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Today is the 6th Creative Day, Scripturally


Active Member
Dear sojourner, I didn't expect you to believe what God's Holy Word actually teaches, since you believe it's all just allegory anyway. Right? At least the parts you don't like? What will you say when you find that Scripture is the Literal Truth? Most modernists believe the same way you do, so you won't be alone. You can wave goodbye as the other Chrisiians rise into the sky. God Bless you.

In Love,

Most Christians also know that God didn't write The Bible.

We can prove that God didn't....

But you CANNOT prove that God did.

All you can do is spew nonsense and how you've been able to figure it out...

But no one else has. Guess you're the only one going to Heaven!



Bible Believer
Most Christians also know that God didn't write The Bible.

We can prove that God didn't....

But you CANNOT prove that God did.

All you can do is spew nonsense and how you've been able to figure it out...

But no one else has. Guess you're the only one going to Heaven!


Dear Scuz, As usual, you get things backward and opposite of God's Truth. It's the UnBelievers who will be cast into Outer Darkness to be Alone with SELF forever.

Mat 25:30And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

It's one of the best reasons i know for going to Heaven. We won't have to be alone to think of what we missed, and how wrong we were about everything, forever with only Self. God Bless you.

In Love,


Active Member
Dear Scuz, As usual, you get things backward and opposite of God's Truth. It's the UnBelievers who will be cast into Outer Darkness to be Alone with SELF forever.

Mat 25:30And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

It's one of the best reasons i know for going to Heaven. We won't have to be alone to think of what we missed, and how wrong we were about everything, forever with only Self. God Bless you.

In Love,

Again, God didn't write The Bible...

I can PROVE that outside of scripture.

Can you prove otherwise outside of scripture?

No. You've been refuted. You lose. You can ignore me AGAIN.


Bible Believer
Again, God didn't write The Bible...

I can PROVE that outside of scripture.

Can you prove otherwise outside of scripture?

No. You've been refuted. You lose. You can ignore me AGAIN.

Dear Scuz, Sure I can...UNLESS...you can explain HOW ancient men who lived more than 3k years ago KNEW and Wrote the following in Genesis:

1. That we live in a Multiverse composed of at least 3 Heaven or Universes Gen 1:6-8 and Gen 2:4 The Europeans are confirming this Scientifically THIS year.
2. That the Big Bang was on the THIRD Day Gen 2:4 and the FIrst Stars did not put forth their light until the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16 Science confirmed this in 2011.
3. That "every living creature that moves" was created and brought forth from the water on the FIFTH Day. Gen 1:21

That is a good place to start UNLESS you strike out. Good luck. God Bless you.

In Love,


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear sojourner, I didn't expect you to believe what God's Holy Word actually teaches, since you believe it's all just allegory anyway. Right? At least the parts you don't like? What will you say when you find that Scripture is the Literal Truth? Most modernists believe the same way you do, so you won't be alone. You can wave goodbye as the other Chrisiians rise into the sky. God Bless you.

In Love,
Don't bother preaching to me and coming off as all knowledgeable and holier-than-thou. If you want to engage your little fantasy that you understand the bible, go right ahead. But don't try to involve me in your psychosis.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear Scuz, Sure I can...UNLESS...you can explain HOW ancient men who lived more than 3k years ago KNEW and Wrote the following in Genesis:

1. That we live in a Multiverse composed of at least 3 Heaven or Universes Gen 1:6-8 and Gen 2:4 The Europeans are confirming this Scientifically THIS year.
2. That the Big Bang was on the THIRD Day Gen 2:4 and the FIrst Stars did not put forth their light until the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16 Science confirmed this in 2011.
3. That "every living creature that moves" was created and brought forth from the water on the FIFTH Day. Gen 1:21

That is a good place to start UNLESS you strike out. Good luck. God Bless you.

In Love,
"Multiverse" and "big bang" do not appear in the texts. This is pure fantasy, trying to be passed off as exegesis. Perhaps you'd be better off playing Pokemon? Just a suggestion.


Bible Believer
"Multiverse" and "big bang" do not appear in the texts. This is pure fantasy, trying to be passed off as exegesis. Perhaps you'd be better off playing Pokemon? Just a suggestion.

Dear sojourner, Neither is the word Rapture. Is that why you can't explain what a "calling out" means? What I would suggest is that you tell us the Coptic Christian view of the Creation. Is it the same as the Goatherders view? Don't be ashamed of your group's teaching. Tell us of it, unless you are afraid we might laugh. God Bless you.

