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There can be no light without the dark.....right?



A dark object absorbs photons, and therefore appears dim in comparison to other objects. For example, matte black paint does not reflect visible light and appears dark, but white paint reflects all visible light and appears bright.[1] For more information see color.
However, light cannot simply be absorbed without limit. Energy, like visible light, cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be converted from one type of energy to another. Most objects that absorb visible light reemit it as infrared light.[2] So, although an object may appear dark, it is likely bright at a frequency that a human being cannot see. For more information see thermodynamics.


The light is what sustains life. We are able heal back up in the darkness when everything is calmer but we still have to come back to the light. We need light to charge our batteries.

Sleep, deep rest and inner meditation is exactly how I re'charge my battery.


Jesus is as a second Adam and the second Adam.

Flesh, son of man by body and Son of God in Spirit.

As for us, we are all son of man, hence the problem.

By Jesus being a new type of Adam, not as the old man Adam which was condemned to eternal separation, but a new Adam with life.

So, if we in our old dead Adam state, are renewed in the new Adams' life, then we become as like Jesus, born again by resurrection from the dead state.

Blessings, AJ
I travel a bit . Everytime i get up the air i notice how much open space is. Humans love each other that why we huddle together . We respect each other. We see each other as being alike and deservant of respect . Religion rewires our brain. We no longer see the importance of each other . We follow invisible Gods who only see us important if we do this or do that. We see each other irrelevant . Religion have turned us into murderers . Your stories of men born of virgins and men Gods does not follow logic. You God created the universe, the sun the moon the stars all follow a logic designed by God. Sooo it is safe to say God's body of work is logic. How then u accuse Him of illogic .here is some logic for you. If God created heavens and the earth and all those grandiose things. He would not put his words in a book . Not grand enough. And if he did He would invent book. Not wait till man invent then say what a great idea. His grandious nature would make him write his words across the heavens for all to see. We all then have no reason not to bow down and worship His arrogance.


That is the jest of it all.

The point of our creation was to create sons, meaning souls that live on after the body has expired, but not before passing through this time zone.

If terrestrial things interest you, that's fine.

That doesn't change God in any way shape or form.

The big picture is this:

1st Adam was made flesh to become its own god. The problem with that is that separation (dead)was a resultant by product of it.

So, God had to correct that in a second Adam, this time one with live.

So, anybody in Christ becomes as like a second Ada

Blessings, AJ

I should note, for those of us that study the extraterrestrial phenomena, the ones known as the "Greys" are typically negative, teaching messages of fear and despair and responsible for the abduction phenomena, a sort of physical and psychological torture. To my understanding these are in fact(Typically) demonic spirits(As the people in ancient times understood it), they are actually from a higher dimension/density than ours and hell bent of dissolving our well being and preventing us from worshiping our Creator/being free. They are not biological beings, but can take on a physical form, and all they ever do is lie. There are other "Aliens" that are in this manner, physical appearance does not matter in reality. They come from BOTH another planet and another (Deeper)dimension at the same time.

The "Angels" however will not appear but in visions, a sort of conscious projection, for fear of encroaching on humanity's free will. They teach messages of Love and Compassion, they do not lie, but they are much more difficult to deal with. The Angels will, from my experience, profess Christ in the flesh(But nothing more that fits into the Church's own Dogma, have yet to come across a message that contradicts scripture though), the "Demons" will not, they will either avoid the answer all together, make up any other story, leave, or just get really mad. I don't know why, and I do think that some of the "Demons" will profess him in the flesh, just have never encountered such a thing. I think the Apostles knew all to well about these experiences, knew much more than any of us do today.

I will likened you and all you great theories that are based on invisibility . As a man building a mansion on on stable ground. Then a sink hole appears and suck his house down. You great theories . You are very good at explaining them. You've studied to show yourself a proof unto God , a workman that needeth not to be ashamed . It's all based on nothingness . Your foundation is un firm. It the Santa story for grownups . We all want eternal life. This is how it's done. Pass your genes on through your kids . Stick around raise them , pass your ideal on to them . You live on.


