What really and truly puzzles me is why theists and atheists appear to totally ignore what is written in Genesis 1:26True. Do you think religions invented the idea of original sin, to explain away (lack of a better phrase) ...human suffering?
If we answer that question as 'yes,' then we are suggesting that people only suffer due to their sin. Interestingly, and sadly...many Christians actually believe this. I have had the experience of meeting a few recently, who think just that...that the sum total of suffering is from current sin (our own deliberate sin) and original sin.
I'm really glad to have posted this topic, you are all very insightful, and have given much food for thought!!
viz God created some things and then asked the earth to bring forth it's own and when the earth did so he found it good blessed it's (earth's) works. To me this clearly indicates that Creationism and Evolution have, from the beginning walked hand in hand !