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Today is the 6th Creative Day, Scripturally


Active Member
Dear Scuz, God tells us that you CANNOT understand Scripture:

1Co 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Should we believe you or God? God Bless you.

In Love,

And where in The Bible does it say you are free to twist things around to fit your own needs and arguments much like you tend to do? Nowhere....

And God didn't write The Bible...


Dear sojourner, It really pleases me when an unbeliever begins to try to sound sophisticated. No one cares about your personal opinion, which is backed by nothing but wind. Unless you can begin to support your rants with actual rebuttal, in agreement with Scripture, Science, and History, you should go back and study before you put your fingers on the keyboard again and reveal your lack of argument for everyone to see. God Bless you.

In Love,

If you don't care, why are you here?

Why are you responding?


Bible Believer
I'm an ordained member of the clergy with denominational standing. What do you think?

Dear sojourner, Billy Graham asked the Choir and the ordained Ministers the same question, at his meetings. WHY do you find it so hard to answer? JW preachers don't believe in being born again as many other Cults (groups started by men) teach. Many modernists and Liberal Groups also fail to teach this. God Bless you.

In Love,


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear sojourner, Billy Graham asked the Choir and the ordained Ministers the same question, at his meetings. WHY do you find it so hard to answer? JW preachers don't believe in being born again as many other Cults (groups started by men) teach. Many modernists and Liberal Groups also fail to teach this. God Bless you.

In Love,
Not a huge fan of Graham. My spiritual disposition is very important to me and I tend to keep it close -- especially in dealing with people I have reason not to trust.


Active Member
Dear sojourner, Billy Graham asked the Choir and the ordained Ministers the same question, at his meetings. WHY do you find it so hard to answer? JW preachers don't believe in being born again as many other Cults (groups started by men) teach. Many modernists and Liberal Groups also fail to teach this. God Bless you.

In Love,

Why don't you ask Billy Graham why he doesn't contribute some of that money of his to churches and good causes. After all, he IS worth 25 million dollars.



Bible Believer
Not a huge fan of Graham. My spiritual disposition is very important to me and I tend to keep it close -- especially in dealing with people I have reason not to trust.

Dear sojourner, Then tell us what a Celtic Christian is. Do you worship Stonehenge? God Bless you.

In Love,


Active Member
Dear sojourner, Then tell us what a Celtic Christian is. Do you worship Stonehenge? God Bless you.

In Love,

Why is it that when you are cornered or run out of things to say, you personally attack someone but report others when they do it to you? It really isn't necessary to ask him if he worships the Stonehenge.

Either you're very slow or you're picking a fight (and I wouldn't be surprised if it was the first option since you don't even know basic math)...

And what does him being a Celtic Christian have ANYTHING to do with his prior comments or discussion? It has absolutely NOTHING to do with it.


Bible Believer
Why is it that when you are cornered or run out of things to say, you personally attack someone but report others when they do it to you? It really isn't necessary to ask him if he worships the Stonehenge.

Either you're very slow or you're picking a fight (and I wouldn't be surprised if it was the first option since you don't even know basic math)...

And what does him being a Celtic Christian have ANYTHING to do with his prior comments or discussion? It has absolutely NOTHING to do with it.

Dear Scuz, Scripture tells us NOT to Judge anyone because we're all guilty ourselves. Scripture also tells us to "Try the Spirits" to see if they are of God or if they are false prophets. 1Jo 4:1 What I've noticed in my trying of his particular belief, and his CLAIM to be a "Celtic Christian" Minister, is that he seems to be ashamed to tell me whether or not he has been born again Spiritually.

WHY would a Christian Minister refuse to tell me of His denominational view? This is strange since HOW does he tell sinners to be saved from Hell? It makes me just a little leary of his Claims, so I am trying to give him an opportunity to explain, but he seem to still be hiding, or at least not giving me reason to change my view of his credibility. Why don't YOU tell us of the beliefs of his religion? Can you?

IF not, then WHY are you so interested in the questions I ask him? Could it be that YOU are trying to pick a fight? I could never believe that of you. God Bless you, my old buddy, my old friend. Have a nice Day. Just remember that the Judgment is also on the present 6th Day. Good luck.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Why don't you ask Billy Graham why he doesn't contribute some of that money of his to churches and good causes. After all, he IS worth 25 million dollars.;)

Dear Scuz, False, since they keep old Billy just shy of being a millionaire. Of course when everything else is supplied, as it should be, for the founder of ANY organization, which has produced so many millions of dollars and led many to Christ, why do you begrudge him what he has earned with a lifetime of effort? Don't you believe in the American way? I don't see you complaining about Donald Trump. God Bless you.

