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To the Non Believers.


Intentionally Blank
The people committing this evil are religionists, speaking, believing and acting on behalf of their religion. Apparently their religion consists of a set of primitive prejudices that need to be eradicated, so that children can benefit from scientific progress and not be paralysed.
Hee's my statement that Archer takes objection to. What do you disagree with, Archer? Do you claim that religious belief is not the source of this harmful superstition? Or that fear of polio vaccination is not a primitive prejudice that needs to be eradicated? What is your gripe with this post? And if the shoe doesn't fit, why are you wearing it and complaining about it?


Intentionally Blank
what part of what I said do you disagree? Are these clerics spreading these superstition not theists? Do they not tell us they are doing it because of their religion? And is that religion not a collection of harmful superstitition?
Thanks for reminding me. You never answered. What part of my post do you disagree with?


Well-Known Member
and I think you should stop proselytizing before I report you to the mods.

So, no actual threads, eh? Just a generalized whine and vague feeling of persecution, but no valid reason to start the thread at all? Is this typical of Christian veracity, or are you less careful than most?

If just this thread has this much in it then you know there is plenty out there. I wont waste my time. I might tote the christian line most of the time but do you see any religion in my religion section? Perhaps I am the type of athiest I described earlier that just does not want to see a bunch of lemmings walking the streets with no direction. Just perhaps.


Intentionally Blank
If just this thread has this much in it then you know there is plenty out there. I wont waste my time. I might tote the christian line most of the time but do you see any religion in my religion section? Perhaps I am the type of athiest I described earlier that just does not want to see a bunch of lemmings walking the streets with no direction. Just perhaps.

So just to recap, you made a thread to complain about all the "attack" threads that atheists have started, but you can't cite a single attack thread. I'd say that's about par for the course for you and many other Christians. And yes, I do see something in your religion section, why do you ask?

You seem confused about what an atheist is, despite having it explained to you at least ten times in this thread. That's another trait I find many Christians share. An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in God. Do you believe in God? If so, you're not an atheist.


Active Member
If just this thread has this much in it then you know there is plenty out there. I wont waste my time. I might tote the christian line most of the time but do you see any religion in my religion section? Perhaps I am the type of athiest I described earlier that just does not want to see a bunch of lemmings walking the streets with no direction. Just perhaps.

Methinks that is essentially a concession speech.


New Member
"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice'. For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Matt 9:12-13


Active Member
"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice'. For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Matt 9:12-13

And this is relevant to . . . what?


Well-Known Member
Methinks that is essentially a concession speech.

Conceded to what? All I have seen is backpedaling and denial, ye know what you accuse believers of. As I said whan you attack a faith based on the actions then it opens yourself up to thew same standards. I would rather die at the hands or a religious zealot than serve the lies secularism, the hate that is brought by it, the intolerance and injustice. It works both ways, God or no but at least with God people have hope. Don't be so foolish as to think religion is not needed. It is.

Nothing I have said in this thread can be disproved, only denied by those foolish enough to try and stand against the truth.


Active Member
Conceded to what? All I have seen is backpedaling and denial, ye know what you accuse believers of. As I said whan you attack a faith based on the actions then it opens yourself up to thew same standards. I would rather die at the hands or a religious zealot than serve the lies secularism, the hate that is brought by it, the intolerance and injustice. It works both ways, God or no but at least with God people have hope. Don't be so foolish as to think religion is not needed. It is.

Nothing I have said in this thread can be disproved, only denied by those foolish enough to try and stand against the truth.

You have established no - as in none zip zero zilch - causal connection between the murders of those you singled out their lack of belief in god(s). Until you DO you have nothing but your own opinion.

WE OTOH have what the believers themselves have SAID was their reason(s) and IN EVERY case it was their belief in some god thingy.

As for religion being needed why do we need yet another con game?

As for your desire to be killed by some religious zealot - keep trumpeting YOUR religion and some other believer just might accommodate you.

And you STILL haven't given us any example of this "attack on people of faith" you were complaining about.


Well-Known Member
You have established no - as in none zip zero zilch - causal connection between the murders of those you singled out their lack of belief in god(s). Until you DO you have nothing but your own opinion.

WE OTOH have what the believers themselves have SAID was their reason(s) and IN EVERY case it was their belief in some god thingy.

As for religion being needed why do we need yet another con game?

As for your desire to be killed by some religious zealot - keep trumpeting YOUR religion and some other believer just might accommodate you.

And you STILL haven't given us any example of this "attack on people of faith" you were complaining about.

If I am so FOS then where are the rest of you? They are probably not the religious Atheists and don't want to be associated with them. You, Auto and others have shown your colore, your bigotry and true faith. You are so caught up in the Atheist religion that you have been blinded. You throw blanket accusations out there with statements like.

