No it was part of a lesson plan which you can read part of or in whole as part of physics taught at the university. Your comparison is flawed as I was linking a lecture on physics not one on KCA. It's purpose was to show KCA is unsound according physics which it attempts to use as proof. Thus proving P1 is false.
I said:
1. You linked to a presumed expert blog regarding the existence of quantum sub-automic particles.
2. I linked to WLC regarding KCA, in which he is a expert.
We both linked to sources relevant to our particular argument. Where is the difference. My comparison is sound as in both cases we sought relevant expert opinion relevant to both of our arguments. Do you get it now?
P1 is certainly not false in anyway. It is logical.
1. Anything that Begins to Exist has a cause.
2. The universe can be considered as anything
3. It began to exist ex-materia, where ex-materia is the singularity. It did not come from nothing.
4. The singularity changed its state into a universe in a fraction of a second.
5. Therefore the universe began to exist from the singularity. Ex-materia
6. The universe has therefore been cause to come into existence, even if the cause is uncaused, as uncaused can be considered a cause. The cause of the big bang was uncaused. .
QT and QM counter intuitive so the obvious true is rendering false within this context. Many ideas are counter intuitive until new evidence/date is provided. The geocentric model was intuitive based then then current observations yet proven incorrect with additional data. Now heliocentric model is intuitive to most people. We often take for granted ideas which are accepted by tradition or social environment. However just because an idea seems oblivious does not mean it is true in reality. This is why evidence trumps intuition as demonstrated by QM and QF.
What does counter intuitiveness have to do with KCA? If anything KCA is sagacious. QT and QM are counter intuitive as they defy common sense but what is your point.
Not avoiding the argument, I am refuting the argument as a sound one. Now there could very well be a cause. However the KCA does not prove this within its formal argument. Also as physic states, current model, the universe is uncaused, the BB is just the horizonevent which caused the expansion of the universe. Yes it could be a free lunch.
No, you are using fallacious arguments to derail the thread and avoid the errors in your beliefs. The KCA is an argument based on inductive reasoning. It cannot be wrong. Let's look at it.
1. Anything that begins to exist has a
2. The universe began to exist
C. The universe had a
Seems logical and sound to me, however, when News at 10 reports that the big bang was just a hoax and there is evidence that proves that the universe was uncaused, then I will take a serious look at it, however, nothing has every come into being in our universe without a cause, and we have never witnessed an uncaused event, therefore, we have no precedents to prove your claim, as it has never happened, so why would it ever happen. In the real world we see ex-materia everywhere we look. It is common place in our world. We never see ex-nihilo, ever. Chances are that the universe was caused and chances are it was Elohim
Also are we reduced to copy/pasting whole paragraphs? At least quote when doing so. This way I know if I am have a dialogue with you or arguing against Craig. Plagiarism and all.. Also since there are references, I see the (1), being able to check the references would be helpful.
Oh, I am well aware of non-believers, like yourself, looking for opportunities to scream "plagiarism" at the Christians, which is why you will find the letters
WLC at the bottom of the article which means that you are falsely accusing me of a crime that I have not commited, it is a logical fallacy.
Okay so there is a disagreement. When this disagreement is solved and one theory is taught in physics I will revise my view. However the view I am using as evidence is in fact taught. Bohm's theory is the minority position, among many.
Just because it is being taught does not mean it is true. We once taught that the earth was flat.
KCA says nothing about nothing nor do current cosmological theories. "Nothing" is a strawman used by Craig. Physics concept of nothing, as per my link pages ago, is the quantum vacuum not the absence of something. Eqivocation fallacy, again.
The fallacy of equivocation occurs when a key term or phrase in an argument is used in an ambiguous way, with one meaning in one portion of the argument and then another meaning in another portion of the argument. How is this an eqivocation fallacy.
By the examples used like ship hich is not natural by made by a person.
I presume that when you wrote this
"By the examples used like ship hich is not natural by made by a person. You meant this
"By the examples used like a ship which is not natural but made by a person.
Ships are made by a person using natural materials, a ship is created from natural elements. It begins to exist with the last stroke of the paint brush. I see no reason why a ship cannot begin to exist just because it was build by a person. That is a logical fallacy.
If you believe that the universe was created ex-nihilo, then you have to believe that if ex-nihilo happened once in bringing the universe into being then it is logical for it to happen again, within nature, so, let's keep it natural, trees would come into existence from nothing ex-nihilo, as would animals and humans, just like the universe did. Element would just spring into existence ex-nihilo-nihil-fit.html hopefully gold. Things do not just pop into existence like a rabbit from a magicians hat. It is just not science.
Now, If the universe were created ex-materia then we must use the same premise as ex-nihilo, that is, that it will be common place in nature. Guess what, it is, so, by that logic, If ex-nihilo works to create the universe it has to be common place in nature. Guess what,
it is not. Logic dictates that ex-materia causation is the most like method by which the universe came into existence, proving P1 of KCA is accurate and true. Creation via ex-nihilo is a logical fallacy born out of an appeal to ignorance.
A created object implies a creator. This is how the argument wants you to think. However what this view omits is we know ships does not reproduce and are not found in nature. We know it is a constructed object, we can find the shipmaker. Likewise for a watch, hence watchmaker fallacy put forward by William Paley.
Sorry, but so what? "A created object implies a creator" is again a logical fallacy. A creator suggests an intelligent being. A tree does not have a intelligent creator. Therefore, your statement is fallacious.
Secondly, you are saying that only natural objects can be created, yet another fallacy born by your need to be right.
An object does not need to reproduce to be a creation, another logical fallacy.
It is also a logical fallacy to say that only natural objects can be created. A chair is created.
Basically a load of unfounded assumption.