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Today is the 6th Creative Day, Scripturally


Bible Believer
This shows ignorance on the topic, and biased apologetics only founded in faith against knowledge and education.

We did not evolve from apes :facepalm: we evolved from a primate that was our common ancestor.

Why do you hate knowledge and education?

Dear Outhouse, Evolution is a Lie Scientifically since it cannot explain HOW Human intelligence got inside our Human bodies, apart from the birth process, since that is the way evolution is measured, within a population, over time.

Evolution is a Lie Historically because it Falsely assumes that Humans became fully Human some 195k years ago, thus ignoring the FACT that modern Human traits, such as farming, homebuilding, city building, math, writing and ALL other Human traits, came from the mountains of Ararat and can be traced to Noah. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

Evolution is a Lie Scripturally because God tells us that man was made long BEFORE any other living creature, Gen 2:4-7 making it Impossible for man to have evolved from the common ancestor of Apes.

Evolution is an Incomplete assumption since it Falsely assumes that the present Earth is where Humans first appeared, when God tells us we came from another world, which was destroyed in the Flood, in an Ark. For ALL of these reasons, we must immediately STOP forcing Evol' Lies upon our little children in the Public Schools. Teaching them that they are nothing but animals is pushing the weak minded over the edge and into mass murder of their peers. After more than 50 years of teaching Evol Lies to our children, we are just now beginning to see the full evil of teaching the Satanic Lie of Evolutionism. God Bless you.

In Love,


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Dear metis, How in the world do you get the idea that we evolved from the common ancestor of apes, since God tell us Specifically that He formed mankind of the dust of the ground? Genesis 2:7 Some will believe that you put more Faith in the False ToE than you do in God's Holy Word. When did you begin to believe in man's changable Theories instead of God's unchangable Truth? God Bless you.

In Love,

The question is how exactly did God create man and all in our universe, and that can be possibly answered in different ways, especially since allegory, metaphors, and parables permeate the scriptures. Let me give you another example.

In the early church, a debate arose as to whether Jesus' parables were based on real events or was Jesus using allegory? Some said that Jesus wouldn't lie, therefore the events depicted must have happened. However, the early church consensus of the bishops disagreed, essentially stating that it was not relevant whether the events were real since it's really the moral of the parables that's important.

The creation accounts make not much sense if taken literally when we compare it to what we now know about evolution. Therefore, you have to make a decision: is God such a fool that He defies the overwhelming evidence that He has laid down for us to see through science, or is God using allegory to teach us basic morals and values? Do you believe He's a fool, Aman?


Bible Believer
The question is how exactly did God create man and all in our universe, and that can be possibly answered in different ways, especially since allegory, metaphors, and parables permeate the scriptures. Let me give you another example.

In the early church, a debate arose as to whether Jesus' parables were based on real events or was Jesus using allegory? Some said that Jesus wouldn't lie, therefore the events depicted must have happened. However, the early church consensus of the bishops disagreed, essentially stating that it was not relevant whether the events were real since it's really the moral of the parables that's important.

The creation accounts make not much sense if taken literally when we compare it to what we now know about evolution. Therefore, you have to make a decision: is God such a fool that He defies the overwhelming evidence that He has laid down for us to see through science, or is God using allegory to teach us basic morals and values? Do you believe He's a fool, Aman?

Dear metis, No. People who change God's Truth into anything they wish it to be are the Fools. Here is the description of a Fool. Psa 14:1
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

I have noticed that people who cannot understand Scripture ALWAYS try to change it into ALL allegory, all fiction, all whatever they want it to be. I support what I write with the AGREEMENT of Scripture, Science, and History, but that is not accepted by those who had rather change Scripture into what THEY want it to say.

Many seek Fame and Money and Position by having itching ears and telling people what they want to hear. Such are those who are blind to God's Truth. God Bless you.

In Love,


Evolution is both fact and theory, and your view has no credible leg to stand on.

FAITH is not evidence

If you have evidence provide it. NOT FAITH


Dear metis, No. People who change God's Truth into anything they wish it to be are the Fools.

This is against forum rules. Your are not allowed to call names to those with different beliefs.

This also applies to you.

By what authority do you think you have, that you alone know what what is the truth????????

You dont have a biblical education do you?
You dont have a scientific education do you?
You dont have a historical education do you?

So what makes you think your literal interpretation is correct?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Dear metis, No. People who change God's Truth into anything they wish it to be are the Fools. Here is the description of a Fool. Psa 14:1
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

I have noticed that people who cannot understand Scripture ALWAYS try to change it into ALL allegory, all fiction, all whatever they want it to be. I support what I write with the AGREEMENT of Scripture, Science, and History, but that is not accepted by those who had rather change Scripture into what THEY want it to say.

Many seek Fame and Money and Position by having itching ears and telling people what they want to hear. Such are those who are blind to God's Truth. God Bless you.

