But more importantly, it seems irrational.
Why would an omnimax entity be wrathful when His creations exhibit the traits He gave them?
He wouldn't, is the rational answer. But various religionists will keep on giving me irrational answers to support their other irrational beliefs.
Humans are free moral agents, meaning we have the ability to make choices. The animal has no similar choice, but rather they follow instinct; plan. Humans have lost instinct ,in exchange for choice.
As an analogy, say you were part of AI; artificial intelligence, development team. The goal of AI, is for a computer program and hardware, that can make its own choices, and not just be an automaton that obeys its programing, 100%. It supposed to have free will, and be able to make decisions that are not anticipated. This is how you will know the AI is alive.
Since destruction is easier than building, the first baby steps of the AI, will be simple and often destructive. The two year old child can destroy your 1000 piece puzzle, much easier that it can help you build it. On the one hand, you will marvel at its autonomous behavior, but on the other, if it started to erase the code, you would be pissed. Yet, you would try to be patient, since this is the growing pains of the AI.
Once the AI gets over the hump, and starts to become more constructive than destructive, then the marvel combines with your sense of pride in the new invention. The Old Testament God had to deal with a new AI firmware, within the human brain, that gave it autonomy. This autonomy was good, but the growing pains began very destructive, like the terrible two's of childhood. This created mixed feelings and frustrating days in the earth lab.
By the time of Jesus, the AI had finally stabilized; age four, and was on the upswing, but not yet perfect. Forgiveness of sins is now more acceptable, since the destruction of code, now appears to lead to the AI, writing its own code. This is marvelous and requires we withhold judgment and be patient.