No, he is merely not arguing that miracles are impossible. That is not the same thing at all as claiming that they are possible. We do not even know if they are possible or not. But there is a problem with using miracles in an argument. A miracle is an event that is seen as such a low possibility (and yes, zero could be a how possible that a miracle is, that any natural explanation beats it. "It had to be a miracle" is a very very poor argument to use.
Concerning the low probabilities of miracles I would like to comment/ask 3 things
1 what exactly do you mean by “low” 49% 1% .000000000000001% I am not expecting an exact number, just a rage, so that I have an idea of what you mean by low
2 how do you know that the probability is “low”
3 well any intrinsic low probability can be trumped with sufficient evidence.
No I am not ignoring that. I have never ignored that. That is a claim of yours. The burden of proof is upon you and all that you have been able to show is that that is not the case. You do not "know" that. You only believe that. To claim to know it you would need to be able to demonstrate it.
Welll take for example the case of John the Baptist……….. all the verifiable claims that the gospels make about this guy are true.
I did supported my claim, I gave you a list of such claims. and I showed that Josephus makes the exact same cliams,
According to the gosples
1 John had a father named Zachariah
2 John was killed at the order of Herod
3 he was called "the baptis"
4 he was in prision
all this facts are confirmed independnently in josephus
so is that enough to convince you that the authors of the gosples where well informed about the life of John the Baptist?
if not, what else do you want?
Wrong again. You are forgetting how badly you lost the debate about the two different birth dates of Jesus in the two Nativity myths. I supported my claims, you had no answers except for "what ifs". That is not a refutation to a rational argument.
You haven’t supported your claim that there are other sources (apart form josephus) that confirm the date of the census.
You haven’t explained why should we trust Josephus over Luke
But even more important, even if you show that there are 2 or 3 mistakes in the gospels, it is still true that the gospels are correct in most of the verifiable claims that they make.
BTW I love the irony that you are supporting the 6AD date with a source that was not written by a witness and that claims miracles as real historical events.
So by your standards Josephus is not a valid source-.