I would suggest that it's foolish if one blindly believes in a book, no matter how good that book may be. I would also say that it is the dishonest and foolish if someone accuses others of saying something they never said. I don't call anyone a "fool", because it labels the entire person.
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Bible Believer
I would suggest that it's foolish if one blindly believes in a book, no matter how good that book may be. I would also say that it is the dishonest and foolish if someone accuses others of saying something they never said. I don't call anyone a "fool", because it labels the entire person.

Dear metis, It's God's Holy Word and I have posted empirical proof of such and you have been unable to refute His Holy Word. What you have begun to do is to IMPLY that I'm nuts to believe what God told us...or maybe a fool?...or maybe God's a fool?

From an earlier post: Metis:
The creation accounts make not much sense if taken literally when we compare it to what we now know about evolution. Therefore, you have to make a decision: is God such a fool that He defies the overwhelming evidence that He has laid down for us to see through science, or is God using allegory to teach us basic morals and values? Do you believe He's a fool, Aman?

Evolutionism has Falsely considered the evidence and come to an incomplete, untrue, assumption. They have NOT considered that Humans were made on another world, because they have REJECTED God's Truth, and being willingly IGNORANT of that Fact, have come up with a Fantasy Story, and forced it upon our little children for more than 50 years in the Public Schools. As the shooting increases, these Evol believers, will blame it on everything else BEFORE they realize that teaching little children that they are nothing but animals is Dangerous, since some become what you teach them.

Get ready for your precious ToE to be Publically Refuted because we live today in the last days as the Scoffers (Evols) prove. Read ll Peter 3:3-7 and see what Evol Bumpkins have Falsely assumed because they have fallen into the Trap God set with the Flood. God Bless you.

In Love,


Well-Known Member
Aman777 said:
As the shooting increases, these Evol believers, will blame it on everything else BEFORE they realize that teaching little children that they are nothing but animals is Dangerous, since some become what you teach them.
I'd like to see some evidence that shootings have anything to do with teaching evolution. What kind of scientific test could you run to tell if humans came from another world in the first place?
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They have NOT considered that Humans were made on another world


Because we have a very clear picture of how we evolved from a common primate ancestor.

There is no room for fantasy in the scientific evidence we have that shows where we came from.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Dear metis, It's God's Holy Word and I have posted empirical proof of such and you have been unable to refute His Holy Word. What you have begun to do is to IMPLY that I'm nuts to believe what God told us...or maybe a fool?...or maybe God's a fool?

Evolutionism has Falsely considered the evidence and come to an incomplete, untrue, assumption. They have NOT considered that Humans were made on another world, because they have REJECTED God's Truth, and being willingly IGNORANT of that Fact, have come up with a Fantasy Story, and forced it upon our little children for more than 50 years in the Public Schools. As the shooting increases, these Evol believers, will blame it on everything else BEFORE they realize that teaching little children that they are nothing but animals is Dangerous, since some become what you teach them.

Get ready for your precious ToE to be Publically Refuted because we live today in the last days as the Scoffers (Evols) prove. Read ll Peter 3:3-7 and see what Evol Bumpkins have Falsely assumed because they have fallen into the Trap God set with the Flood. God Bless you.

First of all, you in no way provided one shred of "empirical proof" of anything we've discussed, including your assertion that the Bible is "God's Holy Word".

Secondly, I did not call or imply that you or God are a "fool", so you're being quite dishonest about this. It was a question about your perception.

Thirdly, there is no such thing as "evolutionism" since it is neither a religion nor a philosophy. And to blame those who teach evolution as the cause of kids shooting up other kids is totally absurd. If this was even in the slightest bit logical, then countries with typically very low beliefs in God, such as the Scandinavian countries, would have the highest homicide rates worldwide, except they have the lowest.

Finally, if God murdered mankind in "the Flood", and you believe that literally, the congratulations on being a big supporter of what would likely have been the world's largest mass genocide-- and it was caused by "God"?


Bible Believer
First of all, you in no way provided one shred of "empirical proof" of anything we've discussed, including your assertion that the Bible is "God's Holy Word".

Dear metis, I'm sorry. You must have missed it. Below you will find empirical evidence of the arrival of the First Human Farmers on this Planet. Notice the Big Lake between Mt. Ararat and the Center of the Fertile Crescent. It's Lake Van, the biggest lake in the mountains of Ararat and in all of Turkey. What a convenient place to anchor a Big Covered Barge which is 450 feet long and 75 feet wide.

Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

Do you remember that Adam farmed with NO evolution? Do you know that the area just south of Lake Van is known as the Cradle of Human civilization on this Planet? Northern Mesopotamia is also the home of the FIRST Human cities on this Earth, the FIRST writing, math, and EVERY other Human trait was FIRST shown there...EXACTLY...where God tells us that Noah arrived in the Ark. HISTORY agrees, since it is an Empirical Historic Fact.

Secondly, I did not call or imply that you or God are a "fool", so you're being quite dishonest about this. It was a question about your perception.

Ok. I just wanted you to know how God defines a fool.

