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Today is the 6th Creative Day, Scripturally


Dear outhouse, I'm a son of God and I understand what Scripture is teaching and God knows more than all the professors in the world put together, so don't talk down to me since men have NO credibility when compared to God's Truth. God Bless you.

In Love,

there are no good reasons to talk down to a group of people on a topic YOU know nothing about.

YOU have no credibility. YOU are no one to tell a professor of biology he is in error.

Who do you think you are?


Bible Believer
Yes I do.
There is no such thing as a creator at this point in time scientifically.

Do you have real credible evidence one exist? or just opinion?

Dear outhouse, I agree since many of today's scientists have REJECTED God's Truth and the Creator. That is WHY God set a Snare or Trap for them and their evil teaching which they are FORCING upon our little children in the Public Schools. Most people have NO idea what these Evols are doing and have No idea that they are teaching Satan's Lies. Here is a description of nature of their punishment, according to Jesus Christ:

Mar 9:42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in Me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

God Bless you.

In Love,


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Dear outhouse, I agree since many of today's scientists have REJECTED God's Truth and the Creator. That is WHY God set a Snare or Trap for them and their evil teaching which they are FORCING upon our little children in the Public Schools. Most people have NO idea what these Evols are doing and have No idea that they are teaching Satan's Lies. Here is a description of nature of their punishment, according to Jesus Christ:

Mar 9:42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in Me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

God Bless you.

In Love,

Wow, talk about "conspiracy theories"-- I think the above is in the lead thus far for 2014.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Dear viole, God has NOT rested yet and He will NOT rest (Heb-CEASE) from ALL of His work of creating, Gen 2:2-3 until the last sinner to be saved, IS saved. Since it takes the AGREEMENT of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to "create", Gen 1:26 AND John 14:16 the ancient goatherder notion that God has Already ceased from ALL of His creating, in the past, is totally UnScriptural.

Jesus tells us that He and His Father continue to work up to the present time, Jhn 5:17 and the Church, with the help of the Holy Spirit, continues to help to bring mankind to Jesus Christ, since Jesus IS the Image of the invisible Spirit or Love, we call God. Col 1:15 IOW, mankind MUST be born again in order to enter God's rest which is FUTURE. Heb 4:9

God will NOT rest from ALL of His work of Creating until the "host of heaven" is complete and that includes the last sinner to be saved. God Bless you, and I hope this helps you to understand that Today IS the 6th Creative Day, the LAST Day of the 6 Creation Days, the Day of Salvation, for there is NO tomorrow, NO 7th Day, for unbelievers.

Gen 2:1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, (Heb-brought to perfection) and all the host of them.

God will rest when His Creation is made perfect and ALL of His children are safely in Heaven, and NOT before. Today remains the 6th Creative Day. We will NOT advance to the Prophecy of Gen 1:28-31 until AFTER Jesus comes back and changes ALL living creatures into Vegetarians. Gen 1:30 and Isaiah 11:7

In Love,

I wonder why they stoned people for not holding a yet-to-happen Sabbath though.

But I am intrigued by Jesus turning everyone into vegetarians. I am not sure what plants think about the idea.

When we turn into spirits to be with Jesus, can we only hope to get spiritual Ceasar's salad?


- viole


Dear outhouse, I agree since many of today's scientists have REJECTED God's Truth and the Creator. That is WHY God set a Snare or Trap for them and their evil teaching which they are FORCING upon our little children in the Public Schools. Most people have NO idea what these Evols are doing and have No idea that they are teaching Satan's Lies. Here is a description of nature of their punishment, according to Jesus Christ:

Mar 9:42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in Me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

God Bless you.

In Love,

So you don't have anything to support your position?


Bible Believer
I wonder why they stoned people for not holding a yet-to-happen Sabbath though.

Dear viole, Because ancient Goatherder Theology didn't know that the Sabbath is Future. They thought God had already rested (Sabbathed). There are STILL people today, who teach this false ancient view.

But I am intrigued by Jesus turning everyone into vegetarians. I am not sure what plants think about the idea.

First, Plants don't think because they don't have a brain. Second, Jesus turns "every living creature" into a Vegetarian. Here is one account:

Isa 11:7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

When we turn into spirits to be with Jesus, can we only hope to get spiritual Ceasar's salad?

