Those early star gods of pre Abraham of a different land .
Pre exodus , the early star gods left this world or the people felt they had ,famine , society problems etc started to raise its ugly head , they thought misfortune they had fell from favour
The priests became so desperate after many things started to offer human sacrifice , the ultimate sacrifice , blood offerings to the absent Gods as desperate attempt , to make the gods return , early civilization felt the Gods had abandoned them .
I don't have timeline approx 20,000 years however I place moses as the first prophet who leads people away from the land of the star gods , to a place of refuge from human sacrifice .
The early civilization some 3400km west had a numerical advantage for breeding , by numbers alone .
The escapee's of the exodus when eventually reaching the promise land Moses confers with the only God of this world to create a set of laws to govern Gods people through Moses none where Hebrew at this point .
Abraham I date him around as followed moses , the first born under the new law , the first Hebrew , history places him 2000bc as part of creation , in genesis . I don't understand , this must work with archeology records ,artifacts .
Maybe Abraham's word lasted until 2000 BC by which time it had spread
Judaism had the first set of laws , sustainable set of laws from God .
So why would Judaism fall out of favour with god .
Civilizations grew the east had head start by number , was only time before boarders would touch .Idolaters on the borders , star god worshipers looking for fresh blood per se
Israel needed protection David was sent
What happened is Judaism through all this aggression shown towards her , she became pre occupied in the book ,eventually leading to sacrifice by trial , in God eyes this no better than the star gods sacrifices , as it was punishment intended to satisfy Yahweh s laws , this how Judaism started to loose touch with God , God requires justice but not blood , Israel had became lost , returning towards the old ways of the east all be it in the name of justice.
However was not Gods ways , of blood only idolaters required blood .
Israel had become lost in the world and needed guidance to interpret Yahweh's laws .
Even a one god utopia trapped in an idiolstery world of human sacriufice would be forced into a fascist stance or persish .
War and justice are two different animals .
To this day we still waiting , the world no longer makes human sacrifice idolatery practices are not of 20,000 years ago , however the prophet promised we still wait , is now AD 2016 , and we governed still by laws of of medevil man
Is only Judaism can cut slack to dismantle a world of broken mythologens and achieve this through its laws ,that only create more mythologen at present .
Yes outside of Israel the world been very misunderstanding of Judaism , however in Yahweh's eyes that gives you no excuse to not be the teachers of this world as chosen by Yahweh .
In fact it is Judaism obligations within its covenant with Yahweh to fix it .
Yahweh's laws have become more of a burden than a gift .
A prophet to cut you some slack in a non sacrifice world to make consession similar to Noah's Covernant , was a covernant of concession .
And that what the world really needs right now .
Guidance and paths that may not be as idoilatry as one might first think .
Jesus questioned the practices implementation of the laws by the Pharisees , and this why he is a traitor .