"There is no god higher than the truth" -- Gandhi
Well? Did he have a point or not? Answer or die!
As noted earlier, this idea is more from the eastern vedic traditions, as well as Sikhism,.....where 'God' is the one absolute universal reality,...the ultimate 'truth', the one essential from which all else derives. As in Theosophy, 'there is no religion higher than truth',...refers back to prime source Creator/Creation...Nature and her laws......THAT from which all things spring. There is Only that',......so in the context....even 'God' and all 'gods' in whatever form or conception are included and concluded in/as the One Truth, as expressions or personifications thereof.
I'm more of an eclectic theosophist myself so enjoy the idiom, while almost all esoteric traditions and occult sciences recognize that one fundamental reality exists of which all else is a reflection or a distortion thereof,....going back to spirit, energy and consciousness. All comes from the Infinite ONE and returns to the Infinite ONE, because that One is All there IS
slice and dice as you please