In Love,


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear sojourner, Neither is the word Rapture. Is that why you can't explain what a "calling out" means? What I would suggest is that you tell us the Coptic Christian view of the Creation. Is it the same as the Goatherders view? Don't be ashamed of your group's teaching. Tell us of it, unless you are afraid we might laugh. God Bless you.

In Love,
I don't give a tinker's dam about the "rapture." The events are a vision -- a dream -- symbolic.

And let's not drag any more into the creation argument than you have already tortured with your illogical and unfounded gymnastics.


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
Dear Readers, Today is still the 6th Creative Day or Age because God is STILL creating Humankind in His Image. We live today at Gen 1:27 and we will NOT advance to the PROPHECY of Gen 1:28-31 until AFTER Jesus returns at the end of the present Age, in the Creation of the perfect Heaven. When He does return, EVERY living creature will be changed into Vegetarians. Isaiah 11

That is because Genesis Chapter ONE is an outline of ALL of the rest of the Bible, and we came in, in the middle of the story. When the present 6th Day is done, ALL Christians will be safely in Heaven, Gen 2:1 and God's work of creating will ALL be finished or brought to perfection. After that, NO man can be born again Spiritually.

The other benefit in knowing what Genesis is actually teaching is that God's Truth completely REFUTES the False Theory of Evolutionism, while totally agreeing with EVERY discovery of Science and History. God Bless all of you.

In Love,

Oh my.

My I have your iPhone before the "second coming" then?


Since "science" is a lie, you won't miss it. I promise. I have a microwave oven, so leave that voodoo mysticism to anyone left behind. :)


Bible Believer
I don't give a tinker's dam about the "rapture." The events are a vision -- a dream -- symbolic.

And let's not drag any more into the creation argument than you have already tortured with your illogical and unfounded gymnastics.

Dear Sojourner, Would your leaders approve of your language, no matter how hard you try to cover your rear end by leaving an "n" off of dam? What I'm trying to show you is that Genesis Chapter ONE is the entire History of the Creation including events which are FUTURE to 2014. Can you refute me? Of course NOT since that is what is Written and your teachers failed to notice.

Show them and then duck. It's the Dolly Parton theory. If you think you've got something to say, then stand up and say it, and then duck. God Bless you.

In Love,


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear Sojourner, Would your leaders approve of your language, no matter how hard you try to cover your rear end by leaving an "n" off of dam? What I'm trying to show you is that Genesis Chapter ONE is the entire History of the Creation including events which are FUTURE to 2014. Can you refute me? Of course NOT since that is what is Written and your teachers failed to notice.

Show them and then duck. It's the Dolly Parton theory. If you think you've got something to say, then stand up and say it, and then duck. God Bless you.

In Love,
No. It's not. The creation myths are liter from earlier Sumerian myths. They're not prophetic, so they don't speak to 2014. And it's not written that way; that's what you're inferring.

And the Tinker's Dam is spelled correctly. It's a thing, not a curse. You need to go back to school and learn literature and language.


Active Member
Dear Scuz, Sure I can...UNLESS...you can explain HOW ancient men who lived more than 3k years ago KNEW and Wrote the following in Genesis:

1. That we live in a Multiverse composed of at least 3 Heaven or Universes Gen 1:6-8 and Gen 2:4 The Europeans are confirming this Scientifically THIS year.
2. That the Big Bang was on the THIRD Day Gen 2:4 and the FIrst Stars did not put forth their light until the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16 Science confirmed this in 2011.
3. That "every living creature that moves" was created and brought forth from the water on the FIFTH Day. Gen 1:21

That is a good place to start UNLESS you strike out. Good luck. God Bless you.

In Love,

That's easy to answer. They didn't know anything that you claim they did.

1. Where does it say that we live in a multiverse? Oh, wait. Are you assuming that because heavens is plural that it means more than one? You do know that in Hebrew, heavens means "heights." Quit making stuff up.

2. So, let me get this straight. For thousands of years this is never mentioned and once science comes up with (and provides evidence for) the Big Bang, you come in and say "OH! That must be what happened in Genesis since what is clearly stated in the Bible doesn't make sense." That's probably the weakest and most illogical argument I've ever heard. On top of that, Genesis 2:4 says nothing of the sort. As usual, you're grasping at straws.

