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There can be no light without the dark.....right?


Just me
Premium Member
A trivial and therefore useless reversal of simple fact that in no way refutes my original statement: You CANNOT bring dark into a light room without removing the light, as I indicated.

Q. E. D..
It is not so much intended as trivia as it is contrast: the points about light are equally the points about dark.

(It's a yin/yang thing.)
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You have an amazing ability of giving things the meaning u want instead of what it really says. >>>glyphkenn

Obviously, as a believer in the biblical account.

The only thing that the Adam story and the Jesus story have in common is that they are both fiction.

Well......without those two, you have nothing to prove your own existence, other than....well, at the choice of your parents.

After that, your only hope is in your present existence because without hope in any after life, your existence is limited to this one.

About me being unable to seethe things of God, very convenient

Convenient? NO, a matter of choice!

Your choice is not to believe!

Blessings, AJ

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
First you have to believe something is good to make a bad. Then you have to bypass the fact that there is no bad, only not-as-good


Premium Member
First you have to believe something is good to make a bad. Then you have to bypass the fact that there is no bad, only not-as-good
Since morality is subjective it depends on the goal of the person or persons involved. Often times the ends justifies the means. For example if someone wanted to make the planet healthier they could lower the population of species that show signs of severe over population and it would be deemed moral for the objective of cleaning house. Once there is an objective established is when we can say whether there is a better or worse way of achieving it and some of those methods may actually be "bad" in that they will not produce the desired result as with the chess analogy.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Since morality is subjective it depends on the goal of the person or persons involved. Often times the ends justifies the means. For example if someone wanted to make the planet healthier they could lower the population of species that show signs of severe over population and it would be deemed moral for the objective of cleaning house. Once there is an objective established is when we can say whether there is a better or worse way of achieving it and some of those methods may actually be "bad" in that they will not produce the desired result as with the chess analogy.

I understand this, in fact I have been preaching it on here long before I heard anyone make claims of this :D

That's why I said "First you have to believe in a good". Create your own "good" from personal reasoning and then you must get around the fact that there is no bad, just a "not as good".


Premium Member
I understand this, in fact I have been preaching it on here long before I heard anyone make claims of this :D

That's why I said "First you have to believe in a good". Create your own "good" from personal reasoning and then you must get around the fact that there is no bad, just a "not as good".
Yes I've seen you say similar things and I've read similar ideas from Harris. However there is a "bad" if it is adverse to what your trying to achieve again like in the chess analogy someone posted. Sure there are several ways to achieve checkmate but there is also several ways to be checkmated and any move leading to a loss would be deemed bad. What was interesting in the analogy is that you could do a "seemingly" bad move but that isn't what I'm talking about since I said "the ends justify the means".

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Yes I've seen you say similar things and I've read similar ideas from Harris. However there is a "bad" if it is adverse to what your trying to achieve again like in the chess analogy someone posted. Sure there are several ways to achieve checkmate but there is also several ways to be checkmated and any move leading to a loss would be deemed bad. What was interesting in the analogy is that you could do a "seemingly" bad move but that isn't what I'm talking about since I said "the ends justify the means".

Ah, that makes sense. But is there an end that will justify the means for religion?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Since morality is subjective it depends on the goal of the person or persons involved. Often times the ends justifies the means. For example if someone wanted to make the planet healthier they could lower the population of species that show signs of severe over population and it would be deemed moral for the objective of cleaning house. Once there is an objective established is when we can say whether there is a better or worse way of achieving it and some of those methods may actually be "bad" in that they will not produce the desired result as with the chess analogy.

All well and a good view but...........it is all humanity thinking and nothing to do with the spirituality of mankind which is not of this world.

The standard is set by what is not of this world, via the words of God and by example set forth by His Son.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
But is there an end that will justify the means for religion?>>>The Sum of Awe

Yes, because religion is mankind's attempt to reach God, to enslave the masses, to lord over and for many other reasons.

It is a very simple matter to believe in God in the simplest of terms.
1. love God
2. love your neighbor as thy self.

How you worship God is a matter of choice.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Given that mankind was made in the image of God, meaning the power of choice, mankind thus becomes it's own entity apart from God.

That makes mankind in opposition to God with respect to His sovereignty. Therefore, the only resultant for mankind created in such a state would be death by separation.

God remedied that by by sacrificing only one soul verses all of creation.

That makes us all as brothers and sisters in His eyes, thus making the statement that we should love our enemies as we love ourselves.

Demonstrated by Jesus at the cross when He asked that the Father forgive them.

Blessings, AJ

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Yes, because religion is mankind's attempt to reach God, to enslave the masses, to lord over and for many other reasons.

It is a very simple matter to believe in God in the simplest of terms.
1. love God
2. love your neighbor as thy self.

How you worship God is a matter of choice.

Blessings, AJ

Although, you'd need to know what religion is right to make a bad one


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Nobody can agree on what God wants

That is the beauty of it all!

By not being able to agree, we have to make an effort to love one another despite our differences which is the greater good.

The evil that can arise from it is condemnation of one another.

Blessings, AJ

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
That is the beauty of it all!

By not being able to agree, we have to make an effort to love one another despite our differences which is the greater good.

The evil that can arise from it is condemnation of one another.

Blessings, AJ

If nobody can agree on what God wants there can be no bad religion

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member

A trivial and therefore useless reversal of simple fact that in no way refutes my original statement: You CANNOT bring dark into a light room without removing the light, as I indicated.

Q. E. D..

Bruce, it is not a reversal, it's a statement of the complementary opposite nature of the conceptual duality of Light and Dark.

Btw, that's the reason I posted the quote of Isaiah 45:7 as it is meant to show the reader that God/Cosmos is the underlying true nature and source of the apparent/relative duality of Light and Dark.

Your statement above doesn't change the relative nature of the complementary opposite nature of dark/light. So while there is nothing false about your statement "You CANNOT bring dark into a light room without removing the light, there is also nothing false about my stating the complementary opposite, ie. "You CANNOT bring light into a dark room without introducing a light.

PolyHedral said:
Absences can't have colour or magnitude.

PolyHedral, the absence of an illuminating light source may prevent colour, but there is still a light magnitude that can be seen with night vision glasses. What's more, with ordinary matter, there will always be present, random electron/photon excitation that can be measured as relative magnitude. IOW, there will always be a relative magnitude of light in the room, though due to the lack of sensitivity of the human eye, what appears dark to it may be light to say, an owl.

An interesting aside to this subject of relative light/dark, is the new use of the term 'Dark'.

I'm sure you have heard of the scientific terms Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and now lately Dark Flow. These aspects of Cosmic existence that go to form the Universe are postulated to exist in absolute terms, not just relative due to an absence of some illuminating light source. On the other hand, the electrons of the atoms of ordinary matter, although also normally dark, will emit and radiate photon light according to those frequencies of the light spectrum which are not absorbed when sufficient photon energy from the light source is presently imoacting upon them. On the other hand Dark Energy is ubiquitous.

Link...Dark Energy Is Everywhere!

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