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"There is No God Higher than the Truth" -- Gandhi


Soul Pioneer
"There is no god higher than the truth" -- Gandhi

Well? Did he have a point or not? Answer or die!

As noted earlier, this idea is more from the eastern vedic traditions, as well as Sikhism,.....where 'God' is the one absolute universal reality,...the ultimate 'truth', the one essential from which all else derives. As in Theosophy, 'there is no religion higher than truth',...refers back to prime source Creator/Creation...Nature and her laws......THAT from which all things spring. There is Only that',......so in the context....even 'God' and all 'gods' in whatever form or conception are included and concluded in/as the One Truth, as expressions or personifications thereof.

I'm more of an eclectic theosophist myself so enjoy the idiom, while almost all esoteric traditions and occult sciences recognize that one fundamental reality exists of which all else is a reflection or a distortion thereof,....going back to spirit, energy and consciousness. All comes from the Infinite ONE and returns to the Infinite ONE, because that One is All there IS :)

slice and dice as you please :tongueout:



Jesus in me
As noted earlier, this idea is more from the eastern vedic traditions, as well as Sikhism,.....where 'God' is the one absolute universal reality,...the ultimate 'truth', the one essential from which all else derives. As in Theosophy, 'there is no religion higher than truth',...refers back to prime source Creator/Creation...Nature and her laws......THAT from which all things spring. There is Only that',......so in the context....even 'God' and all 'gods' in whatever form or conception are included and concluded in/as the One Truth, as expressions or personifications thereof.

I'm more of an eclectic theosophist myself so enjoy the idiom, while almost all esoteric traditions and occult sciences recognize that one fundamental reality exists of which all else is a reflection or a distortion thereof,....going back to spirit, energy and consciousness. All comes from the Infinite ONE and returns to the Infinite ONE, because that One is All there IS :)

slice and dice as you please :tongueout:

I believe the concept of God being all there is comes from false theology. There is God and His creation.


Soul Pioneer
I believe the concept of God being all there is comes from false theology. There is God and His creation.

:) Depends on how we define and contextualize terms/things/subjects. On the greater metaphysical level, we can entertain more ethereal monistic templates of what 'God', 'energy', 'life', 'light', 'spirit' are,....also 'personal' or 'non-personal' aspects of 'God'. The greater reality of all, includes all, of course, so it all depends on point of view and how your individual unit of consciousness perceives things.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
I believe the concept of God being all there is comes from false theology. There is God and His creation.
God's life amount = God's life amount + creation's life amount

Your equation would be God's life amount < God's life amount + creation's life amount.

Then God is not the greatest life, and there is nothing to suggest that there can't be more gods, if God is not absolute in existence.


Soul Pioneer
I believe the concept of God being all there is comes from false theology. There is God and His creation.

It all depends on perspective, context and relationships within the subject at hand :) - What is One and All includes the whole of existence, as that which Alone is absolute, omnipresent, universal, infinite, eternal, ultimate and so on.....granting the traditional assumptions of 'God' and his qualities/attributes....which for this discussion is not limited to personality or gender. The One, The All includes all. There is only Existence itself, which is all inclusive.....in the non-dual context, playing with monism. From non-dualism we can see the greater Whole indivisibly, and make distinctions if we choose dualistically in the world of relations. So, a Creator and a Creation may appear to exist of course, with other disctinctions of difference or relatedness. Its all how you view, perceive or distinguish anything.

Both non-dualism and dualism exist as perspective frames within the bigger picture or whole. The 'truth' or 'absolute reality' referred to in our quote is 'higher' than any 'god-concept' per se, or any idea, form, image whatsoever, because that 'reality' is prior to any conception or word whatsoever, but allows for such information to be related in any possible way, so in the greater totality of all potential and possibility,....both 'Creator' and 'Creation' arise as sub-sets within the larger whole. We can play with the variables and dimensions within infinity til the cows come home, and then more :)

You cannot prove a 'God' exists apart from some criteria formula to make such an assumption based on both subjective and objective reasoning,.....but that 'reality' itself exists is Self-evident, awareness itself being its own evidence. The imagination can imagine anything, assuming an Infinite Intelligence.

I've been away from the usual diving into such matters, but am getting my feet wet again sensing the adventure. Nothing ventured nothing gained? maybe this is what Prime Source Creator thought in its creative impulse to expand and explore? who knows? Im happy to be a pure agnostic, while also revelling in the little bits of gnosis the Great Spirit provides along the path. I am no-thing and every-thing, ......I dont really know what anything is, but that IT IS,.....and that I AM. (that alone may be evidence of a 'Creator' and 'Creation' by pure gnosis). - all this arises in consciousness,.....the awareness of LIFE that is ever present. This is all that is, as far as I know.




