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This & That: The Reflections of Allfoak



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There is more to numbers than the mere quantities we assign them. Numbers are alive. They structure our waking reality. All the great mystics and philosophers throughout the ages understood this numeric universe. It won’t be long until we are able to manufacture energy and reshape our world the way nature intended, through implosion rather than explosion.

The principles of Vortex Math and the underlying ideologies of this forgotten science are resurfacing. This lost numerical art is a portal to understanding the nature of reality, and the psychological implications gained from such introspection are paramount to the evolution of the world soul.

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There was still one more very important number pattern to be realized. On the MATHEMATICAL FINGER PRINT OF GOD notice how the 3, 9, and 6 is in red and does not connect at the base. That is because it is a vector. The 1,2,4,8,7,5 is the third dimension while the oscillation between the 3 and 6 demonstrates the fourth dimension, which is the higher dimensional magnetic field of an electrical coil. The 3, 9, and 6 always occur together with the 9 as the control. In fact, the Yin/Yang is not a duality but rather a trinary. This is because the 3 and 6 represent each side of the Yin/Yang and the 9 is the “S” curve between them. Everything is based on thirds. We think that the universe is based on dualities because we see the effects not the cause.




Darwin referred to the origin of species as “that mystery of mysteries” (1), and despite decades of study, evolutionary biologists still cannot agree on the underlying processes that have produced the great diversity of life around us. Most contentious of all has been the question of whether speciation can occur within a population (sympatrically). On page 1704 of this issue, van Doorn et al. (2) suggest that mating preferences can halt the movement of genes within a population. Their work gives credibility to the concept of sympatric speciation, which has long been the ugly duckling of evolutionary biology, and suggests that both local adaptation and sexual selection may play a far more important role in speciation than previously thought.



This is my Journal, not a place for you to come and criticize what i post. @savagewind
Enjoy what is here or not it is up to you.
I do not post these things for your benefit but for the benefit of all.
You are welcome to say and think what you please but not on my journal page.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
This is my Journal, not a place for you to come and criticize what i post. @savagewind
Enjoy what is here or not it is up to you.
I do not post these things for your benefit but for the benefit of all.
You are welcome to say and think what you please but not on my journal page.
OK I am sorry. I do not look at the thread type usually.


The Great Work.
The Magnum Opus.

noun: chrysalis; plural noun: chrysalises; noun: chrysalid; plural noun: chrysalids
  1. a quiescent insect pupa, especially of a butterfly or moth.
    • the hard outer case of this, especially after being discarded.
    • a preparatory or transitional state.
      "she emerged from the chrysalis of self-conscious adolescence"


Man is designed to be able to experience a complete metamorphosis while still in the body.
The resurrection is not something that happens when we die.
If it does not happen while in the body it will not happen at all.
The body is part of the transformation.
It is a new birth.

"People who say they will first die and then arise are mistaken. If they do not first receive resurrection while they are alive, once they have died they will receive nothing." (Gospel of Philip)


Changing matter to spirit is the transformation of physical man to spiritual man.
We summon the energy that is source through our desires.
In other words we get what we think about.

We can transform our lives one thought at a time if we will just learn how to hold a positive thought long enough for it to manifest in our lives.
This process of manifesting positive thought is the way we expand and heighten our consciousness.
In other words, when we learn how to turn spirit to matter, we then have learned how to turn matter to spirit.

We do this all day everyday, what we focus on we receive.
If we will learn how to focus on our source our desire will be pure and we will manifest what we desire while expanding and heightening our consciousness in the process.
This is necessary for the birth of our soul to occur.


Eternal 5D data storage could record the history of humankind
18 February 2016

Eternal 5D data storage

Scientists at the University of Southampton have made a major step forward in the development of digital data storage that is capable of surviving for billions of years.

Using nanostructured glass, scientists from the University’s Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) have developed the recording and retrieval processes of five dimensional (5D) digital data by femtosecond laser writing.
The storage allows unprecedented properties including 360 TB/disc data capacity, thermal stability up to 1,000°C and virtually unlimited lifetime at room temperature (13.8 billion years at 190°C ) opening a new era of eternal data archiving. As a very stable and safe form of portable memory, the technology could be highly useful for organisations with big archives, such as national archives, museums and libraries, to preserve their information and records.

The technology was first experimentally demonstrated in 2013 when a 300 kb digital copy of a text file was successfully recorded in 5D.