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There are no errors in the Qur'an


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
I never said that were.
I m saying what conservative Muslims refer polytheist beliefs as.
They see polytheism as evil and satanic.
So Muhammad was evil and committed evil acts huh?

Let me share to you one of the greatest stories of Prophet Muhammad, brother.

The Garbage Thrower: (a heart touching story)

She thought till late at midnight and finally decided how to take revenge from him. She could not sleep all night, because she was too eager to take revenge for the idols she worshiped. Even before the first ray of sunlight had entered her window, she was busy sweeping her house. She saved all the garbage in a basket, placed it on the roof of her house and proudly looked at it for a while, then with an impatient look on her face, she looked at the street that she lived on, and thought, "No one has ever seen him angry. Everybody will praise me when they will see him shouting at me and getting mad. They will laugh at him and make fun of him." She looked at the basket again and grinned.

Meanwhile, she heard footsteps, announcing the approach of the end of her waiting. "Finally my prey has arrived," she thought, as she saw a man dressed in clean, white clothes coming that way. She picked up the basket in her hands and threw all the garbage on him when he passed by. Much to the woman's disappointment, he did not say anything and continued on his way.

She did the same the following day thinking, "Maybe this time I will be able to annoy him." But he was too gentle to shout at a woman. She misinterpreted his attitude as fear and decided to repeat the same mischief everyday in order to keep him frightened, so that he might stop preaching the Oneness of God.

This gentleman whom the woman hated so much was Muhammad (pbuh), the last prophet of Allah Almighty. He did not want to disappoint the woman and so continued to walk down the street everyday, instead of picking an alternate route, and prayed for the woman to recognize the Truth.

One day, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did not find the woman to be on the roof of her house with the basket. This worried him, because he thought something must have happened to her for not being over there. So he knocked at the door. "Who is it?" asked a feeble voice. "Muhammad bin Abdullah," was the reply, "can I come in?" The woman feared, "I am sick, and too weak to fight or talk back, therefore Muhammad has come to take revenge for what I have been doing to him." But the permission to enter her house was in such a gentle voice that she allowed him in.

Muhammad (pbuh) entered the house and told the woman that not finding her on the roof had worried him and he thus wanted to inquire about her health. On finding out how ill she was, he gently asked if she needed any help. Hypnotized by the affectionate tone in the Holy Prophet's (pbuh) blessed voice, she forgot all fear and asked for some water. He kindly gave her some in a utensil and prayed for her health, while she quenched her thirst. This made her feel very guilty for being so cruel to him in the past and she apologized for her mean behavior. He forgave her and came to her house everyday to clean it, to feed her and to pray for her, till she was on her feet again. The kind attitude of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) inspired her into the recognition of the Truth, and his prayers were answered in the form of yet another addition into the growing number of Muslims.


Active Member
If one were to " point out an error in the Quran " it would require that they have a copy of the Quran that contains " no errors ", thus implying that that there are many Qurans with many errors to point out

Your logic seems a little loopy

Can you strictly define what you mean by " error " ?



“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
If one were to " point out an error in the Quran " it would require that they have a copy of the Quran that contains " no errors ", thus implying that that there are many Qurans with many errors to point out

Your logic seems a little loopy

Can you strictly define what you mean by " error " ?

Sure thing.

To understand the Qur'an without making misconceptions it is best to look at the true meaning of the verses.

By error, i mean contradiction in the book itself, to science established facts,and the literature of it. Etc.

It does not mean the Qur'an is in error but the translations, and also the people who are reviewing the Qur'an.


Active Member
Ahh, I see, so this comes down to, more or less, you agreeing with somebody about exactly which translation of the Quran is " correct ", which by logic infers that a majority of Qurans are full of errors

This is not going to help your case


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
Ahh, I see, so this comes down to, more or less, you agreeing with somebody about exactly which translation of the Quran is " correct ", which by logic infers that a majority of Qurans are full of errors

This is not going to help your case
No, it comes down to the translation which fits the actual real meaning.


Well-Known Member
The Qur'an is the divine instruction manual for mankind

There are no errors as it is divine.

Pick out one error and i am ready to convert today.

Here we go: another one of these muslims. . . . . all of these kind of threads end up in the same trash bin.

Just so you know, the burden lies with you to provide sufficient evidence of your supernatural claims, not for us to try and disprove what would otherwise be something false anyway.

So really, you should be trying to convince us of the claim that the Koran is divine.


Active Member
Well, you started the thread asking for somebody to " point out an error in the Quran "

But then you said that the " errors " are from " mistranslated " words

This means that a majority of Qurans are filled with " errors " according to you

This means that you asked for " errors in the quran " and turned around and stated that most of the qurans are full of " errors ", which are by your definition " mistranslated words "

I commend you, that's impressive

My work here is done


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
Here we go: another one of these muslims. . . . . all of these kind of threads end up in the same trash bin.