We don't turn into Spirits, we ARE Spirits, trapped in bodies of flesh. Some are good and will live forever and some are evil and will soon be burned. Mat 10:28 God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
So you don't have anything to support your position?

Dear outhouse, EVERYTHING which Scripture, Science, and History has learned agrees with God's Holy Word. I've also listed some secualar historical evidence which you have failed miserably to refute. Here it is again: Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

Did you plan to ignore this because it refutes the idea that prehistoric people were "fully human" 195k years ago? The above map shows that these "fully human" people never did evolve enough intelligence to grow themselves anything to eat. Human farming began in the valleys of Northern Mesopotamia, just out of the mountains of Ararat, some 10k years ago, in total agreement with Scripture and History.

Humans don't need Millions of years of Magical Evolution in order to plant seeds. We were made with a higher intelligence level than ANY other living creature, and which is like God's intelligence Gen 3:22 and NOT like the simple intelligence of Apes, as is Falsely being force taught to our little children in the Public Schools. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Wow, talk about "conspiracy theories"-- I think the above is in the lead thus far for 2014.

Dear metis, It's not a conspiracy theory but how God has confounded all knowing Evols with the Flood. The Snare or trap of the Flood catches the FALSE assumptions of the proclaimers of the False ToE and reveals that they are nothing but Satanic Lies. Since Noah and the FIRST Humans did NOT arrive on this Planet until some 10k years ago, the Lie that we evolved from Apes, is refuted Scripturally. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Such ludicrous drivel doesn't even rise to the level of 'conspiracy theory.'

Dear Jayhawker Soule, Then it should be EASY for you to refute me, SCRIPTURALLY but you CANNOT. IF you could, you would have done it already. Fool me and TRY, instead of Falsely accusing. God Bless you.

In Love,

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Dear metis, It's not a conspiracy theory but how God has confounded all knowing Evols with the Flood. The Snare or trap of the Flood catches the FALSE assumptions of the proclaimers of the False ToE and reveals that they are nothing but Satanic Lies. Since Noah and the FIRST Humans did NOT arrive on this Planet until some 10k years ago, the Lie that we evolved from Apes, is refuted Scripturally. God Bless you.

In Love,

Ah, I see what you've done. Well, it's interesting. It's unfortunate if you don't believe in dual interpretation, though, that doesn't leave much room for discussion.


Bible Believer
Ah, I see what you've done. Well, it's interesting. It's unfortunate if you don't believe in dual interpretation, though, that doesn't leave much room for discussion.

Dear disciple, I don't understand your term "dual interpretation" since there is but ONE Truth and that is God's Truth. Please explain what you mean. God Bless you.

In Love,

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Dear disciple, I don't understand your term "dual interpretation" since there is but ONE Truth and that is God's Truth. Please explain what you mean. God Bless you.

In Love,

Interpretation according to traditional method. If you think it's completely wrong, I just have to disagree. Dual interpretation meaning Scripture with dual meaning.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Dear metis, It's not a conspiracy theory but how God has confounded all knowing Evols with the Flood. The Snare or trap of the Flood catches the FALSE assumptions of the proclaimers of the False ToE and reveals that they are nothing but Satanic Lies. Since Noah and the FIRST Humans did NOT arrive on this Planet until some 10k years ago, the Lie that we evolved from Apes, is refuted Scripturally. God Bless you.

In Love,

Oh, so the ToE is based on "Satanic lies"? Well, it's pretty hard to argue with that. It's a shame that all those anthropologists (like myself), biologists, paleontologists, geneticists, etc. all believe in these "Satanic lies".

Just as a recommendation, please look for a new church as I was brought up in one that taught much the same as what you believe in. Again, this is just a recommendation.


Bible Believer
Oh, so the ToE is based on "Satanic lies"? Well, it's pretty hard to argue with that. It's a shame that all those anthropologists (like myself), biologists, paleontologists, geneticists, etc. all believe in these "Satanic lies".

Dear metis, The Satanic Lie is that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes, which is the False Assumption of the Theory of Evolution which is totally UnTrue, no matter how many "highly educated men" disagree with what God told us in Genesis....UNLESS you believe that men know more than God?

Just as a recommendation, please look for a new church as I was brought up in one that taught much the same as what you believe in. Again, this is just a recommendation.

