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They are one in the same. Please allow me to theorize.



Lets start with the beginning. How combining energies could have made the universe grow.

The Big Bang: Just to clear something up
What does an explosion need?
Matter and energy.
Matter only exists because of energy. Therefore an explosion never happened. Just rapid constant growth from rapid constant energy.

We couldn't explain the beginning because we always assume matter needs energy to exist and therefore matter couldn't exist without energy. That doesn't mean matter is needed to create energy.

"The big bang" explains how an explosion grew the universe using the matter and energy it had to grow into what it is to be today, but how did it start and better yet why is it growing?
Whether the matter was there before the energy took over or the energy created it is up for debate. But we cant deny that the matter of the universe has grown. It's changed and ultimately been manipulated by the forces of energy that started its existence into our galaxies, planets, stars, microbes, organisms, plants, fish, and animals today.

Well, first off, you must understand energy is the only constants in our universe. It has no beginning and no end, it grows as our universe expands. This to me is a phenomena we cant explain, or at least one I haven't found an answer to myself.

I believe there are also 2 main energy types in our universe that hold everything together that started it all. I believe they keep it growing without letting it fall apart. That would be magnetic and electric energy.
There are four parts of energy that holds our universe together, but does that mean that only 2 couldn't have been used to create the other 2 in order to help form everything?

We know that these 2 energies have different properties that we can harness and explain, but that does not make them a phenomena none the less.
Magnets can attract other metals, attract and repel other magnets, and used to generate electricity. In a sense, magnets are an almost non physical constructive energy.
Electricty is a completely physical energy that is used in all technology today. It is also an energy field in space that is almost everywhere in space a magnetic field is.
When combined with each other they become more phenomenal. Here is some of the phenomena. http://www.spaceweathercenter.org/our_protective_shield/05/05_03.html

I theorize that "the big bang" happened because these 2 energies somehow came in contact with each other in space before the universe was created. Upon connection they fought to get away from each other but instead were creating more and more energy.
Somewhere amongst the turbulence within the energy some form of intelligence or "law" was created and that intelligence created matter. From then matter must follow any "law" that energy made for it to follow. The matter being thrown into the mix of energy allowed for the expansion of space and time to exist and all other forms of creation.

Notice in this video how they mention nuclear fusion is created when a star explodes.
From what I gather, Nuclear fusion is a mix of magnetic manipulation and hydrogen. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked...usion/48320/History-of-fusion-energy-research
Hydrogen can be created from electricity if it has atoms to manipulate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolysis

I know that this post seems ignorant an uneducated at best. I do not claim to have studied anything for an extensive period of time. From what I have studied and continue to study and research this is what I have come to understand.
I know some of you understand these concepts way better than others because it is your passion. Us others have knowledge as well, the difference is our uneducated minds may be able to help you come up with something that you didn't think of before. All that we need is for things to be explained in terms that everyone can understand.
I believe with collective thought and reasoning we can all work together to find any answer to whichever question our minds possess as long as those collective thoughts are understood by the majority.

There is more to this, but I want to conclude there for others thoughts and opinions. Please, feedback is important. I'd also like to thank this community for existing and allowing people to learn, explore, and express their faith. God Bless you all.
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For one, it was not an explosion. It was an expansion and a spontaneous production of (not so) virtual particles. Also, energy is necessary to create matter because matter is simply a slow-moving form of energy. Magnetic and electric energy are the same thing: electromagnetism.


For one, it was not an explosion. It was an expansion and a spontaneous production of (not so) virtual particles. Also, energy is necessary to create matter because matter is simply a slow-moving form of energy. Magnetic and electric energy are the same thing: electromagnetism.
I dont understand what your saying enough to validate my theory as flawed.

You say that energy is needed for matter.
If magnetic energy and electric energy are the same, why do they have 2 very different acts in nature?
To assume they started at the same is just an assumption, just like me assuming they didn't start at the same time doesn't prove anything.
Something that is proven is we couldn't have electricity the way it is today without magnetism, and we couldn't have magnetism the way it is today without electricity.
That doesn't mean they didn't exist separately before the universe was made does it?


I dont understand what your saying enough to validate my theory as flawed.

You say that energy is needed for matter.
If magnetic energy and electric energy are the same, why do they have 2 very different acts in nature?
It's very simple science. Magnetic fields and electric fields are both applications of electromagnetic radiation, just like colored light and microwaves, gamma radiation and ultraviolet.


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It's very simple science. Magnetic fields and electric fields are both applications of electromagnetic radiation, just like colored light and microwaves, gamma radiation and ultraviolet.

This. A long time ago it was shown that electricity and magnetism are the same.

How do you think your car starts? Or keeps running.


This. A long time ago it was shown that electricity and magnetism are the same.

How do you think your car starts? Or keeps running.

Can someone link me something that proves that electricity and and magnetism weren't separate before the universe was made?

I understand there are four energies needed for the universe to exist. I'm curious as to how we know that we didn't only need 2 in order to create the other 2.


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Wow that's a lot to read.

I guess while I am reading I will ask another question.

What would happen if we put an electromagnetic energy field outside of our known universe?

Me Myself

Back to my username
Wow that's a lot to read.

I guess while I am reading I will ask another question.

What would happen if we put an electromagnetic energy field outside of our known universe?

You have an assumption there that there exists an "outside" in which to put this field.


Ad astra!
Wow that's a lot to read.

I guess while I am reading I will ask another question.

What would happen if we put an electromagnetic energy field outside of our known universe?

Strangely enough, there IS something at work outside our universe from what we can tell. Right now in astrophysics it is known as dark energy, and is the name we use for what might be causing the accelerating, outward expansion of our universe.

Sorry for giving you more to read, but there is so much you need to understand before asking such questions.

Dark energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Strangely enough, there IS something at work outside our universe from what we can tell. Right now in astrophysics it is known as dark energy, and is the name we use for what might be causing the accelerating, outward expansion of our universe.

Sorry for giving you more to read, but there is so much you need to understand before asking such questions.

Dark energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thank you again. I came up with another question.
How can matter be created or manipulated without some form of intelligence whether it is conscious intellect or natural instinct?

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
Thank you again. I came up with another question.
How can matter be created or manipulated without some form of intelligence whether it is conscious intellect or natural instinct?
no need for intelligence just "laws" or the inherent nature of such things.


no need for intelligence just "laws" or the inherent nature of such things.
wouldn't governance be even more proof intellect?

something becomes a "law" for a reason. There is no coincidences with "laws".
Am I correct on that?

Please be sure to re-read the OP seeing as I made adjustments to hopefully make me seem more educated.
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Seeming more educated, and being more educated are two different things ;) :p

I do not disagree with you there. I promise not to act as though I do. Please read my OP again as I have added more. I will keep re-posting as answers are found to the questions we discover in this topic.