3. Genesis 1:21 doesn't say that at all. God created the sea creatures and birds separately. Nowhere does it say that they have anything to do with each other. Once again, you're making things up. Please stop.

Can you explain to me how "ancient men" thought that insects had four legs instead of six?

Or how "ancient men" thought bats were birds?


Dear Sojourner, Would your leaders approve of your language, no matter how hard you try to cover your rear end by leaving an "n" off of dam? What I'm trying to show you is that Genesis Chapter ONE is the entire History of the Creation including events which are FUTURE to 2014. Can you refute me? Of course NOT since that is what is Written and your teachers failed to notice.

Show them and then duck. It's the Dolly Parton theory. If you think you've got something to say, then stand up and say it, and then duck. God Bless you.

In Love,

Do you think your "leaders" would approve of you twisting around what's in The Bible?

I'm pretty sure it's a safe bet that you don't regularly attend any church though, right?



Bible Believer
Originally Posted by Aman777
Dear Scuz, Sure I can...UNLESS...you can explain HOW ancient men who lived more than 3k years ago KNEW and Wrote the following in Genesis:

1. That we live in a Multiverse composed of at least 3 Heaven or Universes Gen 1:6-8 and Gen 2:4 The Europeans are confirming this Scientifically THIS year.
2. That the Big Bang was on the THIRD Day Gen 2:4 and the FIrst Stars did not put forth their light until the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16 Science confirmed this in 2011.
3. That "every living creature that moves" was created and brought forth from the water on the FIFTH Day. Gen 1:21

That is a good place to start UNLESS you strike out. Good luck. God Bless you.

That's easy to answer. They didn't know anything that you claim they did.

Dear Scuz, That's not an answer but a dodge designed to insult everyone's intelligence who is following this thread. This is extremely clear from your other words in this post:

1. Where does it say that we live in a multiverse? Oh, wait. Are you assuming that because heavens is plural that it means more than one? You do know that in Hebrew, heavens means "heights." Quit making stuff up.

Gen 1:6-8 shows that the first Heaven was made the 2nd Day.
Gen 2:4 shows that Other HeavenS were made on the 3rd Day.

Can you add one plus at least 2 more? IF you can, then you have Scriptural PROOF that God made 3 HeavenS (Plural). Don't you? A simple yes or no will do. Anything else will be nothing more than sour grapes, on your part. Strike one.

2. So, let me get this straight. For thousands of years this is never mentioned and once science comes up with (and provides evidence for) the Big Bang, you come in and say "OH! That must be what happened in Genesis since what is clearly stated in the Bible doesn't make sense." That's probably the weakest and most illogical argument I've ever heard. On top of that, Genesis 2:4 says nothing of the sort. As usual, you're grasping at straws.

Our Cosmos began some 13.7 Billion years ago, which God tells us was on the THIRD Day, Gen 2:4 and the lighting of the FIRST Stars was on the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16

This PROVES that NO ancient goatherder wrote Genesis, for ONLY God knew the time when our world was made and when the first Stars lit up. What is important is that this imformation has been in front of all knowing Evols for hundreds of years, and NONE of them has recognized God's Truth. It's because they have been to busy REJECTING God's Truth in favor of their own False Theories. Can you tell us WHEN modern Science learned that the first Stars didn't light up until Hundreds of Millions of years AFTER the BB? Was it 1895? 1950? or 2011? Strike 2.

3. Genesis 1:21 doesn't say that at all. God created the sea creatures and birds separately. Nowhere does it say that they have anything to do with each other. Once again, you're making things up. Please stop.

It's probably because of your "alterered" version of a paraphrased version of Scripture, written by men who wanted a Bible which agreed with their Cult's religion.

Heres the verse which shows that you and your paraphrased version of Scirpture, are both confused:

Gen 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after Their kind, and every winged fowl after His kind: and God saw that it was good.

Science has confirmed the SAME thing since the FIRST life, on our Planet, came from the water beginning some 3.7 Billion years ago. Notice that this includes EVERY living creature including Birds and EVERY other living creature. Find yourself a KJV version of Scripture to avoid future Errors. Strike 3.

Can you explain to me how "ancient men" thought that insects had four legs instead of six?

Or how "ancient men" thought bats were birds?