Really? I've never heard of one which actually taught what it says in Genesis. The only place I can find this story is in Scripture. Have you ever read Genesis? God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Interpretation according to traditional method. If you think it's completely wrong, I just have to disagree. Dual interpretation meaning Scripture with dual meaning.

Dear disciple, Most people believe the flawed traditional religious story because they think that it is what Genesis says, which is NOT true. They believe the traditional story because it has been told for thousands of years and they've grown used to it.

A good example is the Fact that most people believe that God rested for some 24 hours, thousands of years ago and then went back to work and hasn't rested since. Some suppose that God got tired, but when you show them that God is a Spirit and Spirits don't get tired, they look at you like you're crazy because you don't accept the traditional religious view.

The actual reason why God rests at the end of the present 6th Day is that His work of Creation is over, for it has been Finished or brought to perfection, which is the end result of EVERYthing God makes. At the end of the 6th Day, God's creation of the perfect Heaven, the THIRD Heaven, will be finished and filled with ALL of the host of heaven, which includes ALL Christians, since we are destined to have dominion over every other living creature there. Now, the following verses will make better sense:

Gen 2:1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, (Heb-completed) and all the host (inhabitants) of them.

The perfect THIRD Heaven is completed and filled with ALL of the host of heaven, which will NOT be complete until ALL Christians are safely present in the 3rd Heaven.

Gen 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested (Heb-Shabbath-to Cease) on the seventh day from all His work (creating)which He had made.

God's Work is creating so when He rests or Ceases to Create from ALL of His Work, NO one can be created Spiritually after that, since God has already Ceased from ALL of His work of Creating.

Gen 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified (set apart) it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made.

End of Story. God rests from ALL of His work of creating because it has been brought to perfection during the 6 Creative Days. God CEASES to create and celebrates with His children for an Age of Joy, the 7th Day, the Great Sabbath, which has NO ending since it is Eternity. God Bless you.

In Love,

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
This still doesn't actually refute literal day creation.

And you had to go outside earth creation to justify the timeline.

We already know God created the 'heavens AND the Earth, so I'm just trying to figure out the purpose of your interpretation.


The Satanic Lie is that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes

This shows ignorance on the topic, and biased apologetics only founded in faith against knowledge and education.

We did not evolve from apes :facepalm: we evolved from a primate that was our common ancestor.

Why do you hate knowledge and education?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Dear metis, The Satanic Lie is that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes, which is the False Assumption of the Theory of Evolution which is totally UnTrue, no matter how many "highly educated men" disagree with what God told us in Genesis....UNLESS you believe that men know more than God?

I would suggest that no one, including you and I, knows that much about God. The issue with the creation accounts isn't that they're false but how they can be interpreted. Our approach in Judaism is to try and look at various interpretations, comment on them, but then leave it up to the individual Jew to discern for themselves what they think it says.

As far as scientific evidence is concerned, it appears very likely that we do have a common ancestor with the apes. A fairly recent find in Chad that dates back roughly 6 million years ago has so many ape/human characteristics that there's been a debate between us as to which it is more like and therefore how it should be classified. It's this kind of confusion that we expected to find the closer we got back to finding this common ancestor.

Really? I've never heard of one which actually taught what it says in Genesis. The only place I can find this story is in Scripture. Have you ever read Genesis?

Many, many times.


Bible Believer
I would suggest that no one, including you and I, knows that much about God. The issue with the creation accounts isn't that they're false but how they can be interpreted. Our approach in Judaism is to try and look at various interpretations, comment on them, but then leave it up to the individual Jew to discern for themselves what they think it says.

As far as scientific evidence is concerned, it appears very likely that we do have a common ancestor with the apes. A fairly recent find in Chad that dates back roughly 6 million years ago has so many ape/human characteristics that there's been a debate between us as to which it is more like and therefore how it should be classified. It's this kind of confusion that we expected to find the closer we got back to finding this common ancestor. {/quote]

Dear metis, How in the world do you get the idea that we evolved from the common ancestor of apes, since God tell us Specifically that He formed mankind of the dust of the ground? Genesis 2:7 Some will believe that you put more Faith in the False ToE than you do in God's Holy Word. When did you begin to believe in man's changable Theories instead of God's unchangable Truth? God Bless you.

In Love,