Just so you know, the burden lies with you to provide sufficient evidence of your supernatural claims, not for us to try and disprove what would otherwise be something false anyway.

So really, you should be trying to convince us of the claim that the Koran is divine.
Sure thing.

And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it. (Qur'an, 51:47)

This discovery was made 1,313 years before in the Qur'an. No telescopes existed at that time or anything of that sort.

I can provide more.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
Well, you started the thread asking for somebody to " point out an error in the Quran "

But then you said that the " errors " are from " mistranslated " words

This means that a majority of Qurans are filled with " errors " according to you

This means that you asked for " errors in the quran " and turned around and stated that most of the qurans are full of " errors ", which are by your definition " mistranslated words "

I commend you, that's impressive

My work here is done
Yes i did.

There are no errors in the Qur'an.

The people make the errors.

Do you even know what the Qur'an is?
Don't think so.

You just made a misconception about what i said.

Do not think you are even ready to provide a strong argument.



Genetically Engineered
So Muhammad was evil and committed evil acts huh?

Let me share to you one of the greatest stories of Prophet Muhammad, brother.

The Garbage Thrower: (a heart touching story)

She thought till late at midnight and finally decided how to take revenge from him. She could not sleep all night, because she was too eager to take revenge for the idols she worshiped. Even before the first ray of sunlight had entered her window, she was busy sweeping her house. She saved all the garbage in a basket, placed it on the roof of her house and proudly looked at it for a while, then with an impatient look on her face, she looked at the street that she lived on, and thought, "No one has ever seen him angry. Everybody will praise me when they will see him shouting at me and getting mad. They will laugh at him and make fun of him." She looked at the basket again and grinned.

Meanwhile, she heard footsteps, announcing the approach of the end of her waiting. "Finally my prey has arrived," she thought, as she saw a man dressed in clean, white clothes coming that way. She picked up the basket in her hands and threw all the garbage on him when he passed by. Much to the woman's disappointment, he did not say anything and continued on his way.

She did the same the following day thinking, "Maybe this time I will be able to annoy him." But he was too gentle to shout at a woman. She misinterpreted his attitude as fear and decided to repeat the same mischief everyday in order to keep him frightened, so that he might stop preaching the Oneness of God.

This gentleman whom the woman hated so much was Muhammad (pbuh), the last prophet of Allah Almighty. He did not want to disappoint the woman and so continued to walk down the street everyday, instead of picking an alternate route, and prayed for the woman to recognize the Truth.

One day, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did not find the woman to be on the roof of her house with the basket. This worried him, because he thought something must have happened to her for not being over there. So he knocked at the door. "Who is it?" asked a feeble voice. "Muhammad bin Abdullah," was the reply, "can I come in?" The woman feared, "I am sick, and too weak to fight or talk back, therefore Muhammad has come to take revenge for what I have been doing to him." But the permission to enter her house was in such a gentle voice that she allowed him in.

Muhammad (pbuh) entered the house and told the woman that not finding her on the roof had worried him and he thus wanted to inquire about her health. On finding out how ill she was, he gently asked if she needed any help. Hypnotized by the affectionate tone in the Holy Prophet's (pbuh) blessed voice, she forgot all fear and asked for some water. He kindly gave her some in a utensil and prayed for her health, while she quenched her thirst. This made her feel very guilty for being so cruel to him in the past and she apologized for her mean behavior. He forgave her and came to her house everyday to clean it, to feed her and to pray for her, till she was on her feet again. The kind attitude of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) inspired her into the recognition of the Truth, and his prayers were answered in the form of yet another addition into the growing number of Muslims.

That's exactly what that is - a story.

You realize you just shot yourself in the foot, right ?

He truly doesn't realize it - he isn't the smartest person I've ever met in my life.


Well-Known Member
Sure thing.

And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it. (Qur'an, 51:47)

This discovery was made 1,313 years before in the Qur'an. No telescopes existed at that time or anything of that sort.

I can provide more.

And what does this prove exactly? Other than that modern-day muslims have reinterpreted and repurposed an old verse to match present-day scientific discoveries.

Comprehending is not your strong point is it?


No, I know exactly what you admitted to: cherry-picking to make the scripture appear valid. See above for an example.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
And what does this prove exactly? Other than that modern-day muslims have reinterpreted and repurposed an old verse to match present-day scientific discoveries.

No, I know exactly what you admitted to: cherry-picking to make the scripture appear valid. See above for an example.
How did i cherry-pick a scripture?

Do not just make a false accusation. Give valid evidence.


bible reader
The Qur'an is the divine instruction manual for mankind

There are no errors as it is divine.

Pick out one error and i am ready to convert today.

I want answers
According to the Qur'an did god create all things good?
Is any human being capable of being perfect by perfect I mean being able to remain sinless before god from youth and up? If so what are your examples?
Again what is God's initial purpose for man?