In my studies of channeled messages(Newer prophecies, religious teachings, what have you) what I have gathered so far, according to them, is that there is a Positive and a Negative. The positive is centered around service to others(Such teachings/religions as the ones given by Jesus, Mohammad, The Prophets, etc) a sort of total selflessness(typically results in a completely free and equal society). The Negative being Service to Self, total selfishness(IE Empires, tyranny, domination). The Negative isn't always evil but is always the aggressor, and the two sides were brought about by the creator, the way I see it, so that they could propel each other/work together in a sort of spiritual evolution. The two sides work together for the better of the other, whether they realize it or not tbh. This planet is a Service to Others oriented one by birth(it was created that way), so our experience with the other side is terrible at best. At least that is what I gather so far, much longer to go I do have! More to it than this, but it will be years before I can satisfactorily wrap it all up, the New messages with the Old(Bible, Prophets, Qu'ran, etc...) They all go together almost perfectly from what I see to form one massive picture/Religion.
I should note, for those of us that study the extraterrestrial phenomena, the ones known as the "Greys" are typically negative, teaching messages of fear and despair and responsible for the abduction phenomena, a sort of physical and psychological torture. To my understanding these are in fact(Typically) demonic spirits(As the people in ancient times understood it), they are actually from a higher dimension/density than ours and hell bent of dissolving our well being and preventing us from worshiping our Creator/being free. They are not biological beings, but can take on a physical form, and all they ever do is lie. There are other "Aliens" that are in this manner, physical appearance does not matter in reality. They come from BOTH another planet and another (Deeper)dimension at the same time.
The "Angels" however will not appear but in visions, a sort of conscious projection, for fear of encroaching on humanity's free will. They teach messages of Love and Compassion, they do not lie, but they are much more difficult to deal with. The Angels will, from my experience, profess Christ in the flesh(But nothing more that fits into the Church's own Dogma, have yet to come across a message that contradicts scripture though), the "Demons" will not, they will either avoid the answer all together, make up any other story, leave, or just get really mad. I don't know why, and I do think that some of the "Demons" will profess him in the flesh, just have never encountered such a thing. I think the Apostles knew all to well about these experiences, knew much more than any of us do today. Dead again I really don't know what a Demon is, it is just my interpretation that there is a connection. All of these things are just those that I have put together in my journey through life, I don't know if I am right or not, but hopefully it gives you something to ponder
Most of it comes from The Law of One, and LandL Researches works, as well as various other places.