As to your statement coming from your frustration "As for your desire to be killed by some religious zealot - keep trumpeting YOUR religion and some other believer just might accommodate you.". Well statistically I would be more likely killed by one of your faith. So I guess you are a believer.

"And you STILL haven't given us any example of this "attack on people of faith" you were complaining about." Hell you have been doing it throughout this thread. I don't need to got posts from anywhere else. All that need be done is open the door and you Atheist zealots will prove it every time. I am not accusing all Atheists just those like you. You seem to show not just an indifference for religion but an absolute hatred for it. If a person like you came to power I think I would help the Muslims fulfill their prophecys and kill off or convert all the infidels and heretics. I would then deal with what I had left.


Admiral Obvious
From the Universal Dictionary, "Dogma;" "A doctrine or system of doctrines proclaimed true by a religious sect."

"Religion;" Any objective pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

"Atheism;" Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God.---The doctrine that there is no God or that the word "God" and statements about it or using it are meaningless.
Would you be so kind as to post a link to this "Universal Dictionary"?
I am unable to find it.

Did you use the same source for all the above definitions?
Interesting that I am completely unable to find them any where online....


Well-Known Member
I take it as a given that the belief in supernatural religion is unreasonable on its face, unhealthy mentally, and most importantly – dangerous. That simply believing these myths is corrosive of human reason limits knowledge and bids fair to destroy the civilization we have spent the past 6K years building.

As evidence for that I point to the ID Creationism nonsense, the religiously inspired laws we see imposed in many countries, the violence done in the name of “god” and the fierce determination of the believers to force others to at least act as if they believed also. I would my children and G/C lived in a safe and protected environment free from limits on their intellect and free from fear of hate-filled bomb throwers. Or nuke throwers. Or single flight pilots.

Here we are dangerous. Hell anyone can be dangerous so shall we say all of mankind has the potential to kill and stop acting like it is just the believers primarily in the Abrahamic religions that are dangerous? This is what I mean by an attack on faith! It is unsubstantiated. Just take the total number of murders on an average day around the world, excluding war. You find that killings in the name of God are in the minority and killings in the name of man are the norm.

Name of man? Greed, drugs, lust all the major things that the Religious usually stand against. Do you have a case? I think not. Wait you can deny more.

EDIT: FYI. The Religious spent the last 5900 years building it and the Godless have done more damage to humanity in the last 100 than we did in 5900.
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Guardian of Asgaard
Here we are dangerous. Hell anyone can be dangerous so shall we say all of mankind has the potential to kill and stop acting like it is just the believers primarily in the Abrahamic religions that are dangerous? This is what I mean by an attack on faith! It is unsubstantiated. Just take the total number of murders on an average day around the world, excluding war. You find that killings in the name of God are in the minority and killings in the name of man are the norm.

Faithful people are usually the ones who will make excuses for killings. Where as people without faith have no one but themselves to blame.

Either way your point isn't exactly putting religious people in a good light. People don't need excuses to kill but its only the faithful that will point the finger at an external entity as an excuse.

Name of man? Greed, drugs, lust all the major things that the Religious usually stand against. Do you have a case? I think not. Wait you can deny more.

The name of man does not exclude religion, just so you know.

EDIT: FYI. The Religious spent the last 5900 years building it and the Godless have done more damage to humanity in the last 100 than we did in 5900.

The religious have held back our growth for 5900 years, something that may forfeit our existance in the future.

Hitler was a catholic man, he is part of the most horrific conflict we'll ever see.


Well-Known Member
Faithful people are usually the ones who will make excuses for killings. Where as people without faith have no one but themselves to blame.

Either way your point isn't exactly putting religious people in a good light. People don't need excuses to kill but its only the faithful that will point the finger at an external entity as an excuse.

Name of man? Greed, drugs, lust all the major things that the Religious usually stand against. Do you have a case? I think not. Wait you can deny more.

The name of man does not exclude religion, just so you know.

The religious have held back our growth for 5900 years, something that may forfeit our existance in the future.

Hitler was a catholic man, he is part of the most horrific conflict we'll ever see.

Nazi Policy and the Catholic Church Perhaps at one time but not toward the end.

Until the Catholic Church gained influence in Europe and brought unification it was a backward and untamed place. Faith brought order. The same can be said about the middle east and Islam and most other regions of the world. Faith brings order.
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Well-Known Member
Please explain to me why the constant attack on religion.

If you saw a man starving and you were walking with a loaf of bread would you spare a slice?

Hee hee...

Ok no but... Seriously... What do I know? If someone takes me seriously then I hope personally that they already agree with me at some level. I am not here to proselytize. I have been door to door for Jehovah... I have been baptized and sprinkled and scared silly by elders and priests alike.

