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There can be no light without the dark.....right?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else feel that there should be some sort of "bad" religion to equal out all the good? It seems to me that there should be a dark side, to counter the light, even with the Yin Yang symbol there is a dark and a light. Who represents the dark? Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
I consider all religion t be bad, ao I would propose we have more good, and the only way to achieve that is through atheism.

You never heard of an atheist bombing someone because they weren't atheists.


Mr Invisible
Does anyone else feel that there should be some sort of "bad" religion to equal out all the good? It seems to me that there should be a dark side, to counter the light, even with the Yin Yang symbol there is a dark and a light. Who represents the dark? Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

The, "good" religions have their own built-in dark side; their congregation. After all, it's the people that create the good or bad works of each religion and not the religion itself.


Superabacus Mystic
PolyHedral, the absence of an illuminating light source may prevent colour, but there is still a light magnitude that can be seen with night vision glasses.
Note that the technology you're talking about is also called light amplification. It still cannot see in a completely dark room. The light it picks up still requires a source, as with any other "eye".

What's more, with ordinary matter, there will always be present, random electron/photon excitation that can be measured as relative magnitude. IOW, there will always be a relative magnitude of light in the room, though due to the lack of sensitivity of the human eye, what appears dark to it may be light to say, an owl.
IOW, as I said very early on in the thread, there's nowhere in the universe that is actually, truly dark. (The magnitude of light at a given point is a objectively measurable absolute value, incidentally.)

I'm sure you have heard of the scientific terms Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and now lately Dark Flow. These aspects of Cosmic existence that go to form the Universe are postulated to exist in absolute terms, not just relative due to an absence of some illuminating light source.
Please don't insinuate that the "dark" substances have anything to do with conventional darkness. They don't. They're called that because they do not deflect or absorb light, and so are not visible to astronomers.
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Stalin bombed people because they were not communist. He didn't care about religion.

From Wikipedia:
"Stalin followed the position adopted by Lenin that religion was an opiate that needed to be removed in order to construct the ideal communist society. To this end, his government promoted atheism through special atheistic education in schools, massive amounts of anti-religious propaganda...

...by 1939, active parishes numbered in the low hundreds (down from 54,000 in 1917), many churches had been leveled, and tens of thousands of priests, monks and nuns were persecuted and killed. Over 100,000 were shot during the purges of 1937–1938"

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Note that the technology you're talking about is also called light amplification. It still cannot see in a completely dark room. The light it picks up still requires a source, as with any other "eye".
PolyHedral, in light of your next observation, there's little point to go into detail as to the intrinsic light contrast that is present in any 'dark' room regardless of any subsequent photon multiplication/ processing. But btw, I'm interested if you can you provide an explanation of the owl's use of light amplification technology to see in the dark if that's what you're implying?

IOW, as I said very early on in the thread, there's nowhere in the universe that is actually, truly dark. (The magnitude of light at a given point is a objectively measurable absolute value, incidentally.

So what's this discussion about as that is my understanding too? :)

Please don't insinuate that the "dark" substances have anything to do with conventional darkness. They don't. They're called that because they do not deflect or absorb light, and so are not visible to astronomers.

For your future reference, when someone presages a comment with "As an aside", it means that what follows is not meant to be directly taken in the context of the main discussion.



Premium Member
There can be no light without the dark either. Light cannot be seen without the dark.
Light and dark are just properties or states of particles and matter. What we see are the properties, doesn't really mean that is what it looks like. When we see color we are just seeing matter vibrating at a certain frequency.


The Lost One
Without the darkness or night, our planet would fry by the Sun. It would have killed off all the animals, except perhaps those filthy roaches.

Only the polar (or arctic) regions experienced weeks of light or darkness.
No. The existence of malice (evil) and the existence of benevolence (good) are logically independent. One can exist without the other.

It is possible that we could not talk about one without the other. But we must not confuse this possibility with the idea that one could not exist without the other.

--Jim G.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
No. The existence of malice (evil) and the existence of benevolence (good) are logically independent. One can exist without the other.

It is possible that we could not talk about one without the other. But we must not confuse this possibility with the idea that one could not exist without the other.

--Jim G.

Welcome to RF Trantorfuzz. :)

There is a REALITY that transcends apparent complementary opposite conceptual pairs such as good and evil, light and dark, etc., and it's ok to call it 'Good', etc., so long as it is understood that it's not the conceptual 'good' which stands as the conceptual opposite of 'evil'. These pairs of opposites help define each other and are therefore not logically independent imo.

So what is this transcendent REALITY?

It can be called by many names but IT will always be on the other side of the name and can't in all eternity be known conceptually by the human mind.

Here are a few attempts to express what it is....

No matter what an unenlightened man may think he is perceiving, he is really seeing Brahman and nothing else but Brahman. ...This universe, which is superimposed upon Brahman, is nothing but a name. — Shankara (Hindu)

Those who see things truly, they are intimates of the One that is bare of any kind of multiplicity and distinction. — Meister Eckhart (Christian)

That Oneness is on the other side of descriptions and states. Nothing but duality enters speech's playing-field. — Rumi (Muslim)

Mind comes from this sublime and completely unified source above; it is divided only as it enters into the universe of distinctions. — Menahem Nahum (Jewish)

All the Buddhas and all sentient beings are nothing but the One Mind, besides which nothing exists. — Huang Po (Buddhist)

If anyone has a spiritual eye, let them go forth from their body to behold the Beautiful, let them fly up and float above not seeking to see shape or colour but rather...
That from which these things are created,
That which is quiet and calm, stable and changeless,
That which is ONE,
That which issues forth from itself and is contained in itself,
That which is like nothing else but ITSELF. - Anon (Hermetic)

The light by which the soul is illumined, in order that it may see and truly understand everything...is God himself. — St. Augustine (Christian)

He is the spirit of the cosmos, its hearing, its sight, and its hand. Through Him the cosmos hears, through Him it sees, through Him it speaks, through Him it grasps, through Him it runs. — Ibn 'Arabi (Muslim)

When a man knows God, he is free: his sorrows have an end, and birth and death are no more. — Upanishads (Hindu)


There exists THAT which is not born, nor become, nor made.
If that were not so, there would be no refuge
From that which is born, is become, is made.
That is the end of sorrow.
That is Nirvana.

.......from the Buddha
