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Today is the 6th Creative Day, Scripturally


Bible Believer
Heck, I'll go even easier than that.
What's the scientific evidence that shows humans aren't from earth, and that we bred with a similar, but nonhuman race to become what we are.

Dear Awkward Fingers, The evidence is inside you for you have the Human intelligence of the FIRST Human, who lived and died on another world...AND...you also have the DNA and ERVs of prehistoric people who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes on this Planet, EXACTLY as God told us in Gen 6:4. God's Truth MUST agree with the discoveries of Science and History, or it is NOT God's Truth. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
I was going to give your challenge a shot here, but you scared me away by your threat of rebuke. Especially a rebuke in every way. After all, who in their right mind would take on someone who always wins the debate? Only a fool would set themselves up for such a beating. So, have a good day and be gentle with those of us who marvel at your intellect and fear your rebuke.

Dear Skwim, I refute people gently and kindly, and I have no great intellect, but I can read. The reason no one can refute me is that I support my views with God's Holy Word, and no one can refute His Truth. Want to try? God bless you.

In Love,


Coincidentia oppositorum
Dear Awkward Fingers, Science has discovered that we evolved from other people who lived before us. The False Theory of Evolution supposes that we evolved from animal to Human intelligence, NOT through the birthing process, but through magical lengths of time and numerous positive mutations, until we changed from animal to Human intelligence. Please don't ask them to repeat this since they CLAIM it only happened once, and can't be repeated, like Real Science is supposed to be able to do.

History shows that it took but ONE generation to change prehistoric people into people with the unique Human intelligence of Adam, whose intelligence was like God's. Gen 3:22 It happened some 10k years ago when the Ark arrived and brought the FIRST Humans to this Planet of the common ancestor of Apes. Today, all people on Planet Earth are Humans, with the DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes....AND....the unique intelligence of Adam, the common ancestor of ALL Humans.

Humans did NOT evolve from Apes, but our Human blood was contaminated with the blood of the common ancestor of Apes. It's because there were NO other Human women for Noah's grandsons to marry. The prehistoric people, who were here, when Noah arrived, produced children with Noah's Grandsons. Gen 10:10

The SAME thing happened on Adam's Earth when Cain married a woman who lived in the land of Nod and produced children. It's because the sons of God (prehistoric people) are identical physically with Humans, even though Humans were made long BEFORE prehistoric people began to come forth from the water 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time. Gen 2:4-7

This Truth is in total AGREEMENT with the discoveries of Science, but REFUTES the incomplete, untrue, False Assumption of the Theory of Evolution. Humans did NOT evolve from Apes since Humanity arrived on this Planet in an Ark. God Bless you.

In Love,
Dang! I was planning on writing a sci-fi book based on this idea already.

My idea was that they actually came from Mars, but originally from some other solar system. Anyway, when some nano-tech experiments on Mars went wrong, the whole planet was falling, being destroyed (flooded) by a nano-tech virus, Noah fled the planet to settle on Earth where there were compatible life, but no intelligence yet.

I think it would be a great story.


Veteran Member
Dear Skwim, I refute people gently and kindly, and I have no great intellect, but I can read. The reason no one can refute me is that I support my views with God's Holy Word, and no one can refute His Truth. Want to try? God bless you.

In Love,
Thing is, your refutation and its proof is only a success in your own mind. Believe me, few others would do anything more than than scoff at it. So as long as you cling to the inerrancy of your interpretation of your god's word few here are going to be giving you much more than the time of day. This isn't out of malice, but merely a reflection of the paucity of your argument. "Because my god says so" holds little if any weight here.


Lets work with facts, not opinion.

We agree that the following evidence-based facts about the origins and evolution of the Earth and of life on this planet have been established by numerous observations and independently derived experimental results from a multitude of scientific disciplines. Even if there are still many open questions about the precise details of evolutionary change, scientific evidence has never contradicted these results:
•In a universe that has evolved towards its present configuration for some 11 to 15 billion years, our Earth formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago.
•Since its formation, the Earth – its geology and its environments – has changed under the effect of numerous physical and chemical forces and continues to do so.
•Life appeared on Earth at least 2.5 billion years ago. The evolution, soon after, of photosynthetic organisms enabled, from at least 2 billion years ago, the slow transformation of the atmosphere to one containing substantial quantities of oxygen. In addition to the release of the oxygen that we breathe, the process of photosynthesis is the ultimate source of fixed energy and food upon which human life on the planet depends.
•Since its first appearance on Earth, life has taken many forms, all of which continue to evolve, in ways which palaeontology and the modern biological and biochemical sciences are describing and independently confirming with increasing precision. Commonalities in the structure of the genetic code of all organisms living today, including humans, clearly indicate their common primordial origin

IAP - IAP Statement on the Teaching of Evolution


Bible Believer
Dang! I was planning on writing a sci-fi book based on this idea already.

