Why do people say that a theocracy / a country with an official religion is a bad thing ? They say literal interpretation of a religion would be bad too. Are these 2 things related ?
The official religion is 'less bad', just depending on how it's implemented. I don't like the message it sends, but my dislike is hardly a compelling reason to judge it 'bad' in an objective sense.
So...theocracy. Theoretically it might be possible to have a pluralistic religion that is inclusive and responsive, run a government under its auspices, and get a good outcome. In practice, I suspect such a religion would not have sought the reins if power in the first place, and this doesn't really equate with what I've seen occur over time. Key issues then;
1) To rule, you need to be a member of the religion. This excludes portions of the population explicitly from being involved in running the country, and reduces their standing compared to other citizens.
2) The religion itself will have certain dogma and tenets which remove democratic decision making, and instead introduce doctrinal discussion and interpretation. This implicitly removes the majority of citizens from having a strong and direct impact on decision making.
3) The religion may have dogmatic beliefs around the fitness of certain society members to lead or participate in even minor ways. Women would be a common example. Non-clergy would be another.
4) As time progresses, the linkage and interpretation of aging dogma to modern needs will necessarily become more interpretive. This could lead to schisms, and these could be very impactful on the governing of the country. Democratic governments are deliberately setup with the expectation of regime change, and an effective one is great at managing this. Theocracies are deliberately setup to vest control to the church, and any issues impacting the church are directly putting this at risk.
5) Depending on the religion, you can be eschewing material things on the one hand whilst being heavily involved and invested in a myriad of material decisions on the other. These things can certainly be at odds.
Meh...that's just a quick jotting down off the top of my head. My train has arrived at my stop!!