Well-Known Member
"There is no god higher than the truth" -- Gandhi
Great idea/thought process

Well? Did he have a point or not? Answer or die!
Sure. The truth is real, the rest is not.
BONUS QUESTION: Guess the total number of marbles RF has caused me to lose since I joined the Forum over 15 years ago.
RF did nothing to you. And the next part below is evidence that you are not doing any good for anyone. Misleading people to believe that you took out bank loans to return the marbles.
Hint: Over the past 15 years, I have been forced to take out no less than twenty-six bank loans to buy more marbles. I mainly blame @Saint Frankenstein . The man is a miscreant, I tell you! A miscreant!


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
In Judaism, Peace trumps Truth.
Where did you get that from?? The TaNaKH teaches that we are to pursue Justice. Peace is a natural by-product. It is Justice we are to pursue, not Peace. As it says in Devarim(Deuteronomy) 16:20, "צֶדֶק צֶדֶק, תִּרְדֹּף", "Justice, Justice shall you follow".


Soul Pioneer
Where did you get that from?? The TaNaKH teaches that we are to pursue Justice. Peace is a natural by-product. It is Justice we are to pursue, not Peace. As it says in Devarim(Deuteronomy) 16:20, "צֶדֶק צֶדֶק, תִּרְדֹּף", "Justice, Justice shall you follow".

But Yahweh was also a war-god and commanded genocide and other atrocities didnt he? so wasnt always about 'justice' except by his own terms and prescriptions. Sure, there is a universal sense of justice or righteousness granted but more honed and defined in the prophets, but Yahweh as far as a peace-loving 'god' or 'ruler' is a misnomer it would seem, unless his own laws and statues were followed down to the jot and tittle! One is free to interpret the Tanakh as he pleases, and much is reformed anyways to modern day innovations as some of those 'rules' no longer apply today to even the Jews who interpret such metaphorically now.

But to recap on Robocops post,.....yeah I challenge the idea that Yahweh was more about peace than justice, as peace ensues as an effect or result of justice, of course. It was more about love and peace in the New Testament, if you prefer that version of the Jesus story and all that jazz. In any case,....universal truth ultimately holds no matter ones religious belief or CULT-ure, since it applies to all that exists, all relations in life. On that note, absolute reality trumps all forms and ideas of it, and all conceptions of 'god' no matter how grand or vile. Just a few thoughts :)


robocop (actually)

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Where did you get that from?? The TaNaKH teaches that we are to pursue Justice. Peace is a natural by-product. It is Justice we are to pursue, not Peace. As it says in Devarim(Deuteronomy) 16:20, "צֶדֶק צֶדֶק, תִּרְדֹּף", "Justice, Justice shall you follow".
"Truth is God's sword and Peace is God's shield, or something like that." It said peace was more than truth. I learned in a college reading about Judaism in our library.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
"Truth is God's sword and Peace is God's shield, or something like that." It said peace was more than truth. I learned in a college reading about Judaism in our library.
I think that is incorrect and probably written by non-Jewish sources.


Well-Known Member
I'm not convinced he actually said this, despite all of the memes found under images. Sadly, I can't find anything is a cursory search to confirm nor deny this.

I couldn't find a source either. I did find a verified quote: "Truth, which is just another name for God..."

This may have been mangled over the decades into the quote featured in the OP.

If anyone knows the source of this quote, please share.


Jesus in me
:) Depends on how we define and contextualize terms/things/subjects. On the greater metaphysical level, we can entertain more ethereal monistic templates of what 'God', 'energy', 'life', 'light', 'spirit' are,....also 'personal' or 'non-personal' aspects of 'God'. The greater reality of all, includes all, of course, so it all depends on point of view and how your individual unit of consciousness perceives things.

I believe the present concept of all is time relevant. Before creation God was all but now He is not.


Jesus in me
Where did you get that from?? The TaNaKH teaches that we are to pursue Justice. Peace is a natural by-product. It is Justice we are to pursue, not Peace. As it says in Devarim(Deuteronomy) 16:20, "צֶדֶק צֶדֶק, תִּרְדֹּף", "Justice, Justice shall you follow".
I believe Jesus mentioned mercy as being important but evidently the theologians of the day thought their own idea of justice was more important. I would not say that their concept of justice was correct.


Well-Known Member
"There is no god higher than the truth" -- Gandhi

Well? Did he have a point or not? Answer or die!

BONUS QUESTION: Guess the total number of marbles RF has caused me to lose since I joined the Forum over 15 years ago.

Hint: Over the past 15 years, I have been forced to take out no less than twenty-six bank loans to buy more marbles. I mainly blame @Saint Frankenstein . The man is a miscreant, I tell you! A miscreant!
God Is Truth.