I guess my questions are not going to be addressed.
This whole thread is a straw man. :sorry1:
Can anyone explain why fundamentalists must be defeated or why they must acknowledge science?
Im sorry Rick, your reply got lost in the shuffle.
Do you have any examples of religion stopping medical advancement?
stem cell research
What do you perceive as "crossing the line of science"? Any examples?
dismissal of
dating methods
I don't believe we are allowed to "push religion" in schools are we?
Allthough only a few months ago, repeat "a few months ago" creationism was still taught in schools here in the USA. The teachers are not all on board and many do laugh off evolution still to this day. There is a thread running now by skwin addressing the issue.
Can anyone explain why fundamentalists must be defeated or why they must acknowledge science?
they dont have to acknowledge science Rick, people do have freedom to live in ignornace or denial or in imaginatiomn land if they choose. Sooner or later if they like it or not, science is more a part of people's lives then not, from medicine and anti biotics to the first visit in a hospital. To the computer they may use or the life flight unit that trys to pull their children from the river when the horse and carriage tips over in the river. You can avoid religion but not science.
Now I will give you defeated was the wrong word. More then anything religions mythical aspects should be kept in check by said religion. Sadly its not the case. Thats why the USA has a %60 belief rate in a myth. you dont think that is primitive and barbaric that the majority of the people blindly follow a religious myth that is not a part of reality?????
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