The thing is they are so scared. I'm not sure they see it that way, but it seems so clear to an outsider. And the truth is they are scared for me. Hell is so real for them. But yes, I agree with you the system is flawed and that was evident to me many years ago too.
I think they are also scared because they feel like they should believe something that doesn't make sense, and they are brought up with so many negative consequences to
not believing, it is virtually tearing their soul in two.
There are two types of Christians in my viewpoint:
1) Those who struggle with what they believe, do not deviate, and lash out at those who believe something else (or possibly lash out at those who are liberated while they cannot achieve such)
2) Those who struggle with what they believe, make it work for themselves through study and meditation, and are content with everyone else's viewpoint.
There is no question with whom we are speaking about in this thread. I would never expect this type of criticism from #2, and some of my most respected friends and colleagues fall in this category. Christian #1 is either uncomfortable with their own religion or scared of subversion by another.
I liken it to a Homophobe being the one who is actually uncomfortable with their own sexuality. If they were comfortable being straight, then there would be no need to demean or ridicule those who are not.