In Love,


Active Member
Dear Scuz, Scripture tells us NOT to Judge anyone because we're all guilty ourselves. Scripture also tells us to "Try the Spirits" to see if they are of God or if they are false prophets. 1Jo 4:1 What I've noticed in my trying of his particular belief, and his CLAIM to be a "Celtic Christian" Minister, is that he seems to be ashamed to tell me whether or not he has been born again Spiritually.

WHY would a Christian Minister refuse to tell me of His denominational view? This is strange since HOW does he tell sinners to be saved from Hell? It makes me just a little leary of his Claims, so I am trying to give him an opportunity to explain, but he seem to still be hiding, or at least not giving me reason to change my view of his credibility. Why don't YOU tell us of the beliefs of his religion? Can you?

IF not, then WHY are you so interested in the questions I ask him? Could it be that YOU are trying to pick a fight? I could never believe that of you. God Bless you, my old buddy, my old friend. Have a nice Day. Just remember that the Judgment is also on the present 6th Day. Good luck.

In Love,

He doesn't have to tell you anything.

You're the proud business owner of 20+ years that won't tell me the name of his business?

Is that because it doesn't exist? You're ashamed of it? You don't actually own it?

It's pretty easy to point the finger, huh?

Dear Scuz, False, since they keep old Billy just shy of being a millionaire. Of course when everything else is supplied, as it should be, for the founder of ANY organization, which has produced so many millions of dollars and led many to Christ, why do you begrudge him what he has earned with a lifetime of effort? Don't you believe in the American way? I don't see you complaining about Donald Trump. God Bless you.

In Love,

Because Donald Trump doesn't claim he lives his life for Christ.

He's honest about making the money for himself...

The same can not be said for Billy Graham...

A guy that is allegedly paying himself $40,000 a year somehow lives in a mansion?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear Scuz, Scripture tells us NOT to Judge anyone because we're all guilty ourselves. Scripture also tells us to "Try the Spirits" to see if they are of God or if they are false prophets. 1Jo 4:1 What I've noticed in my trying of his particular belief, and his CLAIM to be a "Celtic Christian" Minister, is that he seems to be ashamed to tell me whether or not he has been born again Spiritually.

WHY would a Christian Minister refuse to tell me of His denominational view? This is strange since HOW does he tell sinners to be saved from Hell? It makes me just a little leary of his Claims, so I am trying to give him an opportunity to explain, but he seem to still be hiding, or at least not giving me reason to change my view of his credibility. Why don't YOU tell us of the beliefs of his religion? Can you?

IF not, then WHY are you so interested in the questions I ask him? Could it be that YOU are trying to pick a fight? I could never believe that of you. God Bless you, my old buddy, my old friend. Have a nice Day. Just remember that the Judgment is also on the present 6th Day. Good luck.

In Love,
"Try the spirits" has nothing to do with the validity of mainstream denominations. The fact that I have standing in such a denomination should be enough to establish credibility -- that and having graduated with high honors from an accredited graduate seminary. I choose not to share specifics for reasons I've already given. You'll just have to live with my decision and try to debate as honestly and factually as you're capable of doing.


Bible Believer
"Try the spirits" has nothing to do with the validity of mainstream denominations. The fact that I have standing in such a denomination should be enough to establish credibility -- that and having graduated with high honors from an accredited graduate seminary. I choose not to share specifics for reasons I've already given. You'll just have to live with my decision and try to debate as honestly and factually as you're capable of doing.

Dear sojourner, I will try to be as nice as I can since I only know what I can look up. IF this is your group, it fits the definition of what many Mainline Denominations refer to as a cult since it was founded by men, instead of God. Like the Mormons and the JWs, I wouldn't call this a mainstream denomination.

The roots of the Celtic Christian Church go deep, and into the personal religious history of both Bishop Joseph Grenier, and Rev. Cait Finnegan. Some of their early personal history can be read on this website on other pages which highlight our foundation community or ministries, St. Ciarán's, as well as the page which tells about Our Presiding Bishop. Other influences in their lives include not only their families of origin, which were both devoutly Roman Catholic, but the circles surrounding them as they themselves began to follow Christ's call.

Do you agree? Or do I have the wrong group? God Bless you.

In Love,


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear sojourner, I will try to be as nice as I can since I only know what I can look up. IF this is your group, it fits the definition of what many Mainline Denominations refer to as a cult since it was founded by men, instead of God. Like the Mormons and the JWs, I wouldn't call this a mainstream denomination.

