No. It is relavant because no one believes in them. No one collectively is convinced they exist or are real. No one has made a religion out of them because they believe they are real. No one has seen one. Your comparing isolated cases with billions of people that claim God has revealed himself to them personally. If your talking about an isolated case you have to wonder if there is any truth in it. When your talking billions or people throughout time all believing the same thing you have collective witnesses of truth. The probability of life from nothing? Do the math.
People, even billions of people, can be wrong. And the fact that nobody seems to be able to agree on basic points when it comes to God suggests that there isn't a common entity that they are all discussing. Instead, it suggests that they are each making up whatever appeals to them the most.
As a comparison, it is quite easy for someone who is color blind to realize that people able to see colors are consistent in their descriptions, and that there are observable physical aspects of color. So even a colorblind person can know that colors exist. But there isn't this level of evidence for a God. People seem to be unable to agree on even basic properties of a God.
As for life 'from nothing', nobody suggests that. Life is a chemical and physical process that came about through natural, physical means.
As a mathematician, I have found that *all* probability calculations for something like this are based on faulty assumptions simply because we don't know what it takes for life to arise. Once we have several different examples of how life can arise, we can start to consider probabilities.
So, again, you have failed to give some way of distinguishing a universe with natural laws and no God from one with a God. So, the universe, as it is, simply isn't evidence one way or the other.
On the other hand, the *lack* of definitive proof of the existence of a deity is good evidence against the existence simply because *if* such a deity exists, we would *expect* a lot of unambigiuous evidence.