I totally agree - we can't have time-wasting on the internet! Okay, atheists: back to Farmville and World of Warcraft!Hey everyone,
Has anyone noticed how many Atheists there are on these forums? I feel that outnumber the spiritual / religious / whatever people by many. I don't understand why an Atheist would join a religious forum if they were proud and had no intentions of searching for themselves. I just don't see how its a good use of time to be a proud and staunch Atheist and then frequent these forums. Just a thought, what are yours?
But seriously... is the position of these atheists that much different from your own? Did you come here to shop around for a new religion? If not, then why would you expect it of the atheists here?
You say that as if those two things are mutually exclusive.Not too many atheists, but too much interest in finding ways to challenge religion, rather than learn about it.
Personally, I learn quite a bit by getting into a heavy debate and seeing where my arguments fall short.