I know its crazy. If you were brought up dyed in the wool in religion its not an easy road. But you have to choose the narrow and arduous path. Dont walk that easy road with everyone else. (Odd how that applies... Because most people are religious and religious people constantly taught me that doctrine.... hmmm).

Personally I will respect most beliefs. If your beliefs are immoral or illogical I will tend to point it out. Some people get really mad at me for that. Whatever. It happens. And honestly... Why would people let me bother them anyways? I am one other human. Its up to them and you to determine your beliefs... not me. I have my own beliefs and fears as do you... if you find out you believe something I dont perhaps its causes you to think about what it is you really believe... but its still your belief and only you can change it. Who is to say I am even right?

What if it turns out god does exist but its Loki and we're all screwed anyways. I don't have any evidence that Loki doesn't exist anymore then I have evidence that Jesus doesn't or even Allah.

Sometimes I wonder if people run from their chance to choose.


Guardian of Asgaard
Faithful people are usually the ones who will make excuses for killings. Where as people without faith have no one but themselves to blame.

Either way your point isn't exactly putting religious people in a good light. People don't need excuses to kill but its only the faithful that will point the finger at an external entity as an excuse.

Nazi Policy and the Catholic Church Perhaps at one time but not toward the end.

Until the Catholic Church gained influence in Europe and brought unification it was a backward and untamed place. Faith brought order. The same can be said about the middle east and Islam and most other regions of the world. Faith brings order.

No it didn't. It brought the free world to its knee's and punished people for speaking their mind. Great thinkers were silenced for speaking out.

Ordered society destroys advancement and instead installs fear, dogma, hatred and submission.

What i love about theists is how readily they outcast anyone who doesn't represent the better side of their religion haha.


Well-Known Member
If you saw a man starving and you were walking with a loaf of bread would you spare a slice?

Hee hee...

Ok no but... Seriously... What do I know? If someone takes me seriously then I hope personally that they already agree with me at some level. I am not here to proselytize. I have been door to door for Jehovah... I have been baptized and sprinkled and scared silly by elders and priests alike.

I know its crazy. If you were brought up dyed in the wool in religion its not an easy road. But you have to choose the narrow and arduous path. Dont walk that easy road with everyone else. (Odd how that applies... Because most people are religious and religious people constantly taught me that doctrine.... hmmm).

Personally I will respect most beliefs. If your beliefs are immoral or illogical I will tend to point it out. Some people get really mad at me for that. Whatever. It happens. And honestly... Why would people let me bother them anyways? I am one other human. Its up to them and you to determine your beliefs... not me. I have my own beliefs and fears as do you... if you find out you believe something I dont perhaps its causes you to think about what it is you really believe... but its still your belief and only you can change it. Who is to say I am even right?

What if it turns out god does exist but its Loki and we're all screwed anyways. I don't have any evidence that Loki doesn't exist anymore then I have evidence that Jesus doesn't or even Allah.

Sometimes I wonder if people run from their chance to choose.

I don't really care either way either. I just hate unsubstantiated claims about believers being dangerous and responsible for all this killing when there are no supporting facts.

I respect the right of people not to believe but the fact is I would be scared in a godless world because many of faith would be dangerous without God.

I was brought up in a Godless home BTW, not Atheist just Godless. I chose my path and I do understand the arguments many make against religion as I make some of them myself.


Well-Known Member
No it didn't. It brought the free world to its knee's and punished people for speaking their mind. Great thinkers were silenced for speaking out.

Ordered society destroys advancement and instead installs fear, dogma, hatred and submission.

What i love about theists is how readily they outcast anyone who doesn't represent the better side of their religion haha.

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Well-Known Member
I don't really care either way either. I just hate unsubstantiated claims about believers being dangerous and responsible for all this killing when there are no supporting facts.

I respect the right of people not to believe but the fact is I would be scared in a godless world because many of faith would be dangerous without God.

I was brought up in a Godless home BTW, not Atheist just Godless. I chose my path and I do understand the arguments many make against religion as I make some of them myself.

I don't want to seem condescending but what?

Do you not get the paper or CNN where you live? We have witnessed an organization hell bent on covering up the sexual abuse of children and said organization is based solely upon the belief in god.

Do you think people can't be evil if they believe in god?

Both theists and atheists can still choose to be evil. We have proof positive you can be a theist and evil and I'm sure there are examples of atheists being evil... Wow... we're all human.

Unsubstantiated? Did you not read of the salem witch trials? Did Dr Tiller not die in church from a gun shot wound from a believer who thought he was doing god's work? The crusades?

Mate... if you see religion as a means of protecting you from evil people you are running through life with your eyes closed. American prisons are filled with believers... What evidence suggests that if you believe in god you will be more moral? This priest is faking his belief in god? Polish priest held in Brazil on pedophile charges - Times LIVE

Or do you condone such acts?

Evil people are going to be evil with or without god.
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