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Theist or Atheist ?


Be your own guru
The person who drew this, possibly the oldest rock painting on earth, Australia, 40,000 years BP - Australian Cave paintings may be the oldest on the planet



Only the ducks are saved. The actual god is in constant communication with all ducks and visible to them all. It never communicates with any other species. The ducks are laughing the bills off at all the human theists. :)
No matter how. But saved. :)

Important is to get saved.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Sun-worshippers ?

And what about moon ?
Sun's wife ? :D

And why sun so hot ? and moon cold ? :D

Seems a bit obvious as to why one would be seen as having a greater influence on our ancestors than the other, given that the sun often enables us to survive and for plants to grow and nourish us, even if they might not have known the latter. They surely felt the heat of the sun so knew its worth. The last, erm, because one is an active star and the other just another planetary body formed by impacts?


Seems a bit obvious as to why one would be seen as having a greater influence on our ancestors than the other, given that the sun often enables us to survive and for plants to grow and nourish us, even if they might not have known the latter. They surely felt the heat of the sun so knew its worth. The last, erm, because one is an active star and the other just another planetary body formed by impacts?


Veteran Member
Why? Is not Adam your first manifestation of Allah? So, there were theists even before they were banned from the Garden of Eden. So no time lag. Theists were the first on earth. Trailblazer, you do not even understand your own books. An atheist has to remind you.
Adam was the first Manifestation of God of the Adamic Cycle of religion, but there were many cycles of religion before the Adamic Cycle. Adam was not the first man. We know that because because man has been a species a lot longer than 6,000 years, about 200,000 years. God has always sent Manifestations so that means there were other cycles of religion during those 200,000 years, but no trace remains of the previous universal cycles of religion because that was before the art of writing was developed.


I. PREVIOUS UNIVERSAL CYCLES - of which no trace remains


· A. ADAMIC CYCLE, CYCLE OF PROPHECY - lasted approximately 6,000 years

1. Adam 1. Indian religious figures
2. Noah - Krishna
3. Abraham
4. Moses 2. Zoroaster
5. Jesus 3. Buddha
6. Muhammad
+ Other unknown or unspecified prophets

· B. BAHA'I CYCLE, CYCLE OF FULFILLMENT - to last 500,000 years

1. The Bab
2. Bahá'u'lláh - Universal Manifestation for this Universal Cycle

a. Heroic, Primitive, or Apostolic Age - 1844-1921 (or 1932 - the death of Bahiyyih Khanum)

i. Ministry of the Bab (1844-53)
ii. Ministry of Bahá'u'lláh (1853-92)
iii. Ministry of `Abdu'l-Bahá (1892-1921)

b. Formative, Transitional, or Iron Age - 1921 -

i. First Epoch (1921-44/46) - Erection of the Administrative Order
ii. Second Epoch (1946-63) - spread of the Faith beyond the confines of the Western Hemisphere
iii. Third Epoch (1963-86) - emergence of the Faith from obscurity and initiation of social and economic development plans
iv. Fourth Epoch (1986- ) - national communities taking on the responsibility for their own development
v. Successive further Epochs

c. Golden Age
Successive Epochs leading to the Most Great Peace

3. Further Manifestations - under the shadow of Bahá'u'lláh



Ages and Cycles


Atheists are animals (as are theists) so there is no difference
Man always remain unfulfilled. No matter how much, or what he has attained. Always look forward towards some higher goal.

Whereas, this is NOT the case in animals.


Be your own guru
That is quite natural. Abdul-Baha was Bahaollah's son and all the prosperity and prestige that Abdul-Baha enjoyed was because of Bahaollah. So why would not Abdul-Baha term Bahaollah as the "Universal manifestation"? It is like Bush Jr. praising Bush Sr. And then Abdul-Baha's grandson praises both Bahaollah and Abdul-Baha. Who would not like to put his family on the pedastal? It just happened that Bahaollah's line petered out with Shoghi Effendi.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Last question.

Man exercise to keep body fit, why animals don't ?

Civilization brings a sedentary lifestyle which is not particularly healthy, exercise returns us to a more active lifestyle as is enjoyed by most animals during the everyday fight for survival


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Theist or Atheist,
Who was the first one on this earth ? and what benefit was he/she getting of being so ?

I'm pretty sure most prokaryotes were atheists, though there might have been a few sun-worshipers in the bunch.