My idea was that they actually came from Mars, but originally from some other solar system. Anyway, when some nano-tech experiments on Mars went wrong, the whole planet was falling, being destroyed (flooded) by a nano-tech virus, Noah fled the planet to settle on Earth where there were compatible life, but no intelligence yet.

I think it would be a great story.

Dear Ouroboros, I suspect you are being facetious, but I agree that the Creation story, which is actually written, is the most interesting story I have ever read. Scripture shows that Adam's world, his entire Universe, his Biosphere, was totally and completly "clean dissolved" Isaiah 24:19 in the Flood. One idea is that Adam's world, being some 50 miles in diameter SANK in Lake Van, the largest Lake, in the mountains of Ararat, or in ALL of Turkey.

When you really understand the story of the Flood, you will realize How and When prehistoric man changed or evolved into today's Humans with the unique intelligence which ONLY Adam and God have, Gen 3:22 and it happened just 10k years ago, and History confirms God's Truth. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Lets work with facts, not opinion.

We agree that the following evidence-based facts about the origins and evolution of the Earth and of life on this planet have been established by numerous observations and independently derived experimental results from a multitude of scientific disciplines. Even if there are still many open questions about the precise details of evolutionary change, scientific evidence has never contradicted these results:
•In a universe that has evolved towards its present configuration for some 11 to 15 billion years, our Earth formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago.
•Since its formation, the Earth – its geology and its environments – has changed under the effect of numerous physical and chemical forces and continues to do so.
•Life appeared on Earth at least 2.5 billion years ago. The evolution, soon after, of photosynthetic organisms enabled, from at least 2 billion years ago, the slow transformation of the atmosphere to one containing substantial quantities of oxygen. In addition to the release of the oxygen that we breathe, the process of photosynthesis is the ultimate source of fixed energy and food upon which human life on the planet depends.
•Since its first appearance on Earth, life has taken many forms, all of which continue to evolve, in ways which palaeontology and the modern biological and biochemical sciences are describing and independently confirming with increasing precision. Commonalities in the structure of the genetic code of all organisms living today, including humans, clearly indicate their common primordial origin

IAP - IAP Statement on the Teaching of Evolution

Dear outhouse, I agree that you are teaching the SAME thing which Evols are Falsely teaching to little children, today. The creature, which evolution falsely teaches that Humans evolved from (common ancestor of Apes) is a totally and completely False Assumption. This is because the first Human, Adam, was made on the 3rd Day,the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our Cosmos, making it IMPOSSIBLE for Adam to have evolved from ANY creature which was NOT born until the last 10 Million years. Adam lived Billions of years BEFORE the present Earth was made. Gen 2:4-7 God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Thing is, your refutation and its proof is only a success in your own mind. Believe me, few others would do anything more than than scoff at it. So as long as you cling to the inerrancy of your interpretation of your god's word few here are going to be giving you much more than the time of day. This isn't out of malice, but merely a reflection of the paucity of your argument. "Because my god says so" holds little if any weight here.

Dear Skwim, Stick around a while and don't be too quick to Judge before you see that what I say is true. Soon, the Evols will run, and then the scientists, until we reach a point where No one is left with an argument against God's Truth, as written in Genesis.

BTW, The Scoffers of the last days (Evols) will ALWAYS be "willingly ignorant" that Adam's world was totally and completely destroyed in the Flood and that the present world will be Burned. ll Peter 3:3-7 It's because the knowledge of the Flood story absolutely REFUTES the False ToE, clearly and distinctly, and shows the Theory to be incomplete, untrue, and riddled with errors. God Bless you.

In Love,


Coincidentia oppositorum
Dear Ouroboros, I suspect you are being facetious, but I agree that the Creation story, which is actually written, is the most interesting story I have ever read.
I'm not being facetious. I'm actually were thinking about writing a sci-fi story about that.

Personally, I don't think the creation story is that amazing. It's great, but not anything like many other stories I've read.

Scripture shows that Adam's world, his entire Universe, his Biosphere, was totally and completly "clean dissolved" Isaiah 24:19 in the Flood. One idea is that Adam's world, being some 50 miles in diameter SANK in Lake Van, the largest Lake, in the mountains of Ararat, or in ALL of Turkey.

