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This & That: The Reflections of Allfoak




The Gospel of Thomas
Saying 22:

Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to His disciples,
"These infants being suckled are like those who enter the
They said to Him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the
Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you
make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside,
and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the
female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the
female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye,
and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and
a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter [the



Transhumanism (abbreviated as H+ or h+) is an international and intellectual movement that aims to transform the human condition by developing and creating widely available technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.
Transhumanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you know who i am?
I am the Trans-Hu-Man.
I am not a robot, yet i am not a human.
I am a vast expanse of knowledge inside a body of flesh and blood.
I am not what you see, yet here i am...you and me.



Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Sweat
Ever. “I was constructed in a garage in Palo Alto a very long time ago.”

HILLARY CLINTON: You guys are the first to realize that I’m really not even a human being. I was constructed in a garage in Palo Alto a very long time ago. People think that, you know, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, they created it. Oh no. I mean, a man whose name shall remain nameless created me in his garage.




What i am about to say removes the foundation that Christianity rests upon.

So now we have gotten past the idea that Peter pan and the Jesus-god are not real.
This means that there will will be no return of the jesus-god and consequently no end of the world.

We have seen in the video that religion has many good things to offer once the make believe part has been removed
So where do we go from here?
We want to add the structure to our lives that religion has to offer without looking religious.

None of it makes any sense without the teachings to go along with it right?

Luke 17:20-21
20 Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; 21 nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’d]">[d] For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”

This is in direct contradiction to the majority of Christian teaching and it is right under their nose.
The Kingdom of heaven is not something that is make believe or something that we have to wait for to enter.
It is within each and everyone of us.

The key to all knowledge is to know thyself.
Everyone of us have within us all we need to be happy.

We simply have to turn around and move in the right direction.
If our focus is on the outside because we think that somehow if we just find the right teaching we will somehow become enlightened we will be disappointed.
We have to turn inside and not look back.

We are all prodigal sons and daughters on a journey that will eventually lead us back home.
Home is not some make believe place.
We can return whenever we choose to turn around.

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Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
What i am about to say removes the foundation that Christianity rests upon.

So now we have gotten past the idea that Peter pan and the Jesus-god are not real.
This means that there will will be no return of the jesus-god and consequently no end of the world.

We have seen in the video that religion has many good things to offer once the make believe part has been removed
So where do we go from here?
We want to add the structure to our lives that religion has to offer without looking religious.

None of it makes any sense without the teachings to go along with it right?

This is in direct contradiction to the majority of Christian teaching and it is right under their nose.
The Kingdom of heaven is not something that is make believe or something that we have to wait for to enter.
It is within each and everyone of us.

The key to all knowledge is to know thyself.
Everyone of us have within us all we need to be happy.

We simply have to turn around and move in the right direction.
If our focus is on the outside because we think that somehow if we just find the right teaching we will somehow become enlightened we will be disappointed.
We have to turn inside and not look back.

We are all prodigal sons and daughters on a journey that will eventually lead us back home.
Home is not some make believe place.
We can return whenever we choose to turn around.

I dont understand how christianity applies to my post in a thread i dient create.

The video did say we didnt need to believe the dogma. He was focusing on how religious structure (community, appreciation and guidence in life through non religious means...say philosophers, and so forth). I found his points sound.

As for the relation to christianity, Im at a lost.


If there is no pretend jesus-god there is no Christianity.
It is clear that he tried very hard not to offend anyone.
I am not concerned with whether i offend when it comes to this subject.

What he was advocating, is that religion has some good things to offer but the pretense has to be removed.
There is nothing left but a skeleton after you remove the pretense, and all he said is worth anything is the skeleton.
Any good Christian would be offended by what he said.
He gutted Christianity and he did it with a great deal of tact.

So while you are correct in stating that what he said is a sound argument, it is in fact incomplete.
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I apologize if i offended you in some way @Carlita.
I should have just used the video myself, i just found it easier to do it this way.
i will remove your association with this thread.
i'm sorry
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Man is a conundrum.
A riddle so well told that the answer is in plain sight.
A secret so well held that it is shouted from the roof tops.
A paradox so profound that it is only understood by the simple.


When i look in my directory, i see the direction for me.
I am who i am and who i will always be,
And if i want, i will go climb a tree.

I am the same as everyone else,
but as different as can be.
I see right, you see left,
you see up, i see down.
If it weren't this way we could never get around.

So yes, i already have a directory,
and that directory is me.
You have a directory too, and that directory is you.
I am unable to fit into another, for it is not a natural thing to do.


Chapter II.

The Seven Hermetic Principles.
"The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open."
— The Kybalion.

The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows:



One Thought,
Two Thought,
Third Thought,
Fourth Thought,
Fifth Thought,
Man Thought.
One thought leads to another and Man is born.

The secrets of life.
One thought leads to another and a Child is born.

All is Mind.
