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Theist or Atheist ?


Veteran Member
Yes, exercise increase immunity, further immunity fights corona.

But the question is why human exercise ? animals don't.

Are we on the same page, dear ? :)

Plenty of people have already answered this stupid question. When are you going to accept the answes and drop the sillyness?


He'll only be capable of doing so because of a life-time of running after antilopes, and having the genetic basis for a strong, muscular body that is able to outrun antilopes.
You mean tiger knew in advance that when some day any human will come to hug him. That day :D
That day.. his muscular body which he attained by life time running after antilopes will benefit him doing this task very easily ? :D

Otherwise it will be somewhat hard for him to do so ? :D


Veteran Member
I am not interested in what Abdul-Baha or Shoghi Effendi or your House of Justice says about universal cycles. You claim Bahaollah to be having the word of Allah. So, tell me what Bahaollah said about cycles, if you have any information on that. Of course, it is possible that tablets also could be pulled out from nowhere, since his son and great-grandson were doing that. Like the mention of Krishna and Buddha.
I am not aware of any of the Writings of Baha'u'llah that talk about the universal cycles but that does not mean He did not write about them, as many of His Tablets have not been translated into English yet. Below is what Abdu'l-Baha said about universal cycles of religion:


Question.—What is the real explanation of the cycles which occur in the world of existence?

Answer.—Each one of the luminous bodies in this limitless firmament has a cycle of revolution which is of a different duration, and every one revolves in its own orbit, and again begins a new cycle. So the earth, every three hundred and sixty-five days, five hours, forty-eight minutes and a fraction, completes a revolution; and then it begins a new cycle—that is to say, the first cycle is again renewed. In the same way, for the whole universe, whether for the heavens or for men, there are cycles of great events, of important facts and occurrences. When a cycle is ended, a new cycle begins; and the old one, on account of the great events which take place, is completely forgotten, and not a trace or record of it will remain. As you see, we have no records of twenty thousand years ago, although we have before proved by argument that life on this earth is very ancient. It is not one hundred thousand, or two hundred thousand, or one million or two million years old; it is very ancient, and the ancient records and traces are entirely obliterated.

Each of the Divine Manifestations has likewise a cycle, and during the cycle His laws and commandments prevail and are performed. When His cycle is completed by the appearance of a new Manifestation, a new cycle begins. In this way cycles begin, end and are renewed, until a universal cycle is completed in the world, when important events and great occurrences will take place which entirely efface every trace and every record of the past; then a new universal cycle begins in the world, for this universe has no beginning. We have before stated proofs and evidences concerning this subject; there is no need of repetition.

Briefly, we say a universal cycle in the world of existence signifies a long duration of time, and innumerable and incalculable periods and epochs. In such a cycle the Manifestations appear with splendor in the realm of the visible until a great and supreme Manifestation makes the world the center of His radiance. His appearance causes the world to attain to maturity, and the extension of His cycle is very great. Afterward, other Manifestations will arise under His shadow, Who according to the needs of the time will renew certain commandments relating to material questions and affairs, while remaining under His shadow.

We are in the cycle which began with Adam, and its supreme Manifestation is Bahá’u’lláh.

Some Answered Questions, pp. 160-161


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Again I have to say here that.. illusion means, something that pretends as real to you.

Hence, you will NOT agree, even if point out because it is illusion :)

I go by facts and evidence and dont drink, do drugs or do religion so I'm not troubled by illusion

So please point out where you say my post was illusion


I go by facts and evidence and dont drink, do drugs or do religion so I'm not troubled by illusion

So please point out where you say my post was illusion
I also go by facts and evidence and don't drink, do drugs or NOT believe in God so I'm also not troubled by illusion.

Given the above contrary, either you, or I, one out of us is in illusion, do you agree that ?


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I also go by facts and evidence and don't drink, do drugs or NOT believe in God so I'm also not troubled by illusion.

Given the above contrary, either you, or I, one out of us is in illusion, do you agree that ?

So you can't show me where you claim i posed illusion


Both...simultaneously. I'm defining theist as someone who believes in some sort of supernatural being...whether it be a 'being than which none greater can be conceived' or just some scary being they imagined existed in their 'dream world.'

I believe the concept of the supernatural...and ultimately God or gods came via dreams and hallucinations brought on by various catalysts...drugs/plants/deprivation. So, since I am pretty sure most higher animals dream...I am absolutely sure dogs do...I imagine that the first humans had already been dreaming and as soon as they developed complex communication skills, they shared their dreams and out of that came the idea of the supernatural. And out of the supernatural came the idea that some beings in that 'other' world were powerful and might have control over the 'material/natural' world. Some probably were convinced those dreams represented real experiences and others probably thought they were not real...ie all in the mind. The believers were theists, the nonbelievers were atheists.


Well-Known Member
Both...simultaneously. I'm defining theist as someone who believes in some sort of supernatural being...whether it be a 'being than which none greater can be conceived' or just some scary being they imagined existed in their 'dream world.'

I believe the concept of the supernatural...and ultimately God or gods came via dreams and hallucinations brought on by various catalysts...drugs/plants/deprivation. So, since I am pretty sure most higher animals dream...I am absolutely sure dogs do...I imagine that the first humans had already been dreaming and as soon as they developed complex communication skills, they shared their dreams and out of that came the idea of the supernatural. And out of the supernatural came the idea that some beings in that 'other' world were powerful and might have control over the 'material/natural' world. Some probably were convinced those dreams represented real experiences and others probably thought they were not real...ie all in the mind. The believers were theists, the nonbelievers were atheists.
People who believe in ghosts, but no gods are atheists. People who believe in gods, but no ghosts are theists. People who don't believe in the supernatural, yet believe that the Sun is a material, thinking being with agency whom we should worship are theists.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
No there's difference.
Human wear clothes, animals don't.
And eat, and drink, and defecate, and rut, and kill, and are born and die, and feel pleasure, and suffer -- and animals do all those things.

Wearing clothes is just one of the ways that a larger brain allows us to alter conditions around us for our own purposes, and lots of animals do that, too -- including use tools, create their own lake environments, build complex homes to care for and raise their young.

We gave up a lot for our bigger brains, that other animals beat us every which way. A chimp can pull your arm out of your socket, you couldn't do the same to her. A dog can smell when your body chemistry shows you might have cancer, and you can't come anywhere close to that. Termites can build mounds of such complexity that they air-condition themselves. There are ants that make slaves of other ant species, and there are ants that plant, fertilize and tend their own mushroom farms for their own food consumption. The lyre bird of Australia can imitate any sound it hears -- from cell phone ring-tones to chainsaws. There are animals that can jump dozens of times their own body lengths, while humans struggle to jump just one.

You should go and take a look at some of the amazing things that animals can do. And every one of them -- including the human propensity for making tools and wearing clothes -- are adapted for the survival and propogation of their species.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
What do you mean by fully formed soul ?
In my understanding, the soul develops through successive forms from the most primitive through the animal kingdom gaining greater and greater consciousness and self-awareness. When it reaches full development it is in the human form, what I referred to as "full formed".

Then there's a period of reincarnation as the soul experiences various things until it enters the spiritual path; the path that leads to union with the Divine.