The roots of the Celtic Christian Church go deep, and into the personal religious history of both Bishop Joseph Grenier, and Rev. Cait Finnegan. Some of their early personal history can be read on this website on other pages which highlight our foundation community or ministries, St. Ciarán's, as well as the page which tells about Our Presiding Bishop. Other influences in their lives include not only their families of origin, which were both devoutly Roman Catholic, but the circles surrounding them as they themselves began to follow Christ's call.

Do you agree? Or do I have the wrong group? God Bless you.

In Love,
God doesn't "found churches." People establish denominations and independent congregations. There are not "churches" (plural). There is only THE church, found in a diversity of judicatory clothing. The church is the body of Christ, and was not "founded," but begotten. The Church continues in the apostles' teaching, the breaking of bread, and the prayers. Wherever there is a continuity of theological understanding and Traditional progression, there is the Church. Until you understand that, my denominational ties and standing are unimportant and not cogent to the topic at hand. If you poke around the forum a bit, it's fairly easy to establish those ties.


Bible Believer
God doesn't "found churches." People establish denominations and independent congregations. There are not "churches" (plural). There is only THE church, found in a diversity of judicatory clothing. The church is the body of Christ, and was not "founded," but begotten. The Church continues in the apostles' teaching, the breaking of bread, and the prayers. Wherever there is a continuity of theological understanding and Traditional progression, there is the Church. Until you understand that, my denominational ties and standing are unimportant and not cogent to the topic at hand. If you poke around the forum a bit, it's fairly easy to establish those ties.

Dear sojourner, The Church is the Body of Believers in Jesus Christ, the "called out" ones, the born again new creations in Christ, Spiritually. It's not on Earth but in Heaven for that is where Jesus is and the Body of Believers are with Him. You can't see the members who are still on Earth for they have not yet changed:

1Jo 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see him as He is.

Can you tell us your view of what Jesus will look like when He returns for the members of His body who are still on Earth when He returns at the Rapture? God Bless you.

In Love,


Active Member
Dear sojourner, I will try to be as nice as I can since I only know what I can look up. IF this is your group, it fits the definition of what many Mainline Denominations refer to as a cult since it was founded by men, instead of God. Like the Mormons and the JWs, I wouldn't call this a mainstream denomination.

The roots of the Celtic Christian Church go deep, and into the personal religious history of both Bishop Joseph Grenier, and Rev. Cait Finnegan. Some of their early personal history can be read on this website on other pages which highlight our foundation community or ministries, St. Ciarán's, as well as the page which tells about Our Presiding Bishop. Other influences in their lives include not only their families of origin, which were both devoutly Roman Catholic, but the circles surrounding them as they themselves began to follow Christ's call.

Do you agree? Or do I have the wrong group? God Bless you.

In Love,

But The Bible was written by men (as recent as the 1600s).

So, do you belong to a cult?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear sojourner, The Church is the Body of Believers in Jesus Christ, the "called out" ones, the born again new creations in Christ, Spiritually. It's not on Earth but in Heaven for that is where Jesus is and the Body of Believers are with Him. You can't see the members who are still on Earth for they have not yet changed:

1Jo 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see him as He is.

Can you tell us your view of what Jesus will look like when He returns for the members of His body who are still on Earth when He returns at the Rapture? God Bless you.

In Love,
I'm not a dispensationist, so the "rapture" is more myth than future prediction.
We see him in the face of every human being.


Heathen Humanist
Dear Readers, Today is still the 6th Creative Day or Age because God is STILL creating Humankind in His Image. We live today at Gen 1:27 and we will NOT advance to the PROPHECY of Gen 1:28-31 until AFTER Jesus returns at the end of the present Age, in the Creation of the perfect Heaven. When He does return, EVERY living creature will be changed into Vegetarians. Isaiah 11

That is because Genesis Chapter ONE is an outline of ALL of the rest of the Bible, and we came in, in the middle of the story. When the present 6th Day is done, ALL Christians will be safely in Heaven, Gen 2:1 and God's work of creating will ALL be finished or brought to perfection. After that, NO man can be born again Spiritually.

The other benefit in knowing what Genesis is actually teaching is that God's Truth completely REFUTES the False Theory of Evolutionism, while totally agreeing with EVERY discovery of Science and History. God Bless all of you.

In Love,

Anyone ever think "what if he's right"? Yea, me neither.


Bible Believer
I'm not a dispensationist, so the "rapture" is more myth than future prediction.
We see him in the face of every human being.

Dear sojourner, I didn't expect you to believe what God's Holy Word actually teaches, since you believe it's all just allegory anyway. Right? At least the parts you don't like? What will you say when you find that Scripture is the Literal Truth? Most modernists believe the same way you do, so you won't be alone. You can wave goodbye as the other Chrisiians rise into the sky. God Bless you.

In Love,