New Member
I will likened you and all you great theories that are based on invisibility . As a man building a mansion on on stable ground. Then a sink hole appears and suck his house down. You great theories . You are very good at explaining them. You've studied to show yourself a proof unto God , a workman that needeth not to be ashamed . It's all based on nothingness . Your foundation is un firm. It the Santa story for grownups . We all want eternal life. This is how it's done. Pass your genes on through your kids . Stick around raise them , pass your ideal on to them . You live on.

I don't know, I just never did like the idea. Life is a tiresome thing, and the world is a sad place with a sad history. I never could find peace in the idea of having a family, a big house, or money. I used to do research into the Sasquatch phenomena a few years back, even been to the places that they have been to but never did get to see one, not yet anyway. Got to know a lot of people that lived for things like that(Studying the Sasquatch), they did it for free, and most of them didn't even choose to do it as I did, they just sort of fell into it(Wound up seeing one on a camping trip, or a few people I knew who actually had the fortune/misfortune of moving into a house right smack dab in their territory, in swamps and such). There was a time were I was like most people and thought it was all baloney(As a matter of fact I never thought about it), I eventually found out different.

They are quite real. That was a life changing time. Here is something that most of the world thinks ridiculous, and that modern science has yet to "discover". Right under our noses for thousands of years. Not even that rare, and huge in size. Loud and curious. One is probably spotted by a person in North America every week, hair samples have been collected, as well as fecal samples, but still they elude our "discovery". I moved on to the extraterrestrials from there, but have never witnessed a "UFO" or met with a "Alien" myself, maybe someday I will but I won't hold my breath to that XD
I have learned with time, that most of what we "know" via observation and science is as you said, a mansion on the sand. It is based on nothing, and will not go very far. All of the theories of today will peel away to reveal new ones, probably within the next few revolutions we will even had that big Theory of Everything we have been striving for all of this time, the point where all of our sciences, studies, and theories come together into one great big one. I see that Religion and Science are coming together quickly, they complement one another.

Then why try to do anything if it will almost always fall away I thought? I think that it is enough reason for a person to enjoy doing something, if it brings them peace and happiness and they hope/do it to be a service to those around them, it keeps humanity moving forward. In our universe, what is not moving forward, is moving backwards. I believe that all of these religions have some fantastic value, and that they all fit together/were meant to, and that if understood properly they are a benefit to us and our understanding. Perhaps even the entire Universe itself is a living thing, a consciousness I think. Think if it as a hobby, some people watch football, some people play video games(Lord knows I do! :D), and some people "search for Sasquatches" so to speak lol. On this world we have serious problems surrounding us, corruption, mass genocide, greed, tyranny...a unbelievable planet and most of it's population turns a blind eye, if a person can set themselves up so that their hobby/happiness is to solve any of these thousands and thousands of serious problems, they will be truly rich.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Your stories of men born of virgins and men Gods does not follow logic.>>>glyphkenn

"Man born of virgin" follows the creation of the first man.

According to the story in the book of Genesis, the first Adam was created a human being with no mother but the breath of God and the body of earth.

That follows the same logic of Jesus also born of God and with a body of earth right?

The first Adam was the creation of our being, the second is the re-creation of our dead spirit due to the first creation.

here is some logic for you. If God created heavens and the earth and all those grandiose things. He would not put his words in a book . Not grand enough

Yes, God is a grandiose, amazing and wonderful God! But because we have intelligence, He can communicate with us spiritually, and by the written word.

And if he did He would invent book. Not wait till man invent then say what a great idea. His grandious nature would make him write his words across the heavens for all to see. We all then have no reason not to bow down and worship His arrogance.

Man invented the book but God did the inspiring. And God did write in the heavens.
Quote: Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Man hath thus seen and marveled.

Jesus is our second Adam of which if we are dead, buried with Him, we shall also be resurrected with Him.

Rom 6:4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

Logic: If something created that became lost, wouldn't it be good to save it by recreating it anew, this time not lost?

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I will likened you and all you great theories that are based on invisibility>>>glyphkenn

Yes, invisibility only to them that can not see.

We may have eyes, but can not see. We may have ears, but can not hear.

Of which am I talking about? The flesh or the spirit that can not be seen?

If of the flesh, then the spirit can not be seen.