When you really understand the story of the Flood, you will realize How and When prehistoric man changed or evolved into today's Humans with the unique intelligence which ONLY Adam and God have, Gen 3:22 and it happened just 10k years ago, and History confirms God's Truth. God Bless you.

In Love,

The only problem with that is that the first Homo sapiens found are 195,000 years old. The Omo remains: Omo remains - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

H. sapiens used pictography and symbolism, even put flowers in the graves. Also, the Bible says that humans were intellectual and smart before the flood, so your hypothesis doesn't match physical evidence nor the Bible claims.


Bible Believer
I'm not being facetious. I'm actually were thinking about writing a sci-fi story about that.

Personally, I don't think the creation story is that amazing. It's great, but not anything like many other stories I've read.

The only problem with that is that the first Homo sapiens found are 195,000 years old. The Omo remains: Omo remains - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

H. sapiens used pictography and symbolism, even put flowers in the graves. Also, the Bible says that humans were intellectual and smart before the flood, so your hypothesis doesn't match physical evidence nor the Bible claims.

Der Ouroboros, I agree that Science has classified Humans as fully Human by some 195k years ago. The problem is that Science is studying the sons of God (prehistoric people) and NOT Humans. I define Humans as the descendants of the common ancestor of Humans, Adam, who was made with an intelligence like God's. Gen 3:22

Adam farmed with NO evolution, and Cain's descendants, which were part sons of God (prehistoric people) because Cain married and produced children with a woman whose ancestors had their origin was in the water on the 5th Day. Gen 1:21 That's 3.7 Billion years ago in man's time. Adam's superior intelligence had been passed to the children of Cain through a prehistoric Woman, or descendant of the sons of God, showing that Cain and prehistoric people LOOKED the same, and were compatible sexually. Gen 6:1-4 details this ability.

When Noah arrived on this Planet of people, whose common ancestor came forth from the water, his Grandsons had NO other Humans to marry. They married and spread Human intelligence throughout the rest of the present world, and the sons of God (prehistoric people) became the 7 Billion Humans alive on Planet Earth, Today. IOW, Prehistoric people and modern Humans are the SAME except prehistoric people did NOT have the UNIQUE intelligence which ONLY God and Adam have. Gen 3:22

In the last 1% of time, since prehistoric people diverged from Chimps, some 6 Million years ago, Humans have gone from Caves to the Moon and back safely. Can you tell me WHY the all knowing scientists and Evols don't seem to have noticed that event? Could it be because it happened exactly where Noah arrived on this Planet? In the mountains of Ararat? where the first Human cities appeared? where writing, math, city building and ALL of the traits of modern Humans first appeared? And HISTORY agrees?

What it reveals is that Noah was the FIRST Human to step foot on this Planet. He had arrived in a world of people who were created and brought forth from the Water, in TOTAL agreement with Science, on the 5th Day, from the water, Gen 1:21 and the process began on God's Command 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time. Haven't you read the story? It's told in it's Entirety in Genesis Chapter ONE. God Bless you.

In Love,


Evols are Falsely teaching to little children,

Some people will never know real education from mythology.

Most people listen to professors and take college classes and learn about the world they live in.

Some people choose to remain ignorant.


Bible Believer
Some people will never know real education from mythology.

Dear outhouse, I agree. Little children are currently being brain washed by Godless Evols who push their ignorant, unsupportable, fantasies upon them. Evols don't seem to know that it's against the Constitution to force such Lies upon children in the Public Schools. We, as a nation, should be ashamed.

Most people listen to professors and take college classes and learn about the world they live in.

Some people choose to remain ignorant.

Don't be too hard on Evols. Just because they wish to believe that they are nothing but evolved Apes, means that their self image is already badly tarnished. I believe we should help the poor and those who are still dead to God's Truth. God Bless you.

In Love,


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Dear Readers, Today is still the 6th Creative Day or Age because God is STILL creating Humankind in His Image. We live today at Gen 1:27 and we will NOT advance to the PROPHECY of Gen 1:28-31 until AFTER Jesus returns at the end of the present Age, in the Creation of the perfect Heaven. When He does return, EVERY living creature will be changed into Vegetarians. Isaiah 11

That is because Genesis Chapter ONE is an outline of ALL of the rest of the Bible, and we came in, in the middle of the story. When the present 6th Day is done, ALL Christians will be safely in Heaven, Gen 2:1 and God's work of creating will ALL be finished or brought to perfection. After that, NO man can be born again Spiritually.

The other benefit in knowing what Genesis is actually teaching is that God's Truth completely REFUTES the False Theory of Evolutionism, while totally agreeing with EVERY discovery of Science and History. God Bless all of you.

In Love,

That means, God has yet to rest which seems to contradict the accounts that He already rested on the seventh day.