Thirdly, there is no such thing as "evolutionism" since it is neither a religion nor a philosophy. And to blame those who teach evolution as the cause of kids shooting up other kids is totally absurd. If this was even in the slightest bit logical, then countries with typically very low beliefs in God, such as the Scandinavian countries, would have the highest homicide rates worldwide, except they have the lowest.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Evolutionism was a widely held 19th century belief that organisms are intrinsically likely, over time, to increase in complexity through evolution.[1][2] The belief was extended to include cultural evolution and social evolution.[3] In the 1970s the term Neo-Evolutionism was used to describe the idea "that human beings sought to preserve a familiar style of life unless change was forced on them by factors that were beyond their control".[4]

Better look it up. I especially liked the article from Princeton University which also uses the term "evolutionists", which many Evols also deny.

Finally, if God murdered mankind in "the Flood", and you believe that literally, the congratulations on being a big supporter of what would likely have been the world's largest mass genocide-- and it was caused by "God"?

You are revealing that YOU think God murdered mankind, but that is NOT true to Scripture. What is true is that God destroyed the first world in the Flood because the violent people there were going to go extinct and it was the only way to save Humankind, which is destined to have dominion over every living creature.

The SAME thing is about to happen again and the ONLY thing which saves mankind from going extinct this time, is the Fact that Jesus will return to this lost and dying world to save us. Jesus told us:

Mat 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

NO Flesh, which means that EVERYthing is about to go extinct unless Jesus returns. Could Armageddon be starting in the Middle East Today? Have you noticed that Iraq, Iran, Syria, and all the places that are on the Map of the Fertile Crescent are in the SAME area which is already at War Today? God Bless you.

In Love,


What is true is that God destroyed the first world in the Flood

If that were true. :facepalm:

It would mean he murdered every innocent man, woman, and child on the planet. :eek:

Including all the innocent animals :(

But like all of your post and replies, you only provide faith for evidence. :slap:


Dear Readers, Expect such foolishness

last warning dude.

Your not allowed to call people names here. YOU are no judge. Your just another biased apologist, going against all modern education and science due to your religious belief.

You have substantiated nothing here, and opinion, while free! has guidelines you need to follow.

defeated by God's Holy Word,

How am I defeated :jester3: because I know the bible better then you do?

they are standing before Jesus

The Galilean man who died over 2000 years ago, probably never heard the word Jesus called to him. :facepalm:

Since I dont speak Aramaic, I guess I wont have to listen very long :beach:


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Isn't it a shame that some profess to believe in Jesus and yet the ignore "Judge ye not or ye shall be judged..."?


Bible Believer
Isn't it a shame that some profess to believe in Jesus and yet the ignore "Judge ye not or ye shall be judged..."?

Dear metis, It's also a shame that those who spend their lives fighting against Jesus do the SAME. Especially those who don't get their quotes right: Mat 7:1Judge not, that ye be not judged.

Do you look forward to being Judged? Can you tell us HOW to skip that embarrassment? I seriously doubt it, since so far, all I have seen is disagreement with God and His Holy Word. God Bless you.

In Love,


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Dear metis, It's also a shame that those who spend their lives fighting against Jesus do the SAME. Especially those who don't get their quotes right: Mat 7:1Judge not, that ye be not judged.

Do you look forward to being Judged? Can you tell us HOW to skip that embarrassment? I seriously doubt it, since so far, all I have seen is disagreement with God and His Holy Word. God Bless you.

In Love,

It figures that your approach would be so dishonest as to ignore what I was stating while failing to recognize that I was basically paraphrasing Jesus (I used to quotes to make certain that you would realize that the words paraphrased were from Jesus and not my invention).

You have been so disingenuous so as to avoid answering my question whereas you judge people even though Jesus tells you not to. But then you continue that with another, namely that my posts reflect me supposedly being in "disagreement with God", as if somehow you speak for God.

Do you just believe about Jesus but not in him, such as one of the "goats" in Matthew 25? Why would you ignore him and then judge others as you have done?
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Bible Believer
It figures that your approach would be so dishonest as to ignore what I was stating while failing to recognize that I was basically paraphrasing Jesus (I used to quotes to make certain that you would realize that the words paraphrased were from Jesus and not my invention).

Dear metis, I believe you. It was probably just after you got back from Polar Bear Hunting with a stick. Right?

You have been so disingenuous so as to avoid answering my question whereas you judge people even though Jesus tells you not to. But then you continue that with another, namely that my posts reflect me supposedly being in "disagreement with God", as if somehow you speak for God.

It's because of your constant false accusations. You are aware that Satan falsely accuses the brethren all the day long. Aren't you? Rev 12:10 I know nothing about YOU except what you have revealed through this communication.
Do you just believe about Jesus but not in him, such as one of the "goats" in Matthew 25? Why would you ignore him and then judge others as you have done?

I believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the Faith which the Father mercifully gave me, according to the Scriptures and that Gospel IS the Power of God unto Salvation, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Jesus is inside me through the Holy Spirit which means that He is my shepherd and not Satan as you so falsely imply.

I judge NO man, since I cannot see into their heart, but I can read and understand what others tell me about themselves. Just as God reveals Himself in Scripture, every person on these boards reveal themselves through their posts. God Bless you.

In Love,