But if of the spirit, only with our spiritual eyes can we see the things of the spirit.

When our dead spirit (Dead because of separation) is revived to new life, then shall we be able to see via the new life's spirit.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Pass your genes on through your kids . Stick around raise them , pass your ideal on to them . You live on.>>>glyphkenn

Let's see.....you live because of your father's genes, so does that mean you are your father who lives on?

Or, is it you and not your father who has individuality of spirit as like your father?

We were created as separate entities, requiring a separate soul of which you are.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member

You enjoy playing x-games of which the point is to excel right?

Like wise, this life is a game of which we are the real to life players. We have to deal with all the adversities of this life. The point is also to excel at something and do ourselves good as well as for our fellow man.

I never could find peace in the idea of having a family, a big house, or money.

The thing missing from your quote above in finding peace is the inner dwelling of the spirit of God.

There is no peace in this world except in one's own heart and soul. An that requires something that is not of this world. (God)

Blessings, AJ


Let's see.....you live because of your father's genes, so does that mean you are your father who lives
Or, is it you and not your father who has individuality of spirit as like your father?

We were created as separate entities, requiring a separate soul of which you are.

Blessings, AJ

You have an amazing ability of giving things the meaning u want instead of what it really says. The only thing that the Adam story and the Jesus story have in common is that they are both fiction. Abam created, jesus born of a woman. And that virgin story was used before. About me being unable to seethe things of God, very convenient . That's the story of the king and his new clothes . Ever ask why the God of the bible sound like every dictator . Because the bible was written by people in power for the purpose of staying in power. Genetically I and my ancestors are one . Again you are not saying anything you can prove. And the reason u can't prove it is its all base on nothing. Conveniently so I might add. Logic is king . And in those days there was no King in the land and every man did what was right in his own eyes. That's why there is so many denominations to your story .


Using the energy that had been stored throughout the day.

While it's true that plants require sunlight for chlorophill
and thus the whole food chain,
as a human it matters little whether I eat to aquire energy at night
or during the day.

You're talking to someone who works night shift, so.
(light and dark have little to do with my waking and my sleeping and my eating)

My room is painted very dark, for obvious reasons,
as well as some less obvious.

Anyway, IMO and IME light and dark make for lousy analogies
of good and evil, and only very superficial ones for truth and ignorance.
Too much light can be blinding.
Inner truths can be reached in the darkness of meditation.
Illusions are found in both.

We live in an interplay, a shifting and a blending of the two.
It seems so silly to think as if one is somehow bad, and the other good,
and analogies as such, don't work for me at all.
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I don't know, I just never did like the idea. Life is a tiresome thing, and the world is a sad place with a sad history. I never could find peace in the idea of having a family, a big house, or money. I used to do research into the Sasquatch phenomena a few years back, even been to the places that they have been to but never did get to see one, not yet anyway. Got to know a lot of people that lived for things like that(Studying the Sasquatch), they did it for free, and most of them didn't even choose to do it as I did, they just sort of fell into it(Wound up seeing one on a camping trip, or a few people I knew who actually had the fortune/misfortune of moving into a house right smack dab in their territory, in swamps and such). There was a time were I was like most people and thought it was all baloney(As a matter of fact I never thought about it), I eventually found out different.

They are quite real. That was a life changing time. Here is something that most of the world thinks ridiculous, and that modern science has yet to "discover". Right under our noses for thousands of years. Not even that rare, and huge in size. Loud and curious. One is probably spotted by a person in North America every week, hair samples have been collected, as well as fecal samples, but still they elude our "discovery". I moved on to the extraterrestrials from there, but have never witnessed a "UFO" or met with a "Alien" myself, maybe someday I will but I won't hold my breath to that XD
I have learned with time, that most of what we "know" via observation and science is as you said, a mansion on the sand. It is based on nothing, and will not go very far. All of the theories of today will peel away to reveal new ones, probably within the next few revolutions we will even had that big Theory of Everything we have been striving for all of this time, the point where all of our sciences, studies, and theories come together into one great big one. I see that Religion and Science are coming together quickly, they complement one another.

