobody at all is arguing otherwise. For starters, it would be impossible to remove all of those Y-chromosomes from somebody born with them. You also seem to be fond of calling people whose language you don't like liars but can't actually identify a lie.
Her female psyche.
He's given you the non-biological definition more than once. "A woman is a person who identifies as a woman, a man is a person who identifies as a man."
Once, there were only guitars. They generated music through resonance. Then, guitars that made sound by sending an electronic signal from a pickup to an amplifier speaker. They were called guitars, too, but now it was necessary to add the word acoustic or electric to be clear. Likewise with the word woman. "Trans" and "biological "do that for us here. "You see those two women over there? One's a biological woman, the other a transexual woman." What does the word woman mean in that comment? Go ahead and define what that word used that way means to the speaker. Not what you mean when the use the word. I presume that you would say something more like, "See what looks like two women there? Only one is a woman" That's a different meaning of the word. It's the biological definition.
Fine with me. Why shouldn't it be OK? Are you referring to mental health issues, as in would I think you're OK? Nice avatar, by the way. Is there a story
No. Do you realize that that is a different question? Now, you're claiming to be a cat, not just feeling like one.
How's that not a definition? Did you mean not yet in widespread usage? Did you mean that that definition is tautological? If so, I disagree.
Did you mean first definition? There is no real definition if by that you mean that there is only one way the word may be used.