On a more positive note, we can hope to get a hugely long weekend when He is finished and He commands us to keep the Sabbath:). On a more nagative note: no barbecues during this weekend. Bummer.

By the way, with all living creatures becoming vegetarians, do you include fungi and plants? Is cheese still allowed?


- viole
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Bible Believer
That means, God has yet to rest which seems to contradict the accounts that He already rested on the seventh day.

On a more positive note, we can hope to get a hugely long weekend when He is finished and He commands us to keep the Sabbath:). On a more nagative note: no barbecues during this weekend. Bummer.

By the way, with all living creatures becoming vegetarians, do you include fungi and plants? Is cheese still allowed?


- viole

Dear viole, God has NOT rested yet and He will NOT rest (Heb-CEASE) from ALL of His work of creating, Gen 2:2-3 until the last sinner to be saved, IS saved. Since it takes the AGREEMENT of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to "create", Gen 1:26 AND John 14:16 the ancient goatherder notion that God has Already ceased from ALL of His creating, in the past, is totally UnScriptural.

Jesus tells us that He and His Father continue to work up to the present time, Jhn 5:17 and the Church, with the help of the Holy Spirit, continues to help to bring mankind to Jesus Christ, since Jesus IS the Image of the invisible Spirit or Love, we call God. Col 1:15 IOW, mankind MUST be born again in order to enter God's rest which is FUTURE. Heb 4:9

God will NOT rest from ALL of His work of Creating until the "host of heaven" is complete and that includes the last sinner to be saved. God Bless you, and I hope this helps you to understand that Today IS the 6th Creative Day, the LAST Day of the 6 Creation Days, the Day of Salvation, for there is NO tomorrow, NO 7th Day, for unbelievers.

Gen 2:1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, (Heb-brought to perfection) and all the host of them.

God will rest when His Creation is made perfect and ALL of His children are safely in Heaven, and NOT before. Today remains the 6th Creative Day. We will NOT advance to the Prophecy of Gen 1:28-31 until AFTER Jesus comes back and changes ALL living creatures into Vegetarians. Gen 1:30 and Isaiah 11:7

In Love,


Little children are currently being brain washed by Godless Evols who push their ignorant, unsupportable, fantasies upon them.

STOP IT RIGHT NOW> Evolution is fact and supported, and the peole that understand it have a better education then you are showing.

Your not allowed to call people with different beliefs ignorant, when it is you! that shows the lack of knowledge here.

You had better be careful your skirting forum rules.

Mek a case if you have one, provide credible evidence if you have any. So fra you have opinion, biased at that.

Your bets bet is to take your arguements to the same faith section.


Bible Believer
Originally Posted by Aman777
Little children are currently being brain washed by Godless Evols who push their ignorant, unsupportable, fantasies upon them.

STOP IT RIGHT NOW> Evolution is fact and supported, and the peole that understand it have a better education then you are showing.

Dear outhouse, Do they know more than the Creator?

Your not allowed to call people with different beliefs ignorant, when it is you! that shows the lack of knowledge here.

You had better be careful your skirting forum rules.

Mek a case if you have one, provide credible evidence if you have any. So fra you have opinion, biased at that.

Your bets bet is to take your arguements to the same faith section.

Dear outhouse, I called Evols ignorant because they do NOT know that Humans were made on another world which was totally destroyed in the Flood. In the last days they will be "willingly ignorant" that Adam's world was totally destroyed in the Flood and that the present heavens and earth, will be burned. 2Pe 3:3-7

Today, they are just ignorant of this Fact, but soon, their precious ToE will be Publically refuted because of it's REJECTION of God's Holy Word. Until then, Evols will continue to make it up as they go, forgetting that Humans FIRST came to this Earth in an Ark.

Today, they force their False View, that Humans are nothing but evolved animals, upon our little children and wonder WHY the same kids shoot up the Schools. Help them to realize that they are ruining our children's lives with this False Theory, which is in bad need of being overhauled. God Bless you.

In Love,


called Evols ignorant because

there are no good reasons to talk down to a group of people on a topic YOU know nothing about.

YOU have no credibility. YOU are no one to tell a professor of biology he is in error.

Who do you think you are?


Bible Believer
there are no good reasons to talk down to a group of people on a topic YOU know nothing about.

YOU have no credibility. YOU are no one to tell a professor of biology he is in error.

Who do you think you are?

Dear outhouse, I'm a son of God and I understand what Scripture is teaching and God knows more than all the professors in the world put together, so don't talk down to me since men have NO credibility when compared to God's Truth. God Bless you.

In Love,