Then why try to do anything if it will almost always fall away I thought? I think that it is enough reason for a person to enjoy doing something, if it brings them peace and happiness and they hope/do it to be a service to those around them, it keeps humanity moving forward. In our universe, what is not moving forward, is moving backwards. I believe that all of these religions have some fantastic value, and that they all fit together/were meant to, and that if understood properly they are a benefit to us and our understanding. Perhaps even the entire Universe itself is a living thing, a consciousness I think. Think if it as a hobby, some people watch football, some people play video games(Lord knows I do! :D), and some people "search for Sasquatches" so to speak lol. On this world we have serious problems surrounding us, corruption, mass genocide, greed, tyranny...a unbelievable planet and most of it's population turns a blind eye, if a person can set themselves up so that their hobby/happiness is to solve any of these thousands and thousands of serious problems, they will be truly rich.

I'm with you when your right buddy . I the end whatever makes us humane and genuinely good people.


New Member

You enjoy playing x-games of which the point is to excel right?

Like wise, this life is a game of which we are the real to life players. We have to deal with all the adversities of this life. The point is also to excel at something and do ourselves good as well as for our fellow man.

The thing missing from your quote above in finding peace is the inner dwelling of the spirit of God.

There is no peace in this world except in one's own heart and soul. An that requires something that is not of this world. (God)

Blessings, AJ

Nah actually I play games for the social part. Sort of like in old times people hanging out at the market, now we just do it on the internet. For instance right now I am on a server in Garry's mod with about 80 other people watching movies on a virtual theater, you can vote on a movie and que them up in order. Meanwhile I read "The Law of One", I managed to get a set of all 5 books not to long ago, I was reading some history and from a comparative New Testament(Catholic church work, it has 8 versions side by side on each page, freaking amazing) all while listening to the movies and what not, sort of keeps me company you could say. A convenient hobby for a college student!


Premium Member
While it's true that plants require sunlight for chlorophill
and thus the whole food chain,
as a human it matters little whether I eat to aquire energy at night
or during the day.

You're talking to someone who works night shift, so.
(light and dark have little to do with my waking and my sleeping and my eating)

My room is painted very dark, for obvious reasons,
as well as some less obvious.

Anyway, IMO and IME light and dark make for lousy analogies
of good and evil, and only very superficial ones for truth and ignorance.
Too much light can be blinding.
Inner truths can be reached in the darkness of meditation.
Illusions are found in both.

We live in an interplay, a shifting and a blending of the two.
It seems so silly to think as if one is somehow bad, and the other good,
and analogies as such, don't work for me at all.
I understand what your saying. I almost wanted to say I use the dark to recharge also but it isn't a completely truthful statement though the body does take the time to heal itself and resort things out. It is sort of the way we ended up adapting to our environment where the earth isn't always full of light. It is also true that life would not exist if it were not for the sun but we had to adapt to be able to be without it but not for long. Humans don't need it really since we just prey on other plants and animals that have done it for us.


1 who doesnt know believe
The biggest misconception about light and dark is that they are opposites. They are not. Light is in darkness with everything else. Light is composed of particles of energy. Darkness is.


Well-Known Member
The biggest misconception about light and dark is that they are opposites. They are not. Light is in darkness with everything else. Light is composed of particles of energy. Darkness is.

Light exists.

Darkness is simply absence of light.

This is proven by the fact that you can bring light into a dark room, but not dark into a light room.

And there can thus be light without dark if light is everywhere.


Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member

Light exists.
Darkness also exists

Darkness is simply absence of light.
Light is simply the absence of darkness.

This is proven by the fact that you can bring light into a dark room, but not dark into a light room.
This is proven by the fact that you can bring light into a dark room and you can also bring dark into a light room by taking the light out again.

And there can thus be light without dark if light is everywhere.
And there can thus be dark without light if light is nowhere.

Isaiah 45:7 said:
I form the light and create darkness,
I bring prosperity and create disaster;
I, the LORD, do all these things.
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Well-Known Member
This is proven by the fact that you can bring light into a dark room and you can also bring dark into a light room by taking the light out again.

A trivial and therefore useless reversal of simple fact that in no way refutes my original statement: You CANNOT bring dark into a light room without removing the light, as I indicated.

Q. E. D..