It probaby has to do with HOW Christ classified His own creations instead of How men have assumed their own changable classification system. A good example is IF Christ classified bats and birds as "Flying Creatures", then they are the Same Kind. Aren't they? Ask Him when you stand before Him to be Judged. God Bless you.

BTW, you struck out and more. :clap Do you think you will ever get on base? God Bless you.

In Love,


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aman777
Dear Scuz, Sure I can...UNLESS...you can explain HOW ancient men who lived more than 3k years ago KNEW and Wrote the following in Genesis:

1. That we live in a Multiverse composed of at least 3 Heaven or Universes Gen 1:6-8 and Gen 2:4 The Europeans are confirming this Scientifically THIS year.
2. That the Big Bang was on the THIRD Day Gen 2:4 and the FIrst Stars did not put forth their light until the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16 Science confirmed this in 2011.
3. That "every living creature that moves" was created and brought forth from the water on the FIFTH Day. Gen 1:21

That is a good place to start UNLESS you strike out. Good luck. God Bless you.

Dear Scuz, That's not an answer but a dodge designed to insult everyone's intelligence who is following this thread. This is extremely clear from your other words in this post:

Gen 1:6-8 shows that the first Heaven was made the 2nd Day.
Gen 2:4 shows that Other HeavenS were made on the 3rd Day.

Can you add one plus at least 2 more? IF you can, then you have Scriptural PROOF that God made 3 HeavenS (Plural). Don't you? A simple yes or no will do. Anything else will be nothing more than sour grapes, on your part. Strike one.

Our Cosmos began some 13.7 Billion years ago, which God tells us was on the THIRD Day, Gen 2:4 and the lighting of the FIRST Stars was on the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16

This PROVES that NO ancient goatherder wrote Genesis, for ONLY God knew the time when our world was made and when the first Stars lit up. What is important is that this imformation has been in front of all knowing Evols for hundreds of years, and NONE of them has recognized God's Truth. It's because they have been to busy REJECTING God's Truth in favor of their own False Theories. Can you tell us WHEN modern Science learned that the first Stars didn't light up until Hundreds of Millions of years AFTER the BB? Was it 1895? 1950? or 2011? Strike 2.

It's probably because of your "alterered" version of a paraphrased version of Scripture, written by men who wanted a Bible which agreed with their Cult's religion.

Heres the verse which shows that you and your paraphrased version of Scirpture, are both confused:

Gen 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after Their kind, and every winged fowl after His kind: and God saw that it was good.

Science has confirmed the SAME thing since the FIRST life, on our Planet, came from the water beginning some 3.7 Billion years ago. Notice that this includes EVERY living creature including Birds and EVERY other living creature. Find yourself a KJV version of Scripture to avoid future Errors. Strike 3.

It probaby has to do with HOW Christ classified His own creations instead of How men have assumed their own changable classification system. A good example is IF Christ classified bats and birds as "Flying Creatures", then they are the Same Kind. Aren't they? Ask Him when you stand before Him to be Judged. God Bless you.

BTW, you struck out and more. :clap Do you think you will ever get on base? God Bless you.

In Love,

So, I take it you don't regularly attend church? Thanks for ignoring that part.

As for the rest of your babble, it's apparent that you don't understand The Bible.

No on agrees with you. Not on this forum, not on the other forums you go on.

It's not because everyone but you is an Atheist.

It's because you are mentally handicapped. No offense...


I'm done responding to you in this thread, period.

Not because you are right....but because you're delusional and hard-headed.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Ooh! Do I hear marbles being picked up and people going home? Soon the playground will be void of playmates, and there remains only a solitary, ineffectual "prophet," spitting his flotsam into the wind...

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Ooh! Do I hear marbles being picked up and people going home? Soon the playground will be void of playmates, and there remains only a solitary, ineffectual "prophet," spitting his flotsam into the wind...
Sometimes the proper response is just to ignore it. Nothing you are going to say to this person will be helpful in anyway.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
...Aaaaand, then there was one. Thundering his petty postulations into the ether... signifying nothing...


Bible Believer
...Aaaaand, then there was one. Thundering his petty postulations into the ether... signifying nothing...

Dear sojourner, Quit being so hard on yourself. It is truly fascinating to see someone who claims to be a Seminary Graduate and a Celtic Christian preacher who knows so little about God's Holy Word. Have you had time to ask one of your teachers HOW to be saved Scripturally? God Bless you.

In Love,