The way of the East is a very safe means of soul evolution. It is accomplished over the course of a great number of lifetimes, and by never engaging in sex or activating the lower emotional centers, the yogi slowly grows himself by interacting and helping his disciples. The yogi therefore grows himself by interacting with the fallen natures of his disciples. And this is why Gurdjieff stated that after the yogi achieves activating the third eye and can see the Light, he is powerless to become the Light or even truly know God, because that requires the balance of heaven and earth and the evolution of the Center. Thus, Gurdjieff stated:
"The third way is the way of the yogi. This is the way of knowledge, the way of mind. The way of the yogi consists in working on the third room and in striving to enter the fourth room by means of knowledge. The yogi reaches the fourth room by developing his mind, but his body and emotions remain undeveloped and, like the fakir and the monk, he is unable to make use of the results of his attainment. He knows everything but can do nothing. In order to begin to do he must gain the mastery over his body and emotions, that is, over the first and second rooms. To do this he must again set to work and again obtain results by means of prolonged efforts."
The yogi, who is intoxicated by the head-sex and Light of the third eye, cannot become the soul-self, because of his lack of balance. In his intoxicated state, he proclaims his union with God. And while this is the Light that is of the active principle of Father-God, he remains downstream and cannot manifest his soul-self who IS the Being of Light, because of his unbalanced state caused by a lack of development of the reflective foundation of his being. And this is fundamentally why the people of the New Age are totally lacking any worthwhile knowledge of our true self -- i.e., our soul-self that is the Being of Light in the Near Death Experience -- which means that he vast majority of the people of the New Age are as lost as their Christian brothers and sisters. And in many respects, the two groups are opposite sides of the same coin. Christians believe they are saved by Grace, and to even suggest that you have to accomplish something with your life, is interpreted by them as a denial of Christ and the blood of the lamb. This is why they condemned what they called the Judaizers, because they continued to embrace the Law. In a response on another forum we can see this same mindset in the New Age self-denial mindset where the words are expressed:
The way of self-determination is not God's Way. "Consider this, from an advanced an uncompromising teacher of the Way of Freedom: "The serious student of The Way of Freedom comes to understand how self-reliance and self-effort only serve to further strengthen the state, stuff, and ways of individuality. That understanding deepens, and becomes more subtle and pervasive, over the years along The Way. The state, stuff, and ways of individuality are that which prevents the True Realization and Incarnation of God, and self-reliance and self-effort are part of the life of individuality. To engage self-reliance and self-effort, including in one's quest for God-Realization, shuts-out the very God one seeks to Realize." Sri Dava Prakasha
Once understood, this rhetoric is parallel to that which is preached in the Christian Churches -- and in the same way that there is no point in posting on a Christian forum because of the prevailing doctrinalized ignorance, what we see in the words of this yogi is parallel to that doctrinalized ignorance. Moreover, there are many Evangelical Christians who feel the Spirit moving them -- even entering into a frenzy much like the intoxication of the New Age head-sex. Each condemns works and striving for higher reality as a denial of God's free gift to the believers. Yet, while they get intoxicated from the flow of vital life-force, neither group can manifest God in their lives because they have yet to even begin to overcome the many levels of their own divided natures. And both are ignorant of their soul-self which they cannot manifest, because of their lack of balance and development of their lower natures which must serve as a foundation for the higher natures in the manner of the portrayal of the Star of David.
A soul such as Yogananda has followed the Eastern path for eons. He hasn't had sex or indulged his lower nature over the course of countless lifetimes -- and perhaps never. He enters with his teacher/guru, and his disciples enter with him, and it is a very controlled environmental path. And like the way of the monk, the way of the yogi can only work in an ashram environment -- i.e., as said of why Gurdjieff left the Eastern path:
Gurdjieff's work evolved into the "Fourth Way," which is a method of achieving inner perfection in ordinary life, rather than withdrawing from the world as do the yogi, fakir, and monks. The goal of Fourth Way practitioners is an accelerated transformation, returning to pure essence.
The yogis dwell in the Light of the Father as expressed through the soul-self -- but they cannot become their soul-self because of their own unbalanced path. Neither can God jump over the many lesser levels of Creation -- levels that are divided by Mother/Father God, heaven and earth, and the twelve spheres of mind as expressed through the Tree of Life -- and manifest in them in the manner that God Manifested in Yeshua -- and even the disciples of Yeshua. Moreover, there is another important consideration in this equation -- i.e., because of their path of denial and negation, they exist as lights in the world through the cosmic balance of those who exist at the opposite polarity of the spectrum, and are the embodiment of darkness. And this is why Gurdjieff stated that they not only have no power to make change, but they must never invoke karma or engage in the physical. They cannot be confrontational with the forces of darkness, because their polarity of light is dependent upon the opposite polarity of darkness in the world. They are lights to the world, because their opposites on the cosmic spectrum of balance are the forces of darkness.
In TheWay as manifested in the teachings of Yeshua, the lower nature is evolved and manifest as a foundation for the heavenly -- resulting in the ability to directly evolve the center from the Alpha to the Omega. The disciple of TheWay is not a light to others because of the embodiment of the opposite polarity among other people. The Disciples of TheWay are Lights, because of the balance of heaven and earth within them that enables them to first manifest their soul-self -- evolve that soul-self within the proper foundation -- and bring the soul-self to a state of evolved Completion where the Logos can Manifest -- and in the Manifestation of the Logos, Mother/Father God can be brought together and Absolute Oneness can be achieved with the Essene of God which we call the Ancient of Days -- or in the Gospel of the Nazirenes, the All-Parent where division of Male/Female and Heaven/Earth does not exist. Because the Disciple of TheWay is Complete within himself, he can confront the forces of evil and even Satan itself, and prevail. There is no negative karma that would cause the Disciple of TheWay to fall like it would the powerless yogi, because the Disciple is Complete within self and not dependent upon maintaining balance with he opposite polarity in the manner of the yogi who only develops the upper centers at the expense and negation of the lower.
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