First of all, let's assume our biggest concern is that there should be fair elections in Egypt. Let's consider the current President of Egypt, and the Muslim Brotherhood. Clearly, the one we should be most worried about is the one that has power now, that is actually preventing fair elections and has been doing this for many years, not the one that is out of power and MIGHT prevent fair elections in the future.
Mr Spinkles,i'm all for fairness,perhaps the Muslim Brotherhood will be fair and give the Coptic Christians a head start before they attack them.
And yet it seems to me most Westerners are far more worried about the unfair elections that MIGHT happen under the mysterious and scary Muslim Brotherhood, than the actual unfairness that has been going on for years, and continues,
with our support! In a typical year we give the Egyptian government around $1 billion dollars, much of that money must go to weapons, economic or social programs, intelligence and propaganda programs that strengthen the Egyptian president and therefore
prevent fair elections from happening.
I agree,it sucks and i really would like to see fair elections in Egypt but at the moment i fear it is the lesser of two evils.
Secondly, you say you are worried because their aim is to create an Islamic state. The reformists in Iran want to create an Islamic state too, they shout "God is great!" from the rooftops. Their entire motivation is to ensure that elections are fair and yet they clearly do not want to get rid of the Islamic character of their government. Much of the anti-Taliban movement in Afghanistan wanted to create an Islamic state and we in the West were overjoyed when they voted on the Afghan constitution which explicitly says they are an Islamic state. Clearly, not all Islamic states are the same, it is possible to have fair elections, and a democratic Islamic state is certainly better than a secular dictatorship.
This is different
Badee: We will continue on Qutb's path to reform.
Badee: Contrary to beliefs Qutb was a peaceful reformist.
Qutbs path is shared by Hamas and others,i think you know whats in Hamas's charter so i won't post it but if the MB ever get power effluent will certainly hit the Fan.
It's ridiculous to say we must continue to have unfair elections, and it must continue to be illegal if you have "anti-government literature", because if we have fair elections and freedom of expression one party MIGHT get total control, and if that happens they MIGHT make the elections unfair again. You could use that reasoning to justify any dictatorship, there will always be opponents of any regime who would like to grab power for themselves. You could have used that reasoning to justify a dictatorship in the U.S. to prevent the Ku Klux Klan from winning too much influence in the Congress, which it did, or to prevent the KKK from completely hijacking democracy and preventing fair elections, which it did for decades.
This isn't about making the elections unfair,i'm all for freedom of expression and it would be great if the people of Egypt could have such freedom and i sincerely hope that this happens,im surprised that the Presidentcy has lasted this long.
I want to see the principles of the Brotherhood as they stand today, not what was written years ago, although I would also be interested in reading "Milestones".
Milestones does stand for what the Brotherhood is today,i must say it was very enlightening